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Missing / Lost Scenarios
While going through some of my archives I found these 13 scenarios that I could not find in SPWW2. I renumbered them as 550-562, ran them through scenhack, fixed the errors in the OOB's, added some text at the end and looked them over when I loaded them up.
As far as I can tell they are fine. Thoughts? EDIT: Okay, updated these 13 per feedback and renumbered. EDIT: Removed attachments as they have been updated and placed into the 2019 patch. 3/28/2019 |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
They should be in that zip file. 13 of them.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I will look these over when I start work again in the fall
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I also have 56 for MBT, cleaning them up and running them through the fixer...Will post those next week.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Did you use ScenHack title sort to check for duplicates?
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Yes, I did.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Thanks for making these.
Just played scn 550 (Million bunker) and discovered that the Soviet 76 batteries (U0,V0, and W0) are listed as "immobilized" and do not fire. Could be a problem in the conversion. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Fixed locally, will post tomorrow. Thanks for finding this bug.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I am happy to play test them for you. Thanks for creating them. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
1 Attachment(s)
OOB error in Scn 551.
The 2 FO units (E0 and I0) have vehicle icons but are actually squads. Also they play the sound of horse drawn transport when they move. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
First off I did not really create these scenarios, I found them in one of my archives. I have run through them through ScenHack, first to see if there was any matching scenario, secondly to use the scenario fixer, and then adjusted the oob's, and finally opened them up in the game to make sure nothing bad happened.
With that all said then yes these will need to be play tested and see if there are any issues like pointed out (that was a really easy fix btw), if you want you can post any weirdness here, and I can try to fix them to the best of my abilities. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I fixed 550 (million bunkers) and added it to the first post. :)
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
One thing to be aware of is if any go back a LONG way the cost structure has changed a lot over the years....newer scenarios it's not so much of an issue but if you do find an old one that needs units changed, check the cost for the old unit vs the new cost.......then you have a choice.... do you change all the units to the new cost structure or adjust the new unit to match the old one
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Just FYI an am always happy when scenarios like this are found, updated and re-issued.... I am well aware of the time and effort that go into crafting a scenario and don't like to see ones orphaned.
Plus is fills up the slots <g> right now if someone played one scenario every day from MBT or WW2 they could play for nearly 3 years |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
557 Jewish Partizans - had some problem that got it axed back in the day. Don't remember what the problem was...
562 The Factory - SL#38 has my name in the txt file, for some reason, but this scn is DD's work. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Scn 556 (King of the Hill) also has immobilized Russian 76.2 batteries (I0 and J0)
To be honest I think they should stay this way since it is very tough on the German player as it is. Two more batteries raining down on them would make this almost impossible. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I removed your name from 562 (locally) will upload later.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I'll take a look at 556 and if not needed remove them.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Uploaded to first post in thread the fixes per feedback. Thanks folks!
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Easiest fix would probably be to change them to foot Fo's in the editor, assuming the OOb has them. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Main reason id that if the base type is a truck or whatever, and speed is reduced to 0 then it'll show as immobilised. A proper battery base type does not have that problem as the code expects that class to be speed 0 as its not a vehicle class. or the old scenario may now be pointing at a vehicle class base type, since things have been swapped around in the OOB since then. Easiest "fix" in either case would be to swap the battery for a proper off-map battery by deleting and re-purchasing if the OOB has these. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
My fixes/changes for 551 was to make both E0 and I0 default rifle squads since they are are HQ unit (like if you were going to buy a rifle company) my thoughts is that it's a HQ squad and it should be able to call arty.
The fix for 550 was just to make them OBA (deleted the old and re-purchased as new). For King of the Hill I just removed the Soviet OBA, it's a slow slog and tough, don't think (yet) that the Russians need it. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Scn 557 Jewish Partisans has a number of odd issues:
1. The Poland (Jewish) player receives 725 VPs for artillery overload but the green player has no artillery. In fact, neither side has any artillery. 2. The Green player's mission is advance rather than delay or defend. As a result the Green units march forward to the right side of the board and are cut down. 3. "Pesant" should be "Peasant" and "Jew Partisans" should be "Jewish Partisans". These are minor but the grammarian in me is compelled to address it. :) I played as the Green player and was able to hold off the attack but still suffered a marginal loss due to the artillery overload. If the issue of the Green player advancing can't be fixed, the scenario could still be played as the Green player defending as long as the artillery overload issue is fixed. I don't know which is easier to do. Thanks again for posting these. It is a pleasure to play test them. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Thanks again RetLT. I can try to see if I can resolve some of (or all of) the issues with 557. Not sure if I can or not, but will take a look unless the original designer wants to fix it.
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Does that scenario have ammo trucks for someone? - ammo resupply units count as artillery points. Ammo bunkers can be expensive.
Does it have mortars? - mortars (and any other on map indirect capable units) are artillery and so count towards artillery points, its not just off-map arty that counts). Anything appearing in the bombardment screen basically tot up the arty points, excluding aircraft. If you want to make them not cost arty points - figure out the arty units, and reduce their cost in the editor until the imbalance bonus goes away. Some scenario designers put in ammo units in order to go "boom" and ammo bunkers can be expensive, so if they are in "for effect", they may need their points reduced in the editor?. Some designers stack them on bridges for the demolition effect, for example, usually tied to a remote detonated booby trap. Artillery overload is based on the overspend given the mission type. in an assault, there is no limit to the attacker (AFAIR). However, changing to an assault may make things dug-in which may be undesirable. Another thing to look at is the cost of units - if the scenario was designed long ago then units may cost less than if they had been recently run through the OOB cost calculator. So check an example squad and see what the cost is in the recent oob. Simply making the attacker's units cost more may whittle away at the overload bonus (e.g. make his HQ worth lots perhaps?). |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Thanks Andy for those valuable points! I'll fix 551, I saw the HQ unit class but was thinking it was for the A0 unit only, so I can safely change it from a rifle squad to HQ rifle unit (class)? Essentially, I think they should be the company HQ unit (those FOO's).
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Making a company HQ an HQ unit class is a pure waste of time. Company HQs are not the A0 unit, so there are absolutely no benefits to a unit other than the A0 for being of that class. It will just put a big "kick me" sign on your CHQs against any human opponent - precisely why we do not have "command tanks" etc. that serve no game function other than to mark them for early destruction by a human opponent.That has of course not stopped some OOB designers from using some "special" Unit Class infantry as CHQs, say the only use of e.g. the medium infantry in a particular OOB - which human players will twig very quickly if fighting against these armies where the designer oh so "helpfully" did this. The habit of changing the A0 to another type comes from SP1's long campaigns I think since you could only have 24 core units, so making the boss a tank was worthwhile because then you had that extra combat unit to contribute to the fight. In our games, the HQ should remain as an HQ Unit Class. He can then call for fires almost like an FOO but if attacked then he has survival chances like a small rifle section would. If you make him a tank, the user will risk him or the enemy air may zap him in an airstrike since AFV stick out to planes unlike foot units. Losing the A0 loses any campaign (except the human v human) and has a bad effect on morale (especially when tipping the balance to "force broken" status) and he serves as the real link to off-map units so off map arty will go off the net more often if he is destroyed or routed. Battalion HQ's job is to hide in the rear and avoid conflict. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Totally get you on the A0 unit. Most of the scenarios (IIRC) I have designed or created for the game I leave the A0 alone, I know (from experience, lol) that loosing your A0 in a Campaign is the end.
So what I did for now (what I just uploaded to the first post) is I changed those funky FOO's back to a rifle squad (and unfortunately, renamed them to HQ A Coy and HQ D Coy), so I think that should make them a 'normal' type of rifle squad in that slot as the HQ for the formation. It appears that when the original designer created this, he purchased two Brit Rifle coy. Hopefully these 13 can be somewhat salvaged and used in the future, I have done what I can with the feedback I got so far. It helped me kick back in to designing (converting lol) scenarios again (I did 20 ASL ones back when this was just DOS SPWW2), currently I have 6 almost done of 10 for one set of game conversion and I have a few others in the works (ideas from the old tactical board wargames from the 70s I am converting). Anyway thanks for your tips! |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
The scenario has two 1000 VP ammo bunkers so that must be where the overload is coming from. Maybe converting these to 1000 VP shelter bunkers would do away with this. they won't go boom but they will serve the purpose of being a valuable unit to be destroyed or defended. I think this scenario is better played as the defenders so if the artillery overload points could be removed t would work fine as a defend scenario. This might be easier than trying to correct why the defending units do not stay put. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
If you want them to go boom, put a booby trap (explosives) there.
Defenders will wander off if an objective is in enemy hands - are the objectives shared at the start of the game?. If the attacker "owns" even one, the defenders will step off to take that as their reaction turn is reached or sometimes if its nearby and/or very high value IIRC. Also applies if "neutral" ones have been placed over defenders ones to big up the points of a few scattered objective areas - same result as neutral is not "mine" in the defender's eyes.. (I'll assume the defenders do have reaction turns set, other than say 0 or default which is usually the same effect as 0 turns) |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Scn 560 Assault on Gambsheim has several OOB issues on the German side.
The 3.7 ATGs are actually MG squads. They use the ATG icon but their weapons are than of an LMG squad. The FG Infantry units use Artillery prime mover icons and take damage like them like them. Two of them start inside pillboxes. they have the correct weaponry for an FG squad. I managed a marginal by just over 2:1 but I think the v hexes should be worth more than 5vp each. Also had the issue of the northernmost German units advancing to the left. I found them on the left map end at the end. They had left the top v hexes unguarded. They did not advance towards the v hexes I had taken. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
it sounds like all of these will need to be checked unit by unit and the older they are the more checking that will need to be done
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Thanks for your play-testing, I will take a look at this and a few others, I think I have some fixes for them. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Okay, 557 is tricky, I tweaked the ammo dumps per Andy and set them to cost 0. I also renamed the units as you suggested.
560 is a mess. The original scenario designer changed all the German unit names and it makes figuring out things difficult to darn near impossible and a very time consuming process. Not sure on this one. It looks neat but man just about every German unit is got some funky name. What would help is if you could say something like G0 and G1 are 3.7 ATG's but are actually MG's squads. That would help me pinpoint the issues. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
The ATGs that are really MG squads are D2, I2, N2, T0, T1, U0 and V1 The FG squads who act as Artillery Prime Movers are E0, E1, E2, J0, J1, J2, O0, O1, O2, AC0, AC1, AC2, AD0, AD1, and AD2. I have plenty of free time to play test these. Thank you for helping to fill my days. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Thank you so much for your excellent feedback, I have added your comments/suggestions and finding to a file I have so I'll update the problems as soon as I can and you can have another go if your free (which it sounds like you are :) ). Again, without your help we would not have found the 'bugs'. I am glad your having fun, and happy to fill your days with testing things :) |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
I am happy to report that the other scenarios in this group work fine.
I will be moving on to your SPMBT scenarios soon. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Based on the excellent feedback I received from RetLT, I have removed all the original files and uploaded a new zip with the new 13 files incorporating that feedback.
Many thanks. |
Re: Missing / Lost Scenarios
Files updated, and renumbered in first post of the thread.
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