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Starhawk January 8th, 2005 05:19 AM

OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
Hey all I was figuring, some of us like writing but don't know much what to write about, well I think it would be a cool idea to have a "boardwar" once and a while to let folks get their creative juices out in an original and fun way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

For those of you wondering what a Boardwar is it is an interactive story/text driven game there are many kinds as well which all have different ways to play and different ways to drive the story/game forward they are as follows:

The Simple Board Wars:
Fleet: This is a rather simple style wherein players create a race out of their imagination, each race is allowed to have totally different culutural and technological aspects (this may vary depending on who started the bw) players form alliances and battle it out with others to create a storyline, unfortunately many times these board wars are hard to bring to a close depending on the people participating and their willingness to drive a plot foward.

Army: Similar to a fleet board war but generally they take place on a single planet.

The More Complex Board Wars:

Conquest Style Space BW: The "Conquest style" is one wherein players have a designated empire (or at least it takes place in a specific galaxy) where there are planets to conquer, Fleet and army aspects are used in this style as players must conquer other players worlds in order to make headway, this leads to epic scale wars that can take up whole pages of story.
Fleet battles in such a board war are also more important then in the Fleet bw as if your starships are engaged in battle while one of your world's desperately needs more troops because it is being overrun then they obviously can't get reinforcements there and you may very well lose that world.

Medieval/Fantasy Boardwars: This style of boardwar is one of the most complex (beleive it or not) as you are playing the role of a King over a Kingdom, there are generally rather few rules in such a board war as it mainly relies on the player's desire to create an entertaining arena of battle and can be very epic in scale (I played one where my main army during a huge war was 150,000, my allies was 75,000 and our enemies numbered about 400,000 all told) but such large battles are rare as that would represent a huge investment of men.
Fantasy Versions can get complex but fun as there are many races/magics that can take place in the environment.

Character Board Wars: This is where the creator of the board war generally has a good idea of how he/she wants the story to go and drives each player down that storyline through force of script writing, each player is more like an "actor" taking part in a movie, they have independence but rely on the creator to drive the story forward.

How non-character Space Board Wars work:
Some players who have participated in board wars before and carry their races forward will start right off the bat "knowing" of their friend's race and be allies, others usually take the "new to the area" road and explore until they find another player's fleet/world/whatever.

Generally they can do whatever they want, introduce characters with which they can talk to each other's empires with or just shoot first and never ask questions it all depends on how the participants want to play it.

Players generally start out with designated kingdoms, they know about each other for the most part (though some are "hidden" and require others to explore for them) and can act however the participants see fit, whether sending messengers or armies it's up to you.

How ALL battles work:
Whether it is space, Army, or fantasy battles geenrally work the same, no player can dictate the extent of losses he inflicted on his apponent until that person gets Online and replies, this is to prevent player A from saying "I Fired my uberbeam of thundercrap and destroyed your entire fleet" not giving the other player a chance to reply.

For example if I have a dreadnought run into a fighter of your race or something otherwise insignificant compared to my force involved I can pretty much safely say I destroyed it, of course the other player can retort saying there were survivors but sometimes this is just not worth it and you can acknowledge defeat with grace http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

The same works for if I am in a Medieval Fantasy boardwar and my force of 300 archers and swordsman ambush 200 or so of your men, I can pretty safely say most of your men if not all died, of course this depends on how I declared my ambush:

For example say you sent a patrol of 200 men into a territory well known to be mine for example:

"The 2 companies of swordsman entered the borders of (kingdomnamehere), traveling along heavily forrested road in their goal to scout the region"

Then that player could turn around in another post and say something like

"The scouts watched as the 2 enemy companies marched down the road unawares of the fact they were walking streight into an ambush."

NOW the player that is about to be ambushed is obviously nto a "god" in the game and thus as far as the boardwar is concerned he has no clue he's being watched, even if he's kicking himself in the pants for making such a dumb mistake.

Player A (the guy about to be ambushed) can make his other post however he sees fit as long as it's not cheese or powergamy)

Player B:
"The archers let loose a devestating volley of arrows, slaying many of the enemy men, as the enemy reeled from the confusion of the ambush more archers loosed another volley and then another, killing many."

The general thing here is be vague about just how many your killing because the other player will probobly want to make some sort of reply.

Anyway generally I'd expect better posting with much more depth then that but those are just examples.

<font color="green">Is anyone else interested in this idea, I could start a medieval fantasy or fleet bw up really quickly depending on which you guys would prefer </font>

NarfsCompIsBack January 8th, 2005 05:28 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
In a dark cave fathoms beneath the earth, a cloaked figure stirs. The gleam of eyes can barely be seen beneath the cowl. A bony, scaled hand grasps a translucent crystal ball on iron lizard legs, floating in mid-air, in which swirls of colour can now be seen to be gathering. "Activity" the figure rasps "but have the times of chaos truly begun again?"

And that's my vote. (Fantasy kingdoms)

Starhawk January 8th, 2005 05:51 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
Good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Any more folks wanna join in? (I'd like at least 5 others)

NarfsCompIsBack January 8th, 2005 06:19 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
As additional rules, I would add:

1) No metagaming. In other words, post your RP according to what your character knows and don't drop a scout in front of every raiding force.

2) Same force levels for everyone to start, ie, population/armies/spaceships/salad forks.

Fyron January 8th, 2005 06:21 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
Usually "boardwar" refers to mass flaming and attacks against members of another bulletin board/forum and vice versa... A war between Boards, if you will. Perhaps a more appropriate name would be in order?

That being said, unsubstantiated roleplaying/storytelling can be fun, and can get out of hands at times. Must be careful. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Perhaps a few basic guidelines on size of forces and empires and such?

Fyron January 8th, 2005 06:28 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?

NarfsCompDied said:
2) Same force levels for everyone to start, ie, population/armies/spaceships/salad forks.

Rather than "number of men/ships," it should be "strength of forces." This way, someone that wanted to have a race of giants would start with far fewer of them than someone with a race of humans, but still have the same strength of arms overall (since a giant is much, much stronger than a mesely human).

Starhawk January 8th, 2005 06:33 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
Don't worry I will make all those rules when it starts http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I have been doing these for years and don't want things to get out of hand.

So you two are interested, anyone else?

NarfsCompIsBack January 8th, 2005 06:33 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
Logical. Perhaps a 'unit of strength'? Elves and humans would count as 3, halflings as 2 and a giant as 20?

Destroyers as 3, battlecruisers as 5, dreadnoughts as 10...

Exactly how you spread that strength around would be up to you. Your elves could be the 'west indian' type that are good with bows and like woodlands, or the magical type that live in shining towers, or the true olde faerie kind that live wherever they want and who's description includes such fun words as 'perilous', 'whimsical' and 'beyond human ken' (Extra point for disadvantage 'killed by scratch from iron')?

Missile destroyers, beam battleships, heavy armor/railgun battleships

NarfsCompIsBack January 8th, 2005 06:34 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
That's good to know. I guess us two busibodies can just shut up now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Starhawk January 8th, 2005 06:43 AM

Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?
lol nah I'm glad for the input:

Well actually the "unit of strength" thing is not going to be used but it will be one of those the more powerful the unit the fewer you will have, for example if you have a dragon that is weak and basically just a "stylized horse" then you can have as many of them as you would have horses.

Now if the other player has a dragon in it's true sense, flight, claws, teeth, bad breath, then he better not use many beacuse they would be ultra rare.

As for ships muahahaha*ahem* it would work the same way as I said different races totally different tech for example this is a Terrenesi dreadnought:

Sovereign Power:
Class: Sentient Dreadnought
1 medium power QDC
6 SPPS generators
315 medium pulse cannons
200 heavy pulse cannons
80 torpedo tubes [all heavy]
1,800 PDTs
18 heavy Phased shard cannons
20 light phased shard cannons
Length: 9.75km
Width: 6.5km
Height: 5 km
Crew: 71,250
Troops: 5,000 [capacity when full: 25,000]
Armor: Ultra Heavy
Shields: Ultra Heavy
Speed: Poor
Maneuverability: Very Poor
1,500 combat drones
450 fighters
520 dropships
200 breaching pods
20 frigates
8 destroyers
4 Vigilantes
Desc: The Dreadnought is indeed a major power in and of its self, these warships have been known to destroy entire small fleets all by themselves, and in one on one combat the Dreadnought is something not to be taken lightly. These mighty warships carry two entire squadrons of Frigates, and two wings of destroyers, these frigates and destroyers can often form squadrons that are used in deep range strike operations. The Dreadnoughts also carry a flight of Vigilante attack ships, which just increases the deadly power of this mighty warship. Even with all their power the Dreadnoughts usually stay with a full battle group of two or three battle cruisers and dozens of destroyers and frigates. Dreadnoughts are also untraditional ships by most species standards because most of them will be in service for thousands of years and will carry multiple generations on board. There are dreadnoughts in service today that are six thousand years old, and that carry thousands of �children� aboard them, these �children� will most likely serve aboard the same dreadnought as their parents and grandparents until either they are transferred or the ship is killed in battle.

Yeah sounds uber scary and big and bad, but doubtful you'll see more then one in any battle, and since they only operate in battle Groups it would by default be a rather large battle to begin with. Terrenesi seriously lack the "number game" in space and instead go for the brute force in limited package deal.
Other races might go for the larger fleets with weaker individual ships and the like but it's all balanced out in the end by numbers/tech involved http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

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