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-   -   Map: City wars-Gang wars - map - 1.00 is out (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36701)

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 02:26 PM

City wars-Gang wars - map - 1.00 is out
1 Attachment(s)
The Story:

"You are a stranger in town, a strong, evil stranger and you want power, LOTS of power. The cityguard could be a way.. a LONG, SLOW way to power, and long and slow just isn't like you. The King isn't going to give you his power either, and you hate him for it already, ow yeah, he'll pay too. And religion.. is not the thing for you, except to be worshipped by your minions as they spread your gangs dominion over the city. Take the power you deserve. And the money. And the lives you need to take to get whatever else you want.TO PLAY THIS GAME:
1. create at least 4 nations
2. use The King, The Church and The Nobility as 3 of those and set them to computer controlled, do not choose The City Guard as a nation.
3. Create a slot for your own nation, set it on human.
4. If you want other gangs competing for power in the city create a maximum of 4 other nations.
5. Use an awake pretender (and some combat qualities might be usefull) as your gangleader carving your name in the annals of the city"
All water-nations, MA/LA Ermor and MA Tien Chi are disabled. The nations which are used as the resident powers in the city are MA Pythium/Man/Ulm and Marignon and are thus not playable either.

The Map:
the map looks like this (it's 3000 wide though (4x the size in all directions)

The map is out NOW!! please play it

The general idea behind the map:
You arrive in a city and start to creat a gang (nation) to take it over. The King in his castle obviously has troops too, as do the Church and the Nobility 2 powers already in the city, fighting for control within the city walls. On the gates the City Guard is posting and preventing scum like gangs like yours to enter the city. Obviously the city guard is at peace with everyone... as long as gangs don't try to cross the gates.

--> The map will be is campaign/RP sort of map with a lot of pre-made quarters where specific people live (and fight to prevent you taking it over).
--> You and (if you want) some opposing gangs start outside the walls, to cross the gate means fighting the guards. To cross the gates also means entering the domain of the Church and the Nobility.
--> The king resides in the castle and is happy enough to stay there if undisturbed, but of course.. to be the boss of all means the king cannot be allowed to live. And who doesn't want to live in his nice castle http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
--> There is a victory point in the Kings castle so playing for VP or cumulative VP is an option too. Personally I think playing for 10-15 cumulative VP would make the end game a nice "King of the Hill" play.

The new file is attached to this post, DL, play and enjoy

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 02:28 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
1 Attachment(s)
Does what I posted above sound interesting?
Well I still need some help in finishing the map.

My City Guard nation starts with quite some troops on chokepoints since the King and Church are allied with them this prevents to much expansion from those 2 nations. That leaves us with the City Guards a bit (starting with 400 troops) overpowered. Is there a way to set them to totally not agressive, not expanding at all. OR to make them allied with the indies?

Endoperez November 3rd, 2007 03:33 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Indpendents are nation nr 23 IIRC. If not that, then some other number close to that. I guess it IS possible to make them allies, but they're special in quite a few ways so it might not work as intended.

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 03:45 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Well that is worth a try http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 03:51 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I was setting all province on 1K pop so I wanted to add a startsite to all nations (which generates gold), now when I want to start a game it says startsite problem.. is that because I added a start site to nations with already 4 startsites? Is there another way to make the startnation produce more gold with out giving it 30K pop?

Endoperez November 3rd, 2007 03:58 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Only if you modded the one of the existing start sites. you could just give the nation two starting sites, the second being "bank" that has no population and no sites other than the one that generates money.

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 04:02 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I fear the problem might be another thing
do you need to use the number or the NAME when adding sites?

for regular sites I've just used the number (but I've not been able to play long enough to see if they are actually there) now I did that again but as I said I now get kicked out the game when pressing the start game button

it's totally unclear to me when I should use ID's and when names can someone please tell me?

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 04:49 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
another question: what causes a "bad neighbour" error?

Zylithan November 3rd, 2007 04:50 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I always use numbers. I have had errors with names once or twice. But I think its only 4 sites per province. Endoperez's solution sounds good (give each nation a province that is connected to no other nation and gives lots of old).
The only problems with that are:

1. someone could teleport into another person's bank. not a problem if this is SP and you tell people not to cheat.
2. losing your cap wouldnt mean losing your bank. Once again, not a problem if SP I think, because if you lose your cap I'm guessing you start over?
3. you wouldnt get someone else's bank by stealing their cap.
<font color="green">
with low population, wont you also have low supplies?

never heard of bad neighbor. my guess is you wrote a number that doesnt exist, or didnt write a number in (like, were supposed to have two numbers and only wrote one)

re: getting kicked out of the game... i dont really know what i'm talking about here.. wasnt there some issue with you and admins a while back? did that get fixed? or maybe i am confused

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 04:54 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
forget about the neighbour problem I'm doing stupid things with old maps which was the reason.. there where some province to few on the map I was using. (and still one to much on the good one, but that has been taken care of too..)

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 06:08 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
#landname 138 "Mnace"
#terrain 138 0
#population 1000

--&gt; I did things like this to all provinces (the pop 1000 part)

why does the game still have only province with 3-8 K pop and 30 K in home provinces?

#allies 31 23
nation 31 is city guard, the ones I didn't want to start expanding with their 4 provinces with 80 troops...
first thing I encounter are rapidly expanding city guards.. their stats are obviously going sky high.. so this won't do.. any solutions? Or should I remove them as faction and just put the armies as indies on the gates (which would mean the king and church could expand beyond the gates the city guard is blockign.. which would be.. another bad thing)

Zylithan November 3rd, 2007 06:14 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I think you hae to do #setland &lt;prov#&gt;

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 06:59 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
thanks that did indeed do the trick

still need help with the city guards though.. how to prevent a player from expanding OR how to prevent 2 strong nations from passing certain chokepoints (without making it impossible to pass them yourself later on)?

Zylithan November 3rd, 2007 07:27 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
i think there are many numbers for independants, not just 23. that's my only guess.

the idiot/easy but tedious method:

set 31 to be allies with every number 1-100. if there are some nations you know the # for and dont want to be allied, omit them.

i would think this would do it. i have never done this, so, thats my best help

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 07:39 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I can't believe that will work nearly all nations are accounted for.

Zylithan November 3rd, 2007 08:01 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
doesnt hurt to try. it would take &lt;5 minutes, and i think youd probably have your problem fixed. you can even skip all the numbers you know it isnt

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 09:10 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
didn't work.. I'm onto something else now though which does what I want.

new problem

#landname 101 "Market Gate"
#terrain 101 512

#land 101#population 1000
#owner 31
#poptype 49
#commander 70#comname "Sergeant Fidler"#units 15 38#units 15 39
#commander 224
#units 30 29
#units 60 31

#landname 102 "Eryx"
#terrain 102 0

#setland 102#population 1000
#landname 103 "Acyste"
#terrain 103 0

#setland 103#population 1000
#landname 104 "Tenvir"
#terrain 104 0

#setland 104#population 1000
#landname 105 "Exibothia"
#terrain 105 0

#setland 105#population 1000
#landname 106 "Pnophia"
#terrain 106 0

#setland 106#population 1000

#landname 107 "The Market beyond the Walls"
#terrain 107 0

#land 107
#population 1000
#knownfeature "Fountain of Fire"
#knownfeature "Frozen Fountain"
#commander 529 #comname "Fire" #units 5 594
#commander 529 #comname "Heat"
#commander 99 #comname "Water" #units 5 408
#commander 99 #comname "Cold"
#nostart 107

I use the lines above
the elementals (unit 594 and 408)
end up in province 101

province 107 is completely EMPTY
and provine 101 (and several other "gate" province which have simiral set-up) only has the which-hunter (commander 224) and not commander 70. the which hunter is now named (which if you see what i posted above shouldn't be.. I don't know if he'd named fidler, he could be named strings the name of yet another commander 70 (which is a black lord)

1. where have the black lords gone? (I've checked 3/6 gates, only which-hunters no black lords)
2. why is the which hunter named?
3. why are the elementals in prov 101 and not in 107
4. where are the commanders of province 107 (I guess them being gone is why they elementals are in 101)

PS BEFORE I ADDED THE NAMES TO the characters at least the elementals and the commanders of province 107 where in the right place (only I had small elementals then not the big ones I use now)

I know it must be a simple mistake but I'm looking and not seeing it

Zylithan November 3rd, 2007 09:38 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
um. i think each # has to start a new line? maybe not. worth trying?

Aezeal November 3rd, 2007 09:53 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
no that certainly is not it, look in any mod file and see the landnames and neighbour stuff.. all in as few lines as they can get it 100's of # per line

Sombre November 4th, 2007 12:30 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I thought you were banned or something,... did you manage to prove your copy was legal?

Aezeal November 4th, 2007 07:21 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
no I just bought a new one, I actually did that a day after I got banned, I had been price checking for a week then, informed with annete and other already .. I still think they where a bit fast with the ban since I admitted it myself and was informing about buying a legal copy.. but whatever, back on topic please, the mod system is to weird so I need help http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal November 4th, 2007 07:54 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
There must be something wrong in my method of coding, I even RE-DID most of it, changing order etc but now, on another part of the map I have this

#landname 79 "Dawn Gate"
#terrain 79 512

#land 79

#commander 64#comname "Lieutenant Sands"#randomequip 2#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 30 29#commander 64#randomequip 1#units 30 31
#commander 224#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 15 38#units 15 39#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#owner 31#population 1000#poptype 49

#landname 80 "Cuna Eral"
#terrain 80 0

#setland 80#population 1000

similar province with 1K pop

#setland 86#population 1000
#landname 87 "Halfer Ghetto"
#terrain 87 512

#setland 87#population 1000
#poptype 76

#landname 88 "The Factory"
#terrain 88 512

#land 88

#commander 1072#commander 1072#commander 1072#commander 1072#commander 1072#commander 1072#commander 1072#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#commander 323#commander 323#commander 323#commander 323#commander 323#commander 323#commander 323#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#commander 471#comname "The Forge-Master"#units 40 532#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#commander 1230#comname "Forger of Worlds"#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#additem "Dwarven Hammer"#units 15 532#units 10 475
#knownfeature "The Factory"
#feature "The Steel Ovens"
#population 1000

#landname 89 "Akesta"
#terrain 89 512

#setland 89#population 1000

similar province with 1 K pop

#landname 100 "Oeperi"
#terrain 100 0

#setland 100#population 1000

#landname 101 "Market Gate"
#terrain 101 512

#land 101

#commander 64 #comname "Sergeant Fidler"#randomequip 2#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 30 29#commander 64#randomequip 1#units 30 31
#commander 224#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 15 38#units 15 39#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#owner 31#population 1000#poptype 49

on province 79 I see the mechanical men and crushers that should be in province 88, and the commander is named Fidle as the one in province 101 should be named ( I even found the hammer I put on the forge-lord in province 88 in province 79 but NOT the forgelord himself or the commanders I have there.

can someone see what is wrong here?

Aezeal November 4th, 2007 08:09 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I checked and province 88 is completely empty...

Aezeal November 4th, 2007 08:27 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
#landname 124 "Back alley"
#terrain 125 0

#nostart 124
#land 124#setland 124#commander 1912#comname "Jarlaxle"#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 15 1311#units 15 482#commander 1313#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 30 482#commander 428#commander 428#commander 428#commander 486#commander 310#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#knownfeature "Assassins Guild"
#population 1000


#landname 118 "King's Gate"
#terrain 118 512

#land 118#setland 118#commander 64#comname "Major Black"#randomequip 2#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 30 29#commander 64#randomequip 1#units 30 31#commander 224#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"#units 15 38#units 15 39#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"
#owner 31#population 1000#poptype 49

This is how I rewrote all provices I wanted to have specific guards... I HAVE used the lines for placing troops succesfully in another small mod (#land and #setland etc). I have places the other commands ALL in order they are in the docs (dunno if that matters)

and NOW: all these provinces are EMPTY.. except for the features.. those are in the right place and as you can see I place those in the province AFTER the troops.. WHY DOES IT SKIP my troop.

Still at a total loss here people. I could probably keep changing stuff for a small decade here 'but I'll wait for a few replies first :S

Endoperez November 4th, 2007 08:46 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Every #command line probably doesn't have to be on a new line, but there should be at least one empty space before each # symbol. So not
#units 15 39#additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth", but
#units 15 39 #additem "Enormous Cauldron of Broth"

I'm not sure if this would be a problem, but it's the best guess I have.

Aezeal November 4th, 2007 08:54 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I'll try it right away, though as I said I use it like this in another mod and it did work. And the editor generated neighbour and names for province don't have that either... so I'm not sure it will help.. but i'll try it cus I have no other idea's

--&gt; after replacing all "#" with " #"
the game crashed after pretender creation

I fear someone is going to say "I told you so" but after putting all things with units on seperate lines it is ALMOST as I want it

The only thing not correct is owner ship but that MIGHT be becuase owner is nation 31 which atm I don't start with, with the previous setting (wrong troops) the blue flags DID appear though and they did not expand so I was pretty happy with that side effect becuase it solved my previous problem.

I'll see about that next if that is solved.. then I just need to add some content and it'll be ready

--&gt; by placing ownership BEFORE placing the units I now have
1. The correct units
2. In a province owned by the guard
3. The guard not actually as a player in the game so not expanding, just sitting there.
--&gt; ALL IS WELL

THANKS FOR THE HELP, and if you feel like saying I told you so just go ahead Z.

now I just hope the king and the church still keep their pact with the guard even though it's not a real player.. it would not be good for the king to go strolling around early in the game.. I intend to give him a rather large advantage in army size which should only be (voluntarily) battled in the end of the game.

Zylithan November 4th, 2007 11:50 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
glad it works http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal November 4th, 2007 04:21 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
1 Attachment(s)
The map has been attached to the first post and I'll add it here too.

Please download, play, enjoy and give feedback

Use an awake pretender as your gang leader carving his way through the city
The game is LOW on cash, so on usual setting you'll be building armies a lot and you'll be needing your pretender in combat. If that sounds to slow to you then other options are: lower indie strenght, increase income setting

Aezeal November 6th, 2007 02:24 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA

I just wanted to say I want more downloads and more feedback http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal November 6th, 2007 02:24 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA

I just wanted to say I want more downloads and more feedback http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

--&gt; first opinions and thoughts while playing are welcome too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Humakty November 8th, 2007 02:50 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I started a test, with mid Ermor so as to recruit no cost undeads.(do you find it cheaty ?) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
pretender : an awake blue dragon with 9 water.

My first try put me in prov 70, next to the cathedral.
My second put me in the upper left corner, with two neighbours, one was the motheroak.
Talking of it : what is it ? There were around thirty revelers and ten warrior mages.

I found two prov (117/121) with elephants : what the hell are they doing in London ? Or in any city ? Can you imagine elephants walking around in your street ?

For the income : it is lowish, I had neutral scales ( all at zero) and 480 gold income with more than half of the suburbs : I expect a hard day when I'll encounter the Church.

I'll do more testing tonight, and report tomorow if I find something to say.

PS : I recomment an awake SC, as it is the ONLY way to expand early.

Aezeal November 8th, 2007 07:54 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
hmm I NEVER started next to the church (and I started about a zillion games) you are NOT supposed to start within the walls.

I've not yet modded ALL provinces (I'll work on itif there are more pplz interested) so the elephants are randoms.. I'll mod them out if this map gets more popular but with 6 DL's I'm holding work on it till I get some feedback.

Basicly there are quite a few province like the motheroak... it's a thing I could imagine being somewhere in a fantasy scity environment.. I want to add more but it's not my intention to change them all, I like some randomness AND there need to be a few paths around the hard fights http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
If you want to know I'll explain (by the way the explanation of this one is in my coding too (but for most others it's not)
It's place where a few nature witches get with their followers BUT there is also a more dark background.. the seemingly fairly innocent naure worship covers for the darkest arts... necromancy... search for sites to see more

As I adviced myself you MUST play with an awake pretender.. that is the crimelord.. pop in all provinces is 1K even with a setting of 2x the income that is NOT MUCH. The idea is to have a relatively small starting gang to conquer to city.

I was waiting for more replies to see HOW much more income was needed.

Once you are within the walls I expect the church will have conquered most of it since (atm) they are the only ones there.. so once you are ready for that part of the game you can expect heavier resistance (though they have same income as you)
If more money is needed I think I'll place a few mines in about 50% of the province
All special provinces are fairly heavy guarded but MOST of them are also recruitment places for mages and troops.

If the fights are to strong let me know.. IMHO they MIGHT be a bit on the though side but I'm not sure.

Using Ermor might make it way easier for you than intended ... but let's see how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback so far.

Any reason why I have so few downloads? IMHO it's a nice map and with a lil bit of feedback it should be interesting to play the story.

I have quite a few idea's to add, mostly for inside the city. I'm also thinking of making assasins a bit better.. higher map move etc to make them more usefull (seems like a method a crimelord would use so I want to promote it)
Also if the Church it to much competition I'll make a faction "Nobility" which has no peace with the church to keep a lil competition within the walls. The king is just there for endplay... he's got good income, a good SC and access to some nice troops. I THINK that once you are ready for him he will be too easy but it will prevent a few cheesy victory methods I think http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif. I'm also thinking about dividing 2 parts of the outercity with 2 HARD to beat provinces in the middle above the walls and then find a way to get one or two "gangs" on either side of it. Do you think the gates are to heavily guarded btw?

Humakty let me know what you think of the plans/idea's I posted above and other things you want me to know.

OK pplz.. MORE downloads.. more feedback.. I really doubt you'll regret playing this campaign and once we've improved it further it'll only be better.

Humakty November 9th, 2007 08:48 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I'll play further more this week-end (as I watched TV till late yesterday : sometime it's good not to think too much)

I like the idea of improved assassins, but it will be hard to improve ALL assassins. Maybe, if this mod interest someone else than me and you, you could mod a gang faction or two, it would mean less work if you want to mod special units (like super spies/assassins).

What I see of the gates doesn't seem too much, but I only have a scout, so I don't have a complete report.

Anyway, more feedback soon, as your mod seems to me as very original and pleasant to play.

So I support you in saying : HEY YOU ALL !! Test it, it's easily installed and quick to play.

Aezeal November 9th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I would improve the assasins you get from some special sites (atm there is 1 on the map, then I'd add another 2-3)

My last post is a bit chaotic but if you could try to read it and reply on several of the other things I mention'I'd be grateful.

I'll try to make a list right here.

1. DO you think the church is to strong when you encounter them, do they need another party within the walls?
2. DO you think more provinces need sites for extra income? (plain mines)
3. DO you like my special provinces?
4. Are the special provinces to strong? SHould there be better rewards for them?

Humakty November 10th, 2007 12:14 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
1. No, but I made a rush with hundreds of undeads, only to be slowed by their home province, The Cathedral (funny there is the same sort of site on the gates). The AI clearly suffers less from lack of gold (difficult level), and with a classic faction, I think I would have been outnumbered and beaten, even if I owned two times more provinces. When I reached them they had two castles, but they did not control more than the half of the inner city.
All of this balances quite a bit because the AI tends to suicide on the special provinces.
I think it would be more fun wth one more party in and one more party out of the walls.

2. Yes, I don't know what I would have done without my longdeads.

3. yes, but as undeads are crappy, and the low supplies bans big armies, I was only able to take the Motheroak.
How many sites are in each province ? I found only two in Mother oak (without acashic record). The Market Outside the wall is really funny. (12 huge elementals !!)The one with Bogus+an army is maybe too strong, lost a strong army (80+regular units,prophet and a support mage)without killing anyone.

4.Thugs are clearly the solution, maybe the only one, but I haven't done it , most of my mage/priests reanimate all the time.
Don't know for the rewards, motheroak is good.

My dragon was rapidly injured (chest wound), hopefully I wasn't clumsy enougth to send him on a special province, which,I think, can take out almost any early thug/SC.

In the walls I found the Akadomeia, which is one of arcos national : you can't recruit from it, apart if you are Arcos

I forgot one thing : those damn events, regularly giving me hordes of useless and costly chaff, a real pain in the rear with neutral luck, a sure death with +3 luck. Need to be a good logistician to send them die as soon as they appear.
It would be great if we could mod the events, but I don't think it is possible.

Aezeal November 10th, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
what was you indie strenght?

I never placed bogus anywhere I think...

I didn't know you can only recruit from nationals if you are the nation.. I placed Niefelheim on one too.. I liked the idea of being able to recruit neifelgiants after beating a strong province.. I can replace the akadeamia later with something to recruit sage though

If there was a site on the gates it's random http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Maybe you should try a game with a regular nation and indie strength 3?

Humakty November 10th, 2007 04:25 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I'll try with a regular nation (abysia I think), but I'll leave indeps on 5 cause I'm used to it and I read somewhere on the forums the AI took advantage of low indeps.(maybe you guessed it was on 5 for last game)
I'll report, sooner or later.
Strange I found Bogus if you did not place him on the map, maybe events may take place in indep provinces ?
Random is sometimes really coicidentall, almost had to report my invasion.

Burnsaber November 10th, 2007 04:57 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA

Humakty said:
I'll try with a regular nation (abysia I think), but I'll leave indeps on 5 cause I'm used to it and I read somewhere on the forums the AI took advantage of low indeps.(maybe you guessed it was on 5 for last game)
I'll report, sooner or later.
Strange I found Bogus if you did not place him on the map, maybe events may take place in indep provinces ?
Random is sometimes really coicidentall, almost had to report my invasion.

If a "barbarian invasion", "knight attack" or other independents attack!-type event happens in a independent province, the attackers join the defenders.

If the game lasts long enough, you can end up with a province of Vampires, Knights, Blood Druids, Barbarians + Bogus as defenders..

Aezeal November 10th, 2007 05:02 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
And.. that is a good reason to leave it alone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Anyway burnsaber.. just try the map yourself and let me know what you think too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal November 13th, 2007 06:57 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
13 downloads and only one posting feedback.. is it that bad?

Burnsaber November 14th, 2007 03:15 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA

Aezeal said:
13 downloads and only one posting feedback.. is it that bad?

Trying to get feedback from the players is like trying to climb the Mount Everest naked -&gt; practically impossible.

You'll just have to wish that some kind soul will bump into your mod and make your day.

I really don't have time to test other mods. I've got my own and some MP games to play. But, I've actually made a few criminal units in my mod (Crime Lord, Thug and Cutthroat). Feel free to steal them for your mod if you like. See the link in my sig.

jimkehn November 15th, 2007 12:43 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Aezeal....no, the map isn't that bad. I am having fun with it. Jotunheim with poor income scales&gt; Not sure about the rest of the map, but the east half outside the city has low pop provinces and very low income. I can hardly build one mage per turn. Again, I took negative income scales, which is kinda dumb to do as Jotunheim. However, am finding death sites and conjuring mostly undead to do fighting, anyway. They don't eat near as much.

Aezeal November 15th, 2007 03:55 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
ALLLL the map has 1K pop/prov... do you think there live 30K pop in one small part of ancient london http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

I do think about placing more cash sites though.. you think the map needs it ?

I already upped the income to 1/50pop in your game though

Aezeal November 24th, 2007 08:13 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
1 Attachment(s)
The Story:

"You are a stranger in town, a strong, evil stranger and you want power, LOTS of power. The cityguard could be a way.. a LONG, SLOW way to power, and long and slow just isn't like you. The King isn't going to give you his power either, and you hate him for it already, ow yeah, he'll pay too. And religion.. is not the thing for you, except to be worshipped by your minions as they spread your gangs dominion over the city. Take the power you deserve. And the money. And the lives you need to take to get whatever else you want.TO PLAY THIS GAME:
1. create at least 4 nations
2. use The King, The Church and The Nobility as 3 of those and set them to computer controlled, do not choose The City Guard as a nation.
3. Create a slot for your own nation, set it on human.
4. If you want other gangs competing for power in the city create a maximum of 4 other nations.
5. Use an awake pretender (and some combat qualities might be usefull) as your gangleader carving your name in the annals of the city"
All water-nations, MA/LA Ermor and MA Tien Chi are disabled. The nations which are used as the resident powers in the city are MA Pythium/Man/Ulm and Marignon and are thus not playable either.

The Map:
the map looks like this: see first post

The map is out NOW!! please play it

The general idea behind the map:
You arrive in a city and start to creat a gang (nation) to take it over. The King in his castle obviously has troops too, as do the Church and the Nobility 2 powers already in the city, fighting for control within the city walls. On the gates the City Guard is posting and preventing scum like gangs like yours to enter the city. Obviously the city guard is at peace with everyone... as long as gangs don't try to cross the gates.

--&gt; The map will be is campaign/RP sort of map with a lot of pre-made quarters where specific people live (and fight to prevent you taking it over).
--&gt; You and (if you want) some opposing gangs start outside the walls, to cross the gate means fighting the guards. To cross the gates also means entering the domain of the Church and the Nobility.
--&gt; The king resides in the castle and is happy enough to stay there if undisturbed, but of course.. to be the boss of all means the king cannot be allowed to live. And who doesn't want to live in his nice castle
--&gt; There is a victory point in the Kings castle so playing for VP or cumulative VP is an option too. Personally I think playing for 10-15 cumulative VP would make the end game a nice "King of the Hill" play.

The new file is attached to this post, DL, play and enjoy

vfb November 25th, 2007 11:50 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I gave this map a try, and it's a fun setup. I liked the special provinces (getting the Back Alley early was nice).

Blood nations are pretty much screwed though (I played MA Midgard, and gave up on blood hunting since all the provinces so far have max 1K pop).

Perhaps the AI nations should start with more provinces, if that's possible. The king and the church were having a much harder time than I was.

Oh, and I attacked the City Guard, but they didn't counter-attack, even though I only had 1PD in some provinces on their border. One City Guard had the misfortune to be living in Inkpot End. Their cauldrons didn't do them much good there.

Aezeal November 25th, 2007 11:56 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Hmm I noticed I didn't give the church and king the gold mine everyone was supposed to start with.. in the latest edition they do have it.. Did you play the lastest (yesterday or day before) edition? I think not since you don't mention the nobility which now fights with teh church within the walls.

Anyway I've added coppermines (about 10) outside the walls and silver deposits within the walls (and 3 of those outside) So the comp nations should have more cash.

The king is actually locked in with only 3 province but with IMHO a good pretender and outfit and lots of good troop options.. he can just build up his army in there...

The city guard is there and has flags.. but is NOT actually AI controlled (I got it like this and this is what I wanted) they are basicly just a barrier between you and the inner city else the church might get out.. since the guard is a peace with everyone they basicly act as barriers for you (though you can attack them) and the church/nobility (who won't attack them).

Please let me know what version you played if it was the lastest one then I might have to change a few things.. if now.. try the latest one

Aezeal November 25th, 2007 11:58 AM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
PS I'm trying to convince the regular game hosters to host this map for me for a 5 human player and 4 comp player game..

Keep an eye out for a new thread in the MP dorum if you'd like to MP this map wih me.

Aezeal November 25th, 2007 02:21 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
anyone who played this map.. or is interested in a MP on it without playing it... sign up in the MP forum.. the thread is there. naturally it'll be played on the 1.00 version

vfb November 26th, 2007 07:12 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
I set the AIs higher now, and with 4 mighty "gangs" it's more challenging now.

Is there a reason 127 and 137 are not connected? It looks like they should be. The 119 to 138 connection threw me for a bit of a loop, but then I realized the connection is made by going around the corner. It does seem a little odd that 137 is 2 moves away from 119, but 138 (which looks further) is only one move from 119.

The Unholy Triad also has a bug, but it's just that the names are wrong: The Ghost is a the vampire, and The Vampire is the ghost.

Other than that, really nice! It's good to have an excuse to play with luck scales again.

About MP ... I'm currently not joining any MP games until real life settles down a bit.

Aezeal November 27th, 2007 04:16 PM

Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA
Have you played on the newest version of the map?

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