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Velusion August 27th, 2007 06:36 PM

Evermore - MegaGame - Winner: AdmiralZhao!

Evermore Status Page:
Latest Scores.html file: Forthcoming

Game Type: TCP/IP (static server)
Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 21 turns moving to 48 hours per host until around turn 65+ in which it moves to 72.
Quickhost: enabled.
Era: Middle (this is for indy strength)
Players: 28
Map: 465 provinces with 63 of them being water. This equates to about 16.5 provinces per player. You can download the map here:
Research Speed: Difficult
Victory Conditions: 275 out of 465 (60%) provinces controlled for three consecutive turns, or the surrendering of all other players (the latter is much more likely).
Graphs: On
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On
Magic Site Frequency: 40
Deadline for Pretenders: Oct 4th 10PM
Length: If you aren�t eliminated this game might last a very long time. Be prepared!
Patch Level: Once released we will upgrade to the patch ASAP.
Mods: We will be using the Mega-mod V2 here: In addition to allowing all the nations of all eras to play it will also change the following:
� Arcane Nexus will not be available to cast.
� Clam of Pearls will require a path 2 (instead of 1) in Nature Magic (Water will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge.
� Fever Fetishes will require a path 2 (instead of 1) in Fire Magic (Nature will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge.
� Blood Stone will require a path 3 (instead of 2) in Earth Magic (Blood will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge.

Connect info port: 10020

How the Nations were awarded:
1st Seed: After the deadline I will award nations based on the player's first choice. If multiple players desire the same nation I will randomly select the player that is assigned the nation.
2nd Seed: We repeat the last step with those players that still have not been awarded nations and still have preferences. Players who are awarded a second seed get a 10% population increase in their capital.
3rd Seed: Repeat the Second Seed except the award is 20% population increase in their capital.
4th, 5th, 6th, etc Seed: Continue until there are no more conflicts, awarding and additional 10% per each seed.
Last Seed: On the seed where there are no more conflicts the final preferred nations are awarded and all the remaining players (those that ran out of preferences or never provided any) are randomly assigned the remaining nations. Whatever Seed level this ends up being is the population bonus all the remaining players will get. The seed cap limit will be 5 (i.e. 150% pop bonus).

Nation Assignment To see a detailed list of how the seeding occured go here:

Delays/Stales: There will be NO (Zero, Zip, Zilch) delays in the game UNLESS there was a server/hosting error. In which case we might rehost or delay the turn depending on the amount of people affected. If we ever get down to 10 or less players (unlikely) I�ll consider allowing short delays.

Exception: Over the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays the turns will be extended for approximately 1 week each.

Due to the number of players I will be rather ruthless in enforcing the stale rule. No one will stale more than twice in a row before they are replaced or put on AI unless they let me know beforehand. If you let me know you will be gone you will not be replaced but the game will not be held up for you. Replacements/Subs will be found as per all my other games (see below).

Other Rules: The same rules that apply to all my other games also apply here. Please read these rules if you haven�t already:

Nations - Players
EA Ermor - Davegg
EA Marverni - Solo (20%)
EA Sauromatia - duke_commando
EA Abysia - Velusion (10%)
EA Caelum - Evilhomer (10%)
EA Tir na O'og - Roland (20%)
EA Helheim - Yucky (20%)
EA Niefelheim - Szumo
EA Yomi - FAJ
EA R'lyeh - Salamander8
EA Oceania - atul
MA Ermor - Dr. Praetorious
MA Pythium - BigandScary
MA Man - Theonlystd (20%)
LA Pangaea - Jazzepi (20%)
MA Abysia - Thrawn
MA C'tis - Ubercat
MA Vanheim - DryaUnda
MA Shinuyama - Aezeal (20%)
MA Atlantis - Baalz (20%)
MA R'lyeh - Lingchih (10%)
LA Arcoscephale - Ramshead (10%)
LA Ulm - Sensori
LA Marignon - Zaramis
LA Mictlan - AdmiralZhao
LA C'tis - coobe
LA Midgard - Lolomo (20%)
EA Lanka - Hadrian II

BigDisAwesome August 27th, 2007 06:57 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Sounds awesome Velusion.

Jazzepi August 27th, 2007 06:58 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I would really, really like this to be a wrap around map.


Zaramis August 27th, 2007 07:27 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
you could do a manual wrap around. It would be ugly, but would work.. just link all the border provinces to the province on the other side? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif see them as teleporting provinces with strange gates that allow them to cross over the blackness of the edge.

Velusion August 27th, 2007 07:30 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Zaramis said:
you could do a manual wrap around. It would be ugly, but would work.. just link all the border provinces to the province on the other side? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif see them as teleporting provinces with strange gates that allow them to cross over the blackness of the edge.

Ugly maps need not apply.

Zaramis August 27th, 2007 07:56 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
The map wouldn't be ugly. Just the method of wraparound..

BigDisAwesome August 27th, 2007 09:44 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I think I remember Gandalf saying he tried that on his tower map and it wouldn't work.

Gandalf Parker August 28th, 2007 12:36 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Here is a batch of max-sized wrapped maps.
For people who dont know, notice that the right side matches up to the left side, and the top matches up to the bottom. The game will allow you to scroll right-left and up-down forever by rolling the map.

Most of these are 1500 provinces. Its hard to get things quite right using the generator Im using (ParadoxHarbinger's MapGen). Especially mountain ranges but I will continue working on it. I also might script in some changes to the files.
If you grab one of these (go here and grab the appropriate zip file)
then I would recommend the following changes.
A) rename the tga and map file to something more interesting than Max_###
B) edit the #dom2title in the .map file to match (all of these are presently called PHMAP when you look at them in the game creation menu)
C) edit the #imagefile to use the renamed tga file
D) edit the #description. At least add the land and water counts (is there an awk script or something around here that will spit those numbers out from a .map file?)
E) add a #defaultzoom
F) if one of the maps is good but the mountains arent right then you might take it into a paint program and "drop" brown into more provices, then use the map editor in Dom3 to change them to mountain terrain

If you want changes (colors, amount of xxxx terrain, etc) let me know and I will see about running a new batch with that change.

I think now I will mess with the "sprites" thing and see if I can generate new maps with little pictures of trees, mountains, etc. Eventually (maybe) I will get around to automating it so that it generates new maps each day, makes all of the above changes, zips them up, and refreshes the catalog

Hadrian_II August 28th, 2007 02:00 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Would not be 140 out of 1000 a bit much water provinces, as in perpetuality the water nations are doing much better than the land ones.

Xietor August 28th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Agreed Hadrian.

i think there should be no more than 8 water provinces per water race. Let the water races experience the dog pile this time around!

Actually, i would like the map to have so few water provinces that the water races are forced out of the water if they wish to survive. It is totally unfair imho that in the Big Game they can be at the tops in almost every category, but are pretty much immune to all the initial rush fighting and dog piles that the land races were subjected to.

I did suggest banning all items that produce gems in the Big Game, as it is going to be game deciding because of the map size-wait and see. I would prefer to see gem producing items banned in the next game. Any idiot can sit in the water and make clams. What skill is there in that?

I would rather see a winner crowned on his ability to win battles, not by out micromanaging the others.

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