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-   -   Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ LoloMo WINS!!! ] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=33821)

Ironhawk March 16th, 2007 12:42 AM

Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ LoloMo WINS!!! ]
Following on the success of the last accelerated game, we are having another! If you are looking to skip the early-game and jump straight into the action then this game is for you. With the additional strength of EA mages we are sure to see some even more awesome firepower produced!

Port: 7501

Age: Early Age

Map: Random. 12-15 provs per player. No Water.

House Rules
1) No dual-blessing. Max of one level 9 bless.
2) All nations will be given 10 sages at thier capital to simulate the research-base of a normal game
3) Initial 3-turn cease-fire. No nation can launch any attacks till turn 3.

Starting Provs: 9
Indy Strength: 9
Magic Sites: 75
Gold Mult: 150%
Resource Mult: 150%
Graphs: On
Hall of Fame: 15
Research: Easy
Renaming: On

Victory Conditions:
Capital VPs Only
4 VPs to win

Conceptual Balance 1.0
Worthy Heroes 1.6

Hosting Schedule: 24hr Quickhost

1. Ironhawk - Maverni
2. Boron - Mictlan
3. Rathar - Agartha
4. GameExtremist - Arco
5. Kydorias - Kailasa
6. KissBlade - Yomi
7. Folket - Ermor
8. Msew - Lanka
9. FAJ - C'Tis
10. Malthus - Neifelheim (previously Solo)
11. Teraswaerto - Abysia
12. StrictlyRockers - Vanheim
13. LoloMo - Pangaea
14. PashaDawg - Sauromatia
15. QuantumMechani - Ulm

Backup Players

Ironhawk March 16th, 2007 12:45 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
I'm going to go with Maverni. I was sorely tempted to take Kailasa since they are ... basically better in every possible way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif But for some reason I just dig Marveni. I'm sure I will live to regret it.

I've also reserved Mictlan for Boron because he had to go to sleep and was insistent about playing it.

Rathar March 16th, 2007 01:09 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
For no good reason I desire Agartha please.


I think there should be some small water perhaps. It did make for interesting strategy last game I admit.

Peregrine42 March 16th, 2007 01:43 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
Thanks for hosting Ironhawk. I'd like to give T'ien Ch'i a shot.

GameExtremist March 16th, 2007 01:53 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]

Put me down for Arco again....I'd like to see the differences between LA and EA....(crosses fingers not to start next to Caelum)...

Kydorias March 16th, 2007 03:33 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
I'd like to give Kailasa a shot...

Hope to not get triple teamed again right in the beginning!! Hehehe...

KissBlade March 16th, 2007 04:15 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]

Teraswaerto March 16th, 2007 04:56 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
Is there room? I'd like to join as Abysia.

StrictlyRockers March 16th, 2007 05:24 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
Vanheim please.

msew March 16th, 2007 06:01 AM

Re: Mana Burn: Accelerated EA [ OPEN ]
lanka wanka

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