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new NoooB Game, (Running)
Hi all, i am new to the mp world of dominions 3, never played one myself. Game is up, name "MorlaEAnoob", we just need the pretenders. now it´s the time if you want to change your nation, or discuss some of the settings. -Noobs -EA 8 -map is stremalands, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44093 -mods: cbm 1.92 -diplo:RESPECT the trades, and respect the non agression pacts(but we are humans after all). -win condition: holding 4 capitals for 3 turns -game settings: hall of fame 15 independents 5? rest by deffault -rename enableled i never set up a game but now i have free time -hosting schedule, llamaserver 36h+quickhost players 8 morla- niefelheim shatner- T'ien Ch'i Jiggymike- Acroscephale Six- Mictlan Excist- Agartha Mightypeon- Fomoria kyrieeleison- Abysia ditoloco- Marverni |
Re: new NoooB Game
I'm game. I'll take T'ien Ch'i since they're about the only EA nation I'm really familiar with at this point. The Sharivar map seems fine, as well as all the game settings you propose. I am still in the process of playing through my first MP game so I can't speak from experience but based on what I've read in the forums, the victory condition should either be "Hold X capitals for Y turns" or "Hold X victory point provinces for Y turns". Doing that causes the game to be decided before too many people are eliminated or go AI, which is certainly desirable.
The other game I'm playing has 8 players and victory is from holding 4 capitals for 3 turns. That seems to be working out there so I'm suggesting that here as well. |
Re: new NoooB Game
Hey Morla, I dropped out of that other game (it hadn't started) but I'd rather play in yours. I'd like EA Acroscephale. I'm cool with either type of victory condition.
Re: new NoooB Game
nice¡¡¡, i´ll go with NIEFELHEIM. Ok holding 4 capitals for 3 turns seems good.
Re: new NoooB Game
Sign me up as Mictlan then.
I'd also vote for the x caps for 3 turns. The map looks cool, but isn't it slightly on the big side at 180 provinces? I guess it depends on how many people join. Either way though, I'd give it a shot. :) Also, what about hosting schedule? |
Re: new NoooB Game
hmmm, maybe ulm
Re: new NoooB Game
I'll play as Agartha
Re: new NoooB Game
nice, we are 5 players, few to go.
hosting schedule?quickhost? i'd like to play the first turns in a quick way in dom3minions, and then change to 24 hours, if we can manage to be together for a few hours. if not, 24 hours quick host. "How often will it host? Quickturn (as soon as all player files are turned in)? 24 hours whether the turns are in or not? Both? (all files or 24 hours whichever happens first)? Host set for specific days and times? automatic pause day (hosting time paused on Sunday)? The default on my server is for Quick, or 24-hours timed-out. But that can be changed." Gandalf Parker, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42093 i am really new to this so if u can help i would be a grateful learner. I was tinking to pm gandalf and set a medium game in gandalf´s server. you agree? also we can play in llamaserver by PbEM Six- i accept map suggestions, good balanced maps for 8 players? |
Re: new NoooB Game
Again, I don't have much MP experience to draw on but LlamaServer seems pretty solid and simple (http://www.llamaserver.net/). The instructional page is here (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35160).
I'm fine with a 24 hour hosting time (with auto-host if all turns are submitted early) for the early game, though that might need to be expanded to 36 hours later on when turns take more than 10 minutes to complete. |
Re: new NoooB Game
How many provinces on average for 8 countries were you thinking?
I think a medium sized map is 50-60 provinces total (including water provinces) which doesn't allow for much expansion before we are stepping on each other's toes. |
Re: new NoooB Game
shatner--> ok i think u are right, llamserver looks easy and solid.
24 hours at first then to 36 seems fine. excist--> 10-15 provinces per player waht do you think if we close the players list by monday or tuesday, and play the 5 of us, changing the map of course. |
Re: new NoooB Game
I'd vote for just starting it with 36h+quickhost. The turn timer resets when it quickhosts, so a 24h timer would be constantly moving up earlier in the day. A 36h timer should still force people to play a turn every day as it shouldn't be running the entire 36h. It will just offer little conveniences such as allowing people to choose what time of day they'd like to play that turn, that the 24h won't.
That said, I'm be all for trying to take advantage of the quickhost and get more then one turn in a day for the first few turns when there isn't much to do if other people are up for it. |
Re: new NoooB Game
OK, hosting schedule 36h+quickhost in llamaserver
Re: new NoooB Game
Can I still join in? I would like to play Sauromatia.
Re: new NoooB Game
Mightypeon, of course. Welcome
Re: new NoooB Game
hey MP :D good to see you in another game. I'm trying to win with the severely gimpy Agartha army as a challenge hehe
Re: new NoooB Game
If I can join, i will take Abysia. |
Re: new NoooB Game
kyrieeleison, welcome, just one more to go, if you want we can wait and get 10 players, it´s your call... :D
Re: new NoooB Game
I say 8 is probably good.
Re: new NoooB Game
one more to go, are you happy with the map or you thik it´s too big.
Re: new NoooB Game
Shivran could work but it really is quite large. At 8 players, that would give us 21 provinces apiece when we're really looking for is 10-15 provinces per player. As such, something in the 80 to 120 province range. There are a heck of a lot of maps out there (most of which I'm not familiar with) but just looking at what I have available, both Desert Eye (108 land + 17 sea) and Aran (96 land + 11 sea) would fit the bill. Parganos could work but when I opened it up I found the divisions between the provinces too indistinct, which would get pretty annoying pretty fast.
That's my two cents... |
Re: new NoooB Game
i think so. good old aran, i found this map "Shadowshore" it´s on llamaserver seems nice 120 +13 sea provinces. maybe streamlands 93 land 10 sea
Re: new NoooB Game
Since you're going through the hassle of setting up this game, I say you get final say of what the map is. Provided it's not too big (and none of the ones you mentioned would be), then take your pick.
I'm ready to submit my pretender as soon as I hear the game is up on LlamaServer. |
Re: new NoooB Game
ok, tomorrow i close the recruitment phase, choose a map and create the game on llamaserver.
Re: new NoooB Game
hi all, the game is up in llamaserver "MorlaEAnoob" so send your pretenders. map stremalands link http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44093, we are 7 players.
diplo:RESPECT the trades, and respect the non agression pacts(but we are humans after all). |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
oh, i forget -rename enabeled
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
I know i am a one day late, but if you want to make an exception i am willing to play ..
In case it is still possible i can play Maverni |
ditoloco ok
submit your pretendres, the sooner the better |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
ok, in 3-4 hours i will post pretender
thanks |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
Hey guys,
I will upload the pretender in 24 hours ( or less), i don't have access to the game now. |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
feedback, nice :)
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
I would opt for a map with 15 provinces per person, since this is noob game it will be nice not to be rushed immediately
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
Pretender sent! All my games are stalled, sigh.
I should note by 'all my games' I mean this and one other one. Ready to play though!! |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
I finished designing mine last night, but then had a computer error. I will be uploading mine in 2 hours.
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
Ok, it's done.
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
Is it ok if I change to Formoria?
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
Ok. Looks like all 8 are uploaded.
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
Oops. Or not I guess.
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
I am changing to Formoria.
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
How does one remove the first nation's pretender from llamaserver? Or does it automatically delete sauromatia when it receives the new pretender?
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
yea you can change nations
So, are we ready? i´m looking forward to start my first MP game |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
The admin has to remove the pretender ;)
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
ok i removed it, done, just w8 for llamaserver to update the info.
The admin has to remove the pretender, my bad :) |
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
tatarataraaaa, XD. c´mon Barsa you can win.
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
xD, are you spanish Morla?
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
si, yes i am spanish
Re: new NoooB Game, -Closed, design pretenders.
YaY, All pretenders are in and with correct nations, so on Thursday, 22 September at 0:00 of Earth's GMT+1 time...XDD **** it already has begun.
Re: new NoooB Game, (Running)
Ok. This is on quickhost so we can fire off a couple of turns a day the first few game-months. If you are the last one to send yours in just wait 2 min and you can do turn 2 back to back.
Re: new NoooB Game, (Running)
Pretender is in
Re: new NoooB Game, (Running)
Ditoloco, diplomacy is much easier if you turn "receive private messages" on. This gives a way to store agreements, and allows for much more detailed deals.
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