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Minrhael July 22nd, 2004 08:31 AM

Tuatha endgame
Currently in my MP game, playing tuatha with human only pretenders (ick), so couldn't take a real bless effect. I decided to go purely good scales and the heck with it, at the time they were waiting for one or two more so I figured why not (then they ended up cramming 17 players onto Karan, yikes). My research is well behind all my opponents, so I fully expect to lose soon, though they're all busy beating up on each other at the moment and probably don't see me as much of a threat because I'm not. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

I'm just curious what you do for endgame power when all you have access to is air & nature magic. Have gotten no special independents (though I hope to conquer a library for sages soon, whee!), Brangwen hasn't joined me so no astral magic, and as far as I know air & nature don't make for potent endgames which seem to be all about ice devils and well-equipped bane lords from what little I've seen. Any suggestions? (not that I'll Last long enough to use any of them....) My only positives are a nice corner location so I'm not too exposed and I have a fair number of provinces and good income, but low gem income and no specials other than gem or gold income.

[vent] Also, once again, luck 3 is completely wasted, I've gotten a total of 20 zealots, 38 militia, one silver mine, 2 province defense boosts, and about 40 gems (with magic3) through quite a few turns now (probably around turn 40 now). I hate hate hate having to take luck! Not a single 100 gold event much less the big ones! Bah! Stupid luck scales. [/vent] At least my lab didn't burn on turn 2 this time http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

lol76 July 22nd, 2004 08:37 AM

Re: Tuatha endgame
Lol I normally dont mess with the luck scale, ever since i went negative all the way on luck, and had my temple, my lab, and my castle die on turn 2,3,and 4 respectively. Soon followed up by getting all my troops cursed by a lot of pissed witches. its only happened once so far though.

Norfleet July 22nd, 2004 09:17 AM

Re: Tuatha endgame

Originally posted by lol76:
Soon followed up by getting all my troops cursed by a lot of pissed witches. its only happened once so far though.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">That's usually good news. You get a handful of free gems out of it, in exchange for a few schmucks, who may or may not actually exist, being cursed. That's not a large price to pay for free loot.

Yossar July 22nd, 2004 12:38 PM

Re: Tuatha endgame
Air and nature are great schools. Ideally I'd go for Air Queens (if they're still available) and/or Firbolgs. A bunch of firbolgs equipped with cheap items are almost as good as those bane lords. Give some air mages gems so that they can spam air elementals in battle. Lamia queens are great for upkeep-less researchers and also give access to sorcery magic. Spring Hawks aren't bad. Seeking Arrows can be useful. As can a staff of storms. You have some decent options depending on what you're fighting.

[ July 22, 2004, 11:42: Message edited by: Yossar ]

Master Shake July 22nd, 2004 03:40 PM

Re: Tuatha endgame
I recently got totally destroyed by Tuatha in a recent game. What the Tuatha player did was put 5-6 bards at the back of the map with 5-6 Air2 mages. Gave someone on the field of staff of storms, and the mages cranked out False Horrors at an alarming rate. The Bards did their reinvigoration song so the mages could cast forever. By the time my units approached the enemy, there were often 30+ False Horrors, with more showing up every turn. It was a total rout every time. Throw in a few Tuatha units to cover the mages/bards, and you are good-to-go and completely stealthy.

Boron July 23rd, 2004 01:02 AM

Re: Tuatha endgame

Originally posted by Yossar:
Air and nature are great schools. Ideally I'd go for Air Queens (if they're still available) and/or Firbolgs.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">yeah depending on your gem income i would try to get at least one air queen first . they are excellent sc's too .
airqueen , storm + wrathful skies are nice against troopmasses .
if you are only a bit lucky with your lamia queen she gets d3 so you can summon your own bane lords cause i guess 10 deathgems for a bane lord are not a problem .
every 16th lamia queen is even d4 . so if you get such a lamiaqueen for only 10 d you can forge a +1 deathitem and then summon wrath lords .

i would try to use my airincome first to get 1-2 airqueens then for forging .
nature for lamias , forging and firbolgs .
every excess gems that you don't need for forging and are not nature or air you could convert to death and so either forge wraithswords and so on and or try to summon bane / wraith lords .

Nagot Gick Fel July 23rd, 2004 01:42 AM

Re: Tuatha endgame

Originally posted by lol76:
... i went negative all the way on luck, and had my temple, my lab, and my castle die on turn 2,3,and 4 respectively.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Castle dying because of bad luck? I've never heard of that, what do you mean exactly?

Frosted Flake July 23rd, 2004 03:43 AM

Re: Tuatha endgame
I recently had a fortified city created by a arndom event ( not even my nation type) so I imagine a random event can destroy em also

frosted flake

quantum_mechani July 23rd, 2004 04:21 AM

Re: Tuatha endgame

Originally posted by Frosted Flake:
I recently had a fortified city created by a arndom event ( not even my nation type) so I imagine a random event can destroy em also

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">No, there is not an event (nor spell) that destroys a fort. Imagine it happening on turn two; and everyone thinks the current lab/temple event is mean http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif .

[ July 23, 2004, 03:22: Message edited by: quantum_mechani ]

Kel July 23rd, 2004 04:46 PM

Re: Tuatha endgame
Could almost make me think about taking negative luck every game...


- Kel

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