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Thrawn April 12th, 2007 02:10 PM

Utterdark: EA PBEM (Full and playing)
1 Attachment(s)
Using the fixed version (by Edi) of Paragnos map. Click the Attachment link at the top, and unzip the files into your maps folder.

All settings default, EXCEPT:

* No graphs

* Renaming is allowed.

* There will be a master password, in case I need to remove someone.

1. Arcoscephale - Thrawn
2. Ulm - Set to AI
3. Agartha - Tromper
4. Niefelheim - Set to AI
5. Yomi - Set to AI
6. R'lyeh - Yucky
7. Vanheim - Davegg

Parganos does have 19 water provinces, but they are seperated into three groups. Not sure an aquatic would do well here.

Again, this is my first PBEM hosting, so any suggestions you have are welcome.

Dedas April 12th, 2007 02:31 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
I want to play please. Set me up as Ulm.

Oh, could we play the fixed version (by Edi) of Paragnos, as we all can agree on that bugs in the map are annoying. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Thrawn April 12th, 2007 02:38 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
Works for me. I didn't even know Paragnos was bugged. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

tromper April 12th, 2007 02:59 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
Haven't played Agartha yet EA, so what the hey. Sign me on up, as I'm going down in some other games so will have time. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Foodstamp April 12th, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
I would like to play as R'lyeh even with the water provinces busted up. Thanks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Dedas April 12th, 2007 03:25 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
Here is the fixed map:

Siever April 12th, 2007 03:26 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
OK, I'm very newbie, this is my first MP.
I'll take Niefelheim, if you agree.
And apologize for my bad english

Thrawn April 12th, 2007 03:29 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
Welcome Siever, you're not all that far behind me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Salamander8 April 12th, 2007 04:42 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
I've never played an MP before, but I would like to try if that's ok with you. If you do let me play, I am going to have to download the fixed map and read up on the files I need to give/receive in the manual when I get home from work. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

I'm not too picky as for nation, but would like Atlantis if possible as I have never played them yet. Yomi, Abyssia, or Lanka would all be fine alternatives if Atlantis does not work for you.


Thrawn April 12th, 2007 05:50 PM

Re: New Game, Utterdark: EA PBEM Newbish (forming)
Hi Salamander,

Welcome. I don't think there's enough water on the map to support Atlantis. For now, I'll sign you up as Yomi, and if you want to change, let me know.

The manual has a good description of what's required for playing PBEM.

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