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Atrocities May 29th, 2007 08:16 AM

Any One Still Playing This Game?
Just wanted to know if anyone still plays this game or not. I kinda have grown out of playing it but still find that I am constantly thinking about it.

It has been nearly seven years now since I first started playing, (the demo) and believe it or not, that is longer than I held my last three jobs.

I don't play SE V at all any more either. Just doesn't appeal to my interest any more. I find that I would rather play SE IV over SE V any day of the week. Probably because I like what SE IV offers over SE V.

The difference between playing GalCiv or SE IV, SE IV wins out each time. Same thing with SE V. SE IV is just a better fit for me when I elect to play.

It wasn't too long ago that I had considered removing SE IV from my computer, all of the support stuff, and all of the DOGA files. But thankfully I opted to just move the extra files to a back up disk and keep the game. I did however drop almost all of the mods. Sorry guys, I just don't play the game enough to warrant the wasted space on a limited sized hard drive. I did save them to disk though.

I have found that SE IV is a lot easier to play than most other 4x games, including SE V, and I think that is why it might still appeal to many.

So do you still play or not?

Randallw May 29th, 2007 11:30 AM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
Well I am in a few games on PBW but none of them have any activity. One hasn't done a thing for a year (I'm secretly waiting for the 3 other players to quit so I can announce myself winner by default http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif). I can't say the players in them have lost interest just that some people went away and the games sort of wound down. Some time ago I stopped joining new SEIV games so I could devote myself to SEV when it came out. I don't seem to have much of a nostalgic personality so it was all, great a new version of SE with better graphics, forget the old version. Mind you there doesn't seem to be all that many available games of SEV on PBW, although that is mostly as I only look for balance mod games. I simply don't like needing 10 levels of ship yard to build orbital space yards.

Gandalf Parker May 29th, 2007 11:45 AM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
I still play it.
But I am surprised that I have not found anything to replace it. GalCiv is wonderful but just doesnt have replay value for me. SEV still cant seem to grab my attention but if it ever gets up to huge galaxies with hundreds of races then it might. I still play Stars! sometimes.

VGA Planets 4 has such great hopes. Especially for anyone who likes their game to have more features than they will ever be able to get a good grasp on. But the beta keeps going in the direction of the already-expert multiplayer users. I pre-purchased a copy in 2001 which Im still waiting for. He needs to get a good publisher to make him finish the AI and do some decent documentation so it can finally release.

I still check out every space game that promises huge galaxies and decent AI. I even freely give them my ideas for unlimited galactic space with small database.

Gandalf Parker

Glyn May 29th, 2007 12:21 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
I still play SEiv, but not as often as I once did. I have SEv, but I don't play it (just not fun.)

If I had time, I would sit down and develop my own space 4X game, cause it doesn't look like anyone else is doing it.

GeorgiaBoy May 29th, 2007 02:35 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
Oh yeah! Right now, I am working on a huge galaxy map which incorporates my planets mod...


P.S. Glad to hear from you, AT.

Arralen May 29th, 2007 02:36 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
I'm playing - most to least:

Dominions 3
SacredUW, D2, Patrizier II gold, Port Royale, WinSPWW/SPWAW/WinSPMBT

.. this may change as soon as I find that crate full of CDs again .. might add e.g. Transport Tycoon Deluxe [Fan-Patched], Railroad Tycoon ...

OS: It's a shame that Stars! Supernova died due to publisher ... issues ...

Fyron May 29th, 2007 02:56 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
Just look at the game list on PBW to see that yes, people are still playing this game...

Suicide Junkie May 29th, 2007 06:58 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
I may need a replacement player for the Minbari in the "Carrier Battles - B5ism" game on PBW.

The game utilizes my FTL map for hyperspace fun, and there are four players including EA, Narn, Centauri and Minbari.
Its going nicely, but for ZeroAdunn dissappearing.

Black_Knyght May 29th, 2007 07:07 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?
I still play almost religiously. In fact, I've even managed to get several friends involved and get them into it heavily. All it cost was a couple of custom-made ship sets (LOL). I wish I could release them, but they want to be the "exclusive" (?-LOL) users of them. Go Figure.

I love SEIV, and I may well be releasing a new shipset for it soon, if anyone is intersted in one still.

I've tried SEV, and given it several chances. I just cannot get into it the same way for some reason. I guess SEIV is as far as I'm going on this road...

GeorgiaBoy May 29th, 2007 11:22 PM

Re: Any One Still Playing This Game?

Will it be the Krenim Imperium?


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