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vfb November 19th, 2007 10:57 AM

Spell mods: self spells, madness and LoS need gem
1 Attachment(s)
Edit I've attached 1 zip with 2 mods.

self_spells.dm: Adds caster-only versions of Blessing, Body Ethereal, Flight, and Sermon of Courage, so your SC does not miss himself.

tomlos_gem.dm: Makes Legions of Steel fatigue 100 (needs a gem). Makes Touch of Madness fatigue 100 (needs a gem).

Original Post:

I wanted a "Bless Self" spell because I don't think a 100-precision Blessing by an SC should miss (but it does, even when you have no other units on the field).

It was easier then I expected (also attached, but it's so small I thought I'd include it inline too):

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
#modname "Add Bless Self"
#copyspell "Blessing"
#name "Bless Self"
#descr "This spell can be used to bless the caster."
#aoe 0
#range 0
#precision 0
</pre><hr />

Lazy_Perfectionist November 19th, 2007 01:57 PM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self

Juzza November 20th, 2007 01:29 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self
if it misses just give it a slightly bigger area effect, there isn't anything wrong with making it have a bigger one, it'd just be like a normal bless spell except the target.

vfb November 20th, 2007 03:26 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self
Well, then your H1 priest could bless (if you increase area to 10) 30 normal units instead of just 15. And an SC still could miss himself (though there would be less chance).

With this mod, the normal "Blessing" spell is still available. This mod just adds a new spell for SCs or Thugs who want to bless themselves before entering combat, without having to worry about spilling their holy water all over the place and not managing to get a drop on themselves, even though "Blessing" is a precision 100 spell.

paradoxharbinger November 21st, 2007 12:38 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self
i wonder, can you put multiple effects into a spell? an interesting mod could make spells have a good and bad effect. for example, i cast fireball, but the laws of the universe dictate that i have to pay for that, and as such i take some frost damage. not really related, but your mod gave me the idea.

Foodstamp November 21st, 2007 12:43 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self
VFB's method is the best way I have found to handle such spells. I created a spell called "Fade into the Veil" for one of my nations. The spell was meant to be a self castable body ethereal. After fiddling around with a few methods, I ended up handling the spell in the exact same manner as VFB handled his spell.

vfb November 21st, 2007 01:00 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self

paradoxharbinger said:
i wonder, can you put multiple effects into a spell? an interesting mod could make spells have a good and bad effect. for example, i cast fireball, but the laws of the universe dictate that i have to pay for that, and as such i take some frost damage. not really related, but your mod gave me the idea.

That sounds really cool, and it would probably shift gameplay more towards armies.

But I don't think it's current possible, because first, there's only one 'effect' (which is not a bitmask), and second, there's no way to specify with 2 "number of effects" that one is range 0, and the other has range 25 (or whatever).

vfb November 21st, 2007 01:15 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self

Foodstamp said:
VFB's method is the best way I have found to handle such spells. I created a spell called "Fade into the Veil" for one of my nations. The spell was meant to be a self castable body ethereal. After fiddling around with a few methods, I ended up handling the spell in the exact same manner as VFB handled his spell.

Are there any other spells this could be done for? I think most other buffs already have a lower level 'caster only' version. I'd like to make a mod which includes all of these 'buff self' spells.

Burnsaber November 21st, 2007 02:49 AM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self

vfb said:
Are there any other spells this could be done for? I think most other buffs already have a lower level 'caster only' version. I'd like to make a mod which includes all of these 'buff self' spells.

Here are some:
Berserk, Aim, Earth Might, Haste, Legions of Steel, Weapons of Sharpness, Sermon of Courage, Flight

And more (these are a bit silly)
Life after Death, Flaming Arrows, Army of Gold/Lead.

vfb November 23rd, 2007 07:28 PM

Re: New Spell: Bless Self
Thanks for the ideas.

Berserk is precision 0, so I won't add it.

The self-affecting version of Aim is Eagle Eyes; I don't want to make that spell obsolete.

Earth Might is also precision 0.

Legions of Steel and Weapons of Sharpness are AoE 25, I don't think they'll miss, and they are also precision 0.

I did add "Fly", "Courage", and "Fade" ... "Fade" is self-body-ethereal, which sounds too ugly to me.

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