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Quitti November 21st, 2009 03:56 PM

Fractures - LA Game. And we're done!
The game is now finished. Mictlan won it.

What we have here is all 21 nations late-age game. You might as well roleplay your nation if you want to, but you don't have to. I'm also hoping that you don't bring over too many grudges from other games to this one. And the same goes into exporting them from here - what happens here, should stay here.

Game will end when someone can make a verifiable claim of owning at least 7 capitals for 3 consecutive turns, or if all of the remaining players declare one of the players a winner. For further info, see this post.

Mods: CBM 1.6, Streamers & Standards, Magic Site Mod
Restrictions: Ermor and R'lyeh restricted to newer players, should they be picked
Map: Glory of Gods with slightly balanced starting points.
Magic sites at 50 (to encourage magic use)
Diplomacy: Machiavellian. If you can get away with it and you benefit greatly from it, do it. No restrictions on trading/pacts/etc.
HoF entries: 15, renaming on as is normal.
Turns start at 27h, go to 52h from there and if needed, longer.
All other settings as base game. The game is on Llamaserver. You can find how-to use it here.
The game status itself can be found here.


Abysia - Trumanator
Agartha - Herrmeister
Arcoscephale - qui
Atlantis - Squirreloid
Bogarus - Louppatient
Caelum - LoloMo
C'tis - Juffos
Ermor - Stagger Lee
Gath - ghoul31
Jomon - Danakh
Man - Maerlande
Marignon - Raiel
Mictlan - vfb
Midgård - Caerun
Patala - Isokron
Pangaea - rtyffg
Pythium - Ossa
R'lyeh - Ink
T'ien Ch'i - Graeme Dice
Ulm - Quitti (Game admin)
Utgård - Alpine Joe

If you have any questions, you can PM me or post into this thread. If you want an extension, contact me with plenty of time left before hosting, as time differences can mean that I'm asleep or doing something complitely different few hours before the host.

Trumanator November 21st, 2009 04:10 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
Frankly, I just think that Ermor should be banned if there's going to be any noobs, as inevitably you end up with BS like in Setsumi or Ruby.

Quitti November 21st, 2009 04:15 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
I doubt the "inevitably" -part, as it's restricted to a newer player.

Ferrosol November 21st, 2009 04:15 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
I will take pythium

Herrmeister November 21st, 2009 04:18 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
I'll take Agartha. I'm going to be delightfully surprised if I'm not the first one eliminated.

Ferrosol November 21st, 2009 04:26 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!

Originally Posted by Herrmeister (Post 719072)
I'll take Agartha. I'm going to be delightfully surprised if I'm not the first one eliminated.

Agartha is pretty good in LA you get strong battlefield magics (bladewinds skelly spam shadow blast fire stuff) and cave drakes for early expansion. your main problems are your old age mages can't hit the broad side of a barn and your infantry is both crap and expensive.

Trumanator November 21st, 2009 04:28 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
I'll take Aby.

Juffos November 21st, 2009 04:35 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
Please let me frustrate myself with the slimy lizardmen of C'tis.

Squirrelloid November 21st, 2009 04:36 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
Ah hell, i'll take Atlantis.

qui November 21st, 2009 04:59 PM

Re: Fracture - LA Game, Sign in!
Arcosephale, please.

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