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Amos October 20th, 2006 08:09 PM

Stygian Corruption
1 Attachment(s)
Version 0.39

Mater Mundi -> Bonded Enforcer x 2
Lord Judge -> Bonded Hound
Lord Arbiter -> Bonded Pike x 3
Despoiler -> Bonded Undead x 5

Foodstamp October 20th, 2006 09:03 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
Downloaded and tried a small map, one AI enemy. I ascended before year two lol,

The pros...

The graphics are awesome! Excellent job ripping/redoing these graphics from whatever game they are from. The shadows are great, none of the units look ugly at all.

The nation has a consistent feel to it, and the "banner" for the nation has a very unique look i really like.

The cons...

WoW, take everything good about any nation in dominions 3 and put it into a nation and you got this one. Glamour units, strong assassin, unmatched morale, ulmish type heavy armor units, flankers, a solid bless unit, insane magic picks on commanders (for late era), stealth armies, tramplers, regen, recuperation, atleast one commander GENERATES blood slaves, holy 4 priests.

As i found out in my first game, a regular nation is no match for this one.

In it's current form, this nation is way too overpowered, but fun and thematic to play single player. If no balance is added, I will probably still use this mod as a challenging AI opponent.

Only other con I can mention is the generic title of the nation "Fallen Nation". A mod with such beautiful graphics and a solid theme deserves a little more time spent on the name.

EDIT: Forgot to add... The Nation specific pretender is a holy4 priest. I am not sure if this is intentional but the idea behind priests in dominions I believe is they worship the pretenders. A Pretender being a priest of a faith that worships him seems a bit odd.

Endoperez October 20th, 2006 09:13 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
I'll download it and have a look.

I think giving holy magic to pretender didn't work, so you might want to test if a Holy 4 commander can be a pretender at all. It might not work.

Foodstamp October 20th, 2006 09:16 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
It seemed to work in my initial test game. The pretender was able to bless my troops. Gonna double check and run a larger game.

Amos October 20th, 2006 09:25 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
Endoperez Holy power works on a pretender. As I told you else where you need to make him sacred for it to work. Thats what "no holiness" error means.
Foodstamp try fighting Blood Elves on a small map. I got slaughtered by the archers. Most of the units in this mod got no armor protection.

Foodstamp October 20th, 2006 09:28 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
Will do, I just toppled my nearest enemy on a medium map at "early fall, first year" so gonna go ahead and call it quits on this game.

Amos October 20th, 2006 09:33 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
I'll play with balance some more tomorrow. If you think this is overpowered, the original mod made them all into gods http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif. "Nephilim" means fallen. I can just call them Nephilim nation but its the same thing. There is a controversy about giving pretender holy powers. As you can see I'm for it.

Foodstamp October 20th, 2006 09:50 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
Ok tried blood elves versus the stigian on a 15 province map. They seem a good and equal match for one another. But when compared to the other nations, they are gods among ants.

Amos October 20th, 2006 09:57 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
Removed ethereality from Harlequin and posted. It was a bit too much.

Gandalf Parker October 21st, 2006 12:50 PM

Re: Mod: Stigian Corruption
Was it a standard god or did you build one from a non-standard unit? What nation number is it filling?

It might be fun to build a large scenario around this. A really big map, a particularly good position for this nation such as in the middle with lots of bottlenecks around it. Give it extra starting units, some prime equipment, start it with a few neighbor provinces with prime population types and magic sites. Then declare the scenario as being "Human players are highly recommended to make alliances agaisntthe AI"

Gandalf Parker

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