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Truper September 9th, 2004 03:06 PM

Karanian Conquest (closed) Ready for quickhost
Thanks to Sheap, the game is now up on a 24 x 7 server.

Its on benatar.snurgle.org port 2007

For now, the game is set to quickhost with no time limit to give everyone a chance to find this post and get used to the idea of resuming the game. Once we've played a turn or two, I'll ask Sheap to set it to 24 hour host with quickhost as stated in the origianl game ad.

__________________________________________________ _____

Archaeolept and I both need a new game, so we've decided to create one. There are some special conditions, so read carefully.

We want to begin the game as a "blitz" - a game where everyone is Online at the same time, taking their turns quickly, in order to get the opening turns out of the way as fast as possible. After the opening 3 to 4 hour blitz session, the game will move to 24 hour quickhost, and later to 48 hour quickhost on a majority vote of the players. We will meet on the irc.gamesurge.net #dominions channel to kick-off the blitz session. If you'd like to play, but aren't IRC savvy, PM me and I'll try to help you out. We'll meet at 3pm Eastern Time this Sunday 9/12. (GMT -5)

Map: Karan
Players: 9
Indies: 9 (indies 9 is fun, and makes one think)
Site Frequency: 50% (good amount of gems - not overboard)
Research: normal (we considered difficult, but indies 9 can get tedious without some magic quickly available)
Victory conditions: Capitals are worth 1 VP, and 11 other VPs on the map, 11 VPs needed to win (we don't want a drawn-out endgame)

Special rules:

Caelum is Banned. Sorry Caelum fans, but Seraph False-Horror spam is in our opinion the most over-powered tactic in Dom2.

Watchtowers/Mausoleums are Banned. If you want to cover the map in castles, you're going to have to pay for the Wizard's Tower.

We'll be using patch 2.13, so anyone attempting to use the Djinn, or summon Mummies with Amon Hotep automatically loses.

4 slots are already taken, as we've been discussing the game on #dominions, and a few of the regulars have expressed interest. That leaves 5 slots open. If you'd like to play, and can be available on Sunday, post your nation choice here.


7 slots are now taken:

So far:

Truper: Marignon
Archaeolept: Jotunheim
Cohen: undecided
msew: R'lyeh
Maltrese: Vanheim
anatoli11: Man
jeffr: Pangaea

archaeolept September 9th, 2004 03:34 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
well, i reserve the right to repeatedly change my mind as to what nation I want http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

jots vans jots vans...

the pyth?

JaydedOne September 9th, 2004 05:23 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
That sounds like a perfect game start-up to me. Is the host going to be reliable thereafter?

I'll take Ulm.

At some point in IRC, someone will have to tell me about what this "Seraph - False Horror" cheese is. I always love seeing a nation get the overpowered tag. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Maltrease September 9th, 2004 05:32 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
Sounds great!

I will play as Jotuns or the Vans, depending on which nation Archaeolept doesn't choose.

archaeolept September 9th, 2004 05:36 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
maltrease = the anti-me :O

anyways that's cool, since it allows me to flip-flop a bit w/out really putting you out at all.

I've only played Vans once in MP, and haven't played the Jots in ages, hence my dilemna ;-)

anatoli11 September 9th, 2004 06:17 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
I'd like to try Man...

archaeolept September 9th, 2004 07:05 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
anatoli, do you use IRC? it will make things easier if you show up in #dominions on irc.gamesurge.net a bit before the game start at least.

jeffr September 9th, 2004 08:35 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/12

I'm new at this (I've never played a mp game before), but if that's ok, I'd like to try Pangea.

Do I just create my god and then choose network and enter in the ip and port info, play my turn and then press host?

I also have never used IIRC before. I've heard of it and I assume it's communications software that I have to download from somewhere. I then somehow connect to the #dominions channel?

I just upgraded to 2.13. I've never used the Djinni and the Amon Hotep stuff before, and I won't in this game, but why is their use considered an automatic loss. Are they overpowered?

Lastly, is it possible to have one Pangea god for your MP game and a different Pangea god for my SP games?

Thanks, Jeff.

archaeolept September 9th, 2004 09:01 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
there's a bug w/ 2.13 that can cause perhaps irremediably serious problems if either of those two items is used as specified. hence, the ban on such use.

i'm not sure if this is really a total newb friendly game - since there is a certain emphasis on speed during the blitz part, you'ld need to be able to run your empire w/ alacrity.

d/l a trial Version of MIRC and try to join irc.gamesurge.net, then type /join #dominions. PM truper if you are stuck.

JaydedOne September 10th, 2004 12:41 PM

Re: New Game: Karanian Conquest - begins Sunday 9/
As to Jeff's Last question re: SP and MP gods, there -is- a backup utility to save your pretenders, but the short answer is that the game uses (and saves) the pretender you currently have in memory for a game when you BEGIN that game. So you can make a pretender for SP play and continue using it in SP play even if you make another for MP play. However, the pretender file goes away when you make your MP Pretender, so if you want to make that same pretender for another SP game (not the one already running), then you'll need to either do it from scratch or use the backup utility.

Make sense?

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