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FedSlayer February 4th, 2008 09:38 AM

Best LA Nation
Three of us are starting a LA game using the Geometry map This will be a 3 player game with no AI nations.

So, what is the best LA nation? Which pretender/tiles goes with that nation, and what is the recommended strategy? (No Ermor please, it's just to labor intensive.)

Evilhomer February 4th, 2008 09:53 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
Well my top 4 votes for LA powerhouses are Ermor, Rlyeh, miclan and Marignon.

Rlyeh might not be a good choice seeing how few you are that will play this map, and marignons blood hunting might become as labor intense as Ermor I am afraid.

Miclan surely deserves to be mentioned, but once again, blood requires much labor/micromanagement.

After those four I would probably put Tien chi, but not completly sure to be honest.

Aezeal February 4th, 2008 11:02 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
with 3 players you could probably rush the 2 of them with midgard and a SC pretender.. the skinshifters worked very well for me last game (and I mean worked very well in a rush at the start of the game... I'm trashed now that more experienced players have gotten nice research and mages and are communioning or skelly-spamming me out of the game

sector24 February 4th, 2008 02:23 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
I vote Bogarus because they are new and shiny and the polar opposite of Ermor in terms of micromanagement.

NTJedi February 4th, 2008 06:43 PM

Re: Best LA Nation

FedSlayer said:
Three of us are starting a LA game using the Geometry map This will be a 3 player game with no AI nations.

So, what is the best LA nation? Which pretender/tiles goes with that nation, and what is the recommended strategy? (No Ermor please, it's just to labor intensive.)

Tell us what map is being played... for a more accurate response.

Gregstrom February 4th, 2008 07:18 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
I think that might be world of Geometry - about 100 provinces per player if that's the case.

I think late game strength might be the thing to aim for if so.

Nikolai February 4th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
World of Geometry with 3 players?! Wow. I am a game on that map, with 14 players, and on turn 45, there most people have not been at war but with AIs.

At least 7 nations are completely possible winners.

llamabeast February 4th, 2008 09:12 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
World of Geometry with 3 players?! Don't do it, you'll die of boredom/old age before you get anywhere.

FedSlayer February 4th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Boredom, yes well, there is that. Okay so maybe a smaller map, something around 150-230 provinces.

We want to experiment with higher end spells and globals and such. We don't want a rush game.

The other two are training me a bit on MP, in a less intense environment than MP with large numbers of players.

NTJedi February 5th, 2008 02:09 AM

Re: Best LA Nation

FedSlayer said:
Boredom, yes well, there is that. Okay so maybe a smaller map, something around 150-230 provinces.

What percentage of water provinces?
What percentage of rough terrain? mountains?

Lingchih February 5th, 2008 02:28 AM

Re: Best LA Nation

FedSlayer said:
Boredom, yes well, there is that. Okay so maybe a smaller map, something around 150-230 provinces.

We want to experiment with higher end spells and globals and such. We don't want a rush game.

The other two are training me a bit on MP, in a less intense environment than MP with large numbers of players.

You must be trained against the best MP opponents. Only then will you learn Fedslayer. Yes, you must die time and time again to learn the intracies of Dominions.

Aethyr February 5th, 2008 03:10 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
Good! That means I'm well on my way. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Digress February 5th, 2008 05:14 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
Me too !

DrPraetorious February 5th, 2008 05:22 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
In no particular order...

Marignon, Mictlan, R'lyeh (if lots of sea)

Ermor, Arcoscephale, T'ien Ch'i, Caelum, Utgard, Bogarus(?)

Man, Jomon, Agartha, C'tis, Pangaea, Atlantis, Patala, Midgard, Pythium(?)

Ulm, Abysia

Sombre February 5th, 2008 07:19 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
TNDP forgets that patala CAN NEVAR WIN!!!1!!1 because of their pd.

llamabeast February 5th, 2008 07:33 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
Yeah Dr.P, that was pretty dumb of you.

Meglobob February 5th, 2008 09:34 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
Superpowers : Ermor, R'lyeh.

Major Powers : Marignon, Mictlan, Ctis, Caelum, Tien Chi.

Average : The rest.

Not Enough Info : Bogarus, Pythium.

Ironhawk February 6th, 2008 05:28 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
People seem unsure of LA Pyth's abilities so I thought I would chime in. I'm playing LA Pyth in an MP game at the moment and I am finding them to be a solid nation. Thier indy expansion via Hydras is astonishing - just astonishing! I might even go so far as to say that you could use LA Pyth as a rushing nation.

After the early game tho they do flounder a bit with lackluster non-cap troops and scatter magic paths. But I've thought of some strats that could build a good early game and a very strong middle. Overall I would say that LA Pythium is a tricky nation to operate but strong if played well.

mathusalem February 7th, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
I can't find if there is a guide of Marignon LA

Don_Seba February 7th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
I think the strongest are R'lyeh, Ermor, Mictlan, and C'tis. I also personally like LA Jotunheim (Utgard)

But I cannot really think of a really weak nation apart from maybe Abysia, and on the last forum I frequented, LA Vanheim (Midgard) was considered completely crippled, because of its lack of recruit anywhere priests, and limited magic in general.

It seems that you guys do not think so about Vanheim, so I wonder what we are missing.

Endoperez February 7th, 2008 01:55 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Rush with lots and lots of Shapeshifters? I remember reading about it a few times, but I haven't seen it in action myself.

thejeff February 7th, 2008 02:23 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Doesn't LA Vanheim have Vans too? Have they been nerfed?

I can see it having low late-game viability, but it should still be an ugly rush nation.

DrPraetorious February 7th, 2008 02:52 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Late Era T'ien Ch'i gets 2s in Air, Water, Earth, Astral, Death and Nature. No-one complains about LA T'ien Ch'i magic.

Midgard gets a 3 in air, and 2s in Earth, Astral, Death and Blood. Not bad. Now, the galderman is slightly overpriced, but he's highly resistant to stray arrows; and you do get Van. You can also back up your blood magic with sacrificedom, which nicely counteracts your priest shortage.

So while I don't think Midgard is as good as T'ien Ch'i, I don't think it's weak, either.

Nikolai February 7th, 2008 03:16 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
If Midgard gets 2s in Earth, Death, and Blood, then Tien Chi gets 3s in Air, Water, and Astral.

Chance is same, and it is: "Not Bloody Likely" - 1 in 160 mages bought. It happens, and it will happen more for Midgard, because of build anywhere... but it is slim chance.

OmikronWarrior February 7th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: Best LA Nation

Endoperez said:
Rush with lots and lots of Shapeshifters? I remember reading about it a few times, but I haven't seen it in action myself.

I've got quite a bit of experience with Midgard. I wouldn't call them crippled in the slightest. Skinshifters are fantastic units and make it easy to expand to start. Then the galderman provide good magic diversity, not great but good. Most importantly, they're guarenteed A2, which with a storm (since you have no archers this won't be a problem) gets you A3, which is thunderstrike spamming territory. Other than that, Galdermemn get you up to 3A, 2E, 2D, 2B, and 1N. Volga, your other mages, always have 2S, which is great for communes.

You can't recruit NATIONAL priests anywhere, but on the otherhand, you can only recruit priests where you have temples, and theres always a good chance any randon province will let you recruit the generic priest, so its not a huge handicap.

Yes, you do have capital only Vans. However, blessing them usually means sacrificing scales which means less skinshifters and mages in the long run. I never take those odds.

thejeff February 7th, 2008 03:42 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
The Galdermen have a better chance of 2E, 2D & 2B.
It's (AEDB)100%, (EDBN)100% right?
That's 1 in 16 for each of the paths.

Tien Chi requires a 10% random to get 3s. You're right. Those are lousy odds.

On another note, don't forget the random Blood Galdermen can join communions, giving access to Fog Warriors and the like.

OmikronWarrior February 7th, 2008 05:35 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Your odds look correct, 1/16 for 2E, 2D, and 2B. However, keep in mind they are recruitable anywhere, and you should play with strong scales. Plus, Galdermen can ALWAYS be used for their battlefield air magic.

Nikolai February 7th, 2008 09:03 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Wow. I must be blind. I had not seen their second pick was at 100%. Not my day today, definitely not.

Huzurdaddi February 9th, 2008 08:26 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
I have to agree with Marignon.

1) Excellent mages, heck probably the most cost effective mage in the game: Goetic Master.
2) Best commonly recruitable troop in the game: the crossbowman (hmmm.. ok longbowman is the best troop in the game, but crossbowman is a solid 2nd).
3) The best PD in the game, it can actually resist most rituals, amazing!

However the lack of worthwhile sacred troops puts you at a disadvantage at the start. You can, and will, offset this with an awake SC pretender (Wyrm seems to be the regular choice).

triqui February 10th, 2008 11:26 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
"2) Best commonly recruitable troop in the game: the crossbowman (hmmm.. ok longbowman is the best troop in the game, but crossbowman is a solid 2nd). "

Isn't the Ulm Ranger better? cost 2 extra gold, but came with stealth and precision 12...

Velusion February 10th, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: Best LA Nation
Best nation for a medium/long game is LA R'lyeh IMHO.

Nikolai February 11th, 2008 05:14 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
LA Man defender is much better.

triqui February 11th, 2008 09:52 AM

Re: Best LA Nation
LA Man defender moves 1 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

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