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Lord Kodos June 9th, 2002 06:50 AM

Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Well this is the official thread for all my projects.Rather then flooding the forums with my various Mod threads allthings eminating from my twisted mind and those of my coharts shall be posted in here.So for openers the planned projects as of now in no particuler order

Legacy of the Ra'Shrakil-Do i need to say anything
Galactic War-duh
Planetary Invasion-see above
Skirmish-again see above
Junkyard Wars-A modified and expanded versoin of pukes
Omniverse-My part of hadrians rp community
Moose Mod-A mod incorparating stuff from all of the mighty Jhonen Vasquez.IE invader ZIM and Johnny the Homocidal maniac.Foul language and gore are in it so not for the feeble minded or the feeble stomached.

Lord Kodos June 9th, 2002 09:02 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
any comments are also welcome.

ZeroAdunn June 10th, 2002 03:24 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Ummm, Ok, I would comment but I have no clue what is going on with any of this sooo, I geuss I will just ask questions:

When will any of this get released, no % complete either, just a estimate on completion date or nothing please.

Lord Kodos June 10th, 2002 04:10 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
LR:No time scale
PI:late this month
Skirmish:mid next month
GW:Early next month
Moose MOd:no time scale

Lord Kodos June 11th, 2002 12:19 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
OKay i understand there are alot of questions as to the Ra'Shrakil and my Universe as a whole.so thats right kiddies its q&a time!

ZeroAdunn June 11th, 2002 01:29 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
*looks around at empty thread*

Ummm, I didn't ask anything...

Lord Kodos June 16th, 2002 06:37 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
No one said you did i said in general.Oh btw PI is going very fast now all the pictures are done as are about 60%of the data you can expect it real real soon

Lord Kodos June 18th, 2002 12:55 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Hmm project sirmish has been desep 6d.
Also im developing a bio-weapon of doom for use in the Campaigns,im calling it the Black Psychosis.And i dvelopeed ideas for some stand alone scenarios:

Survivor:A universe is dieng.Protons,And neutrons are no longer supportable and only electrons and energy remain.6 Energy based races struggle to survive in a dieng universe.Black Holes the only sources of energy.HOwever an ancient Ra'Shrakil ID gate remains,a single ray of light at the end of the cave....

Arena:Not all omnipotent races are nice.The local Ethereal race the Zzjun have pitted your empire and anothers against eachother.Shall you fight an appease your masters,or join forces and destroy your captors?

Lord Kodos June 19th, 2002 04:36 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
whats the maximum speed you can get without getting a RCE?can i make a component one per ship?I am thinking for the heroes it works with a one per ship component named \
Hero level X

i imagine maybe five levels of hero.Tractor beams will have a small cargo capacity as i imagine they can tow stuff through space.Colony ships are much more realistic and now are huge massive things.Also you must be going FTL to escape a Black hole.Some racail traits are for campaigns only,if you use them in regular gme you will be a cheater and i shall personally meson-bLast your house and fling tomatos at your firstborn!

there are a few omnipotent races included they are
The only races that are omnipotent are pre-built in as racail traits to prevent abuse to the system

Malfadorians(If okay with hadrian)
Kexth(If okay with Thermodyne)

Phoenix-D June 19th, 2002 04:39 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
"whats the maximum speed you can get without getting a RCE?"

255 *standard movement points*. In other words, if the ship has 5 engines/move, it can move at a max speed of 51. If it has 1 engine/move, it can go 255. etc.

"can i make a component one per ship?" yes

Lord Kodos June 25th, 2002 07:41 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Okay cool thanks.Ive developed some races included to go with each racail trait.I need someone to help me make the Csgith Race style if you want to help post it here.Ive recently bought an X-Box,it be so nice to see SE4 on that,well anyway Halo has givin me a plethora of inspiration and i shall be quite busy.Also the PI and GW mods will have LR techs,but will only be included in the LR mod.its going to be availible in a full Version with the extras and a lite Version without the extras.I will need some AI programmers as i am completely inept at that task.Also wanted are some Map-Makers as i am a lazy @!$%~ and cannot be bothered lol.Ive begun working out the campaigns and so far there are about three,with a few taking place in several mods.Also i will release additional Campaigns and Scenarios as time goes on.So far here are Scenarios slated for a release with the mod.

Survivor:In a dying universe,protons and nuetrons can no longer sustain themselves.The stars have died as have there children.Now the survivors,all beings of pure energy, live in small camps near black-holes feeding on the ever so slight radiation they emit.Your empire must reach the ancient Ra'Shrakil ID-Gate if it hopes to survive.However you go about doing this is your choice.

Coloseum:A omnipotent race has enslaved your race and that of another and are forcing you to fight for there entertainment.Will you gain you masters favor?or rise up and defeat them?

Marathon:Its the 78th Pan-Galactic Intersteller race!

CTF:Capture the Flag.

Yep sounds fun huh?
I will be excepting beta-testers for PI soon so stay tuned for more on that!Im also in need of a list of all the SE4 Total ConVersions so please post that list here as well.Also in the game i am making some changes to names for example the MC is now known as the AI.

Lord Kodos June 25th, 2002 10:05 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
can i make a component have a percentage chance of making its ship rebel.I want to illustrate the unpredictabillity of older model AIs have there be a chance they go rampant.

Lord Kodos June 25th, 2002 10:59 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Hmm more scenario ideas hit me.Leech Empires.Something like the Irkens in invader zim or the Covenent in Halo.Basicly a powerfull race that steals and enslaves whatever it needs.Okay so far these are the definite Omnipotent races in the game


THe Ra'Shrakil i dont think i need to explain.
The Jonol are very how do you say evil.They are gods to many races.Often they will make races fight to the death for their own amusement.

Lord Kodos June 26th, 2002 06:34 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Hmm im still rather puzzled on the whole issue of how to make the AI possibly go rampent.Did i mention that in the game being a Mechanoid has more advantages then simply being immune to disease?Id also like to point out that i/we/Vectorian Productions and our mind-slaves produce add-ons for other games as well,well at least we are starting to!Mainly Marathon,Starcraft,Emperor BFD and A few others.Also back to se4 now im wondering has suggestions for me?Nukes are available to primitve space-farers,they are none too powerfull but can ward off attackers long enough to survive,and are fairly good against larger targets.Colony ships are made much more massive as have colony modules i mean it includes i imagine cryonics bays,food,building materials,transportation vehicles,command modules and a much more.You can also expect to find more variaties of space-yards:Reproductive organs,Megalith Construction Center,Temporal SY,Crystalline SY,Energy Collecter,and more.PD are also more varied with Interceptor Missiles,Defensive Parasites,and Decoy Bombs among other things.Also ships can opt to buy an expensive "Hero" bridge that represents some sort of hero.Also that brings me to more bridge types,Command Center,Bridge,Hero,AI,Brain and a few others.I still need Beta-Testers for PI any takers?And again you can always join our team we have many oppurtunities.Well g'nite folks and look out for the Csgith hiding under your bed!

Lord Kodos June 27th, 2002 03:53 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Lord Kodos June 27th, 2002 05:41 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Current Projects List

Legacy of the Ra'Shrakil
Planetary Invasion
Galactic War
The Landsraad
Codex Zoats
Codex Genestealer Cults Disc-3
Codex Battlezone:Space Hulk
Codex Tyranids of the Black Hive

As you can see i am very busy!
Also if someone makes Dune-Shipsets i will make a mod for it as i have it planed out already!So anyone have any ideas to suggest?I was wondering has anyone thought about the Rampency question i asked earlier?

Lord Kodos June 27th, 2002 07:23 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Lord Kodos June 27th, 2002 11:29 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
bu-bump Make this stickly lol

Captain Kwok June 27th, 2002 11:38 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Lord Kodos, I have trouble reading your Posts because of the improper spacing between sentences...perhaps using a space after a comma or two spaces after a period would help clear this up.

I look forward towards seeing some stuff from your Mods.

Lord Kodos June 28th, 2002 06:40 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
What i said is that i want to know if there is a way to give MCS or in my case AIS a % chance that they will go rampent and start a new empire.I want to illustrate that as your ships AI gets better so does it sentience.My question is:Is this remotely possible?Of course you can make an safe AI but that raises ethical problems.For one it will be less efficinent due to a lack of independence and if you like me feel strongly about the game will ask yourself is this right?

Lord Kodos June 28th, 2002 09:53 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
So can anyone get back to me on that whole rampency issue?i mean i dont like it that the MCS can completely replace the organic crews.There realy should be a downside.And besides that i like the idea of an AI going rampent and slaughtering the crew it makes for nice rp plots and can realy turn the tide in a war if all your dreadnoughts and curisers sudddenly go rampent!Also im toying with the idea of making the whole damn thing Quasi-Newtonian although that might cause some problems with the FTL engines and until i fully work the engines out i wont be able to test is,that and i am too lazy to have to put in the QN and then remove it....So Pi mod is marching along at a steady pace imm about done with Vehicle weapons and i havebegun to work on the weapons for infantry.Unfortuently there will be no repair as i cannot make it so that the Vehicles are repaired only,its pretty dumb to have medics repairing vehicles and the repairmen healing infantry X.x alas GW mod is at a standstill i still cant decide what the planets should be i mean there is no good amount any suggestions.

Phoenix-D June 28th, 2002 10:05 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
No, that can't be done.


ZeroAdunn June 28th, 2002 10:17 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Ummm, to make AI's have a downside simply give them a negative bonus to hit and defensive bonus.

As for adding troops to your ground war mod, simply make troops fighters, then they cannot be repaired.

What do you mean you can't decide what planets should be? Why don't you just make them cities?

What the heck is the galactic war mod?

Oh yah, and to help readability you should really space your Posts out.

Suicide Junkie June 28th, 2002 11:11 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
AIs might have disadvantages in being predictable. I agree with zero that combat penalties would be nice http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
Be sure to decide why machine races do not suffer the same penalties as an MC, though... I suggest something along the lines of specialization & redundancy

Lord Kodos July 1st, 2002 03:57 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
eee ivew begun making some of the heroes.Sniper bullets in PI will be drones.OH HERE ARE SOME HEROS!

Durandal:The Vectorian Armadas Flagship.She first served in the Great War when she destroyed the Baseship of the Shrash'ela.She then contained the spread of the Csgith in the Csgith Crises.

The Truth:This worldship is the Armadas mobile base of operations.

Lord Kodos July 1st, 2002 04:13 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Hmm also there are now good events,such as the Galactic circus being held on one of your worlds,or your team in the Pan-Galactic race winning.I still need someone to help me with racestyles any takers?Also i need graphics for many things.The PI is near done expect it around maybe next weekend if everything goes smoothly.Id like to take this time to list my projects

Omni Mod
Planetary Invasion
Galactic War
The Landsraad Expansion Pack
Halo Mod
Shai Halud
Vectorian Mainframe

Keep in mind not all of these are SE or even se related.

Lord Kodos July 1st, 2002 11:21 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Lord Kodos July 1st, 2002 11:21 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Lord Kodos July 3rd, 2002 01:41 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
well the Marathon A New Age is coming along steadily.As is pi

Lord Kodos July 3rd, 2002 09:33 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
good news Ya'all the history of my universe(The Lusinon Universe) is 98%done! and since its being made under the supervision of hadrian to be in Omega i assume he will allow it posted on Spaceempires.org,regardless i will post it here when its done it should answer many questions on the Ra'Shrakil and their role in the universe.of course i do have more then one universe,i have three,two are in omega and the third is for a scenario in LR and ends up collapsing.they are

Lusinon:My "main" universe.Most of the LR mod is here and all my races live here with an exception of a few.

Garok:A living universe,the Gaia theory on a much grander scale.Its only occupents are the Garokians,who serve to protect it from would-be invaders.Garok and the Garokians are all one collective.The Garokians are not designed yet,but i am going for a bio-mechanical Giger-Esque look.

Lord Kodos July 4th, 2002 03:18 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Good new gustyboy has joined the Dunemod development team!Welcome to the team buddie!So now im working on the dunemod heres a list of all the HOUSES i can think of anyone who knopws other please post it

Bene Tleilaxu(are they a house or a religous order i think both?)

Other things:
The Guild
Bene Gesserit

Lord Kodos July 4th, 2002 11:31 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Can i possibly make a planet cloacked?A Plaenetary cloaking facility if you will.I beleive they had these in Star Trek.Also can i artificially induce a asteroid field

Rollo July 5th, 2002 01:29 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
yes that is possible with "Sector - Sight Obscuration" ability. just make a component that you can stick on a base. doesn't work for a facility, though.


TerranC July 5th, 2002 02:29 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Originally posted by Lord Kodos:
Also can i artificially induce a asteroid field
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">No.

You may create asteroids anywhere you want by using the map editor.

Lord Kodos July 5th, 2002 11:36 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
how do i make something one per ship?and can i make things that are one per empire?
also heres some plot info its all you get for now!

He has slumbered for countless eons...Thinking,brooding.
The sleeper was banished eons ago by the gods,in their mercy they had spared
him...Now his followers have returned and the sleeper has

They have watched,and waited for countless years,always waiting,always
watching...Now is their time to act,but sadly it is too little,
too late.....

The disease is spreading...The world trembles with sickness and fear,
with no cure in sight.....

They have awoken the sleeper,and now the Cosmos itself quivers with
fear...They fight an ancient war,unresolved for millenia,and older
then the Cosmos itself,with stakes that baffle the imagination.....

Lord Kodos July 5th, 2002 11:39 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Needless to say the main campaign is broken into those four chapters.Of course there are more then one campaign but thats the biggest,primary and coolest!

Lord Kodos July 6th, 2002 06:08 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Well with the release of the news of DO's moddability i will be workiong extensivly on a mod for it.As of now the project is codenamed:Anubis.Listen i could have finished alot of these if you guys helped.I realy need just one good 2d and one good 3d artist Cmon people!

Our Projects List:
Omni Mod(SE IV)
The Landsraad(E BFD)
Shai Halud(SE IV)
Omniverse(SE RP)
Codex Tyranids of the Black Hive(WH 40K)
Codex Zoats(WH 40K)
Codex Battlezone Space Hulk(WH 40K)
Marathon A New Age(SE IV)
Codex Genestealer Cults Addendums(WH 40K)

ZeroAdunn July 6th, 2002 08:42 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
I'm sorry man, but I just can't help you out. We haven't actually seen anything you have produced. People would be more willing to help if you released something to the public, that way they could judge if they liked what you were doing or if it was possible and fruitfull.

Lord Kodos July 6th, 2002 07:45 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Well i do have stuff.PI is about 90% done but im not releasing with no images.When people sign up i will send them my stuff so far and see if they wanna help.Also time to reveal my plans for DO.Project Anubis will be much like the Macintosh game BoE.You will go about in a world with a commen background and coherent story,but have many options of how to make a living,what quests to do if any.And more.

Lord Kodos July 7th, 2002 12:25 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Some data on Project Anubis:

Lizard Men

Weapon Types:

Dark Mage
Elemental Mage

ZeroAdunn July 7th, 2002 02:43 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Hey, what do you know about DO?

Captain Kwok July 7th, 2002 05:04 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Not only has Lord Kodos working on his infamous "Phantom" Mods, he's already ahead of the pack by making the first Mod for MM's Dungeon Odyssey!


Lord Kodos July 7th, 2002 10:22 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
lol no.Hadrian beat me to it check his site out WorldCraft was planned way before i had the idea of this mod.

disabled July 7th, 2002 10:25 PM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

[ June 14, 2003, 18:53: Message edited by: General Talashar ]

Lord Kodos July 8th, 2002 02:24 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
So true.Like i said before the idea of my mod is going to be that while their is a storyline and a main quest,you can do whatever you want,Make a Honest living,etc etc.If the games like i think it is when my mod comes out you will be able to choose your:
Nation of Loyalties(If any!)

heres the data i have for the mod so far

Dark Mage
Elemental Mage

There are infinite possibilites!Ive begun work on graphics for it and so far have the Jackel Guards and Citizens.Next i figure i will do the Lizard Men.Also keep in mind that the race you choose does more then change your picture!If it works as i think it does i will make it so that certain nations and tribes are nice to certain Races/Nations while others are hostile.

Captain Kwok July 8th, 2002 02:38 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
I think it would be ironic if Lord Kodos was able to finish his Dungeon Odyssey Mod before the game was released...but not any of the thirty mods he's working on for SE:IV.

Lord Kodos July 8th, 2002 05:13 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
lol lmao i might actually try and do that just for the laugh!!!And its not thirty the only SE related projects i am undertaking are
Omni Mod(LR mod,Pi Mod,Gw Mod,and Junkyard Wars are all parts of this project)
Omniverse(My part of the rp community)
Marathon a New Age(A seiv mod)
Shai-Halud(the dune mod me and gusty boy are working on.The reason i am getting Anubis done quickly is well one the graphics are 2d and since these are all mythical creatures images to use,or modify are easy to make or come by.Another is i had the idea for this as a BoE scenario originally but i decided to scrap it due to the complexity of the scripts and my lazines plus bad documentation!Also unlike my SE projects i have full creative liberty, in other words i dont have to check in with Hadrian routinely to check the physics or possibilities of things(thanks for answering my sometimes realy stupid quaries).Another is the fact that im not pressed so much for greatness as in a system like that being used in Project Anubis is so open-ended i can implement half stuff and proably make at least 200 new things.That and after long hours of work on Lusinons history all 9.4 billion years of it i need a relaxing break from SE modding for a while!

Captain Kwok July 8th, 2002 05:21 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Oh...I think I've put it together now:

Hadrian T. Aventine = Lord Kodos


I can't believe I've never noticed this before!

Look at the similiarities:

Both have numerous SE:IV projects ongoing;
Both Need to finish something;
Both are Young;
Both bicker about the Malfadorians!

I suppose that Hadrian is the graphically skilled and epic personality while Lord Kodos is the enthusiastic and PI ("Partially Incoherent") side of the coin.

Keep up the good work!

Fyron July 8th, 2002 05:24 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions

Lord Kodos July 8th, 2002 05:42 AM

Re: Vectorian Mainframe Productions
Lol me and hadrian are as close to each other personality wise as it gets.Yet we are also As far from each other as its gets.Hes more the logical Intelligent methodical worker while im the Intelligent,but niave lax worker

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