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Allegiances 2 (Large,Team-Based Game, PLAYING)
1 Attachment(s)
With the success of the first team game, Allegiances...
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1 ...I would like to go ahead and begin forming the NEXT team game. This will be a much larger game, with a maximum of nine teams of 2. At the minimum, I would like to have 6 teams, but hopefully we can get more. The rules will probably change before game start, as we analyze their effectiveness in the first game. Right now, we have... CURRENT RULES: 1. Early Era 2. Random team pairings 2. Nations pre-grouped by theme 3. Random selection of theme 4. Once game begins, no hostile actions can be made until at least after the 15th turn (but no one is required to attack on turn 16 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ) 5. Standard victory condition. Default settings, except no graphs, and renaming is allowed. CONNECTION INFO: Port: 9945 MAP: Latest attached above PLAYERS: 1 - Thrawn 2 - Micah 3 - Shovah32 4 - DrPraetorious 5 - OoohSnap 6 - Yucky 7 - Folket 8 - Sivoc 9 - Velusion 10 - Baalz 11 - Snacktime 12 - Janlm EARLY ERA THEMES: 1. HAZY SHADE OF WINTER Niefelheim - Janlm Ulm - Sivoc 2. TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! Pangaea - Velusion Arcoscephale - Thrawn 3. PYRAMID POWER Mictlan - Baalz C'tis - Shovah 4. ARE WE ON FIRE YET? Abysia - Snacktime Yomi - Folket 5. GIBBERING ALL THE WAY Agartha - Dr. P Caelum - Micah 6. DRUIDS ARE TOTALLY VIKINGS, RIGHT? Helheim - Yucky Marverni - OoohSnap With more teams, this should be a dynamic and exciting game opportunity. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Sounds fun, sign me up. Do we get to chose who plays what nation within the team ?
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Last time you could divide your theme however you wanted.
Sign me up as well. EDIT: And yes, I will make another map. Do we want people spread out in a circle again? |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Sure, sign me up.
I think splitting up the water teams is a bad idea though, it seems like it would really restrict the amount of help the 2 allied nations could give each other and result in divide-and-conquer tactics being used to pick off the isolated nations. Rlyeh/Atlantis as a team would be a pretty solid pairing, I think (as opposed to Atlantis getting its *** handed to it by the other 2 aquatic powers, like in every other EA game). And Dr. P, for the map, I think the lake should be in the middle as opposed to one of the sides, since Ulm/Mari got ganged pretty fiercely in the first game purely from the map layout. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Well, you'll notice that no-one is *forced* to take a water nation.
My preference would be to allow people to pick water nations, if they wished, in mixed teams, and then I'd make the map with the correct proportion of water. We could also put a water team in the middle and arrange all the other teams in a ring around the edge. Note that Agartha is amphibious and can assist a water-based ally. But my real problem is that we'd either have one team of 2 water players - who no enemies that can reach them, which is the other thing that happened in the first game - or one team of 2 water players and 1 mixed team that gets kicked out of the water immediately. There just aren't enough water-based nations to have team water-warfare, is my feeling. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Unopposed water nations happen often enough in other games that it doesn't seem like a huge problem to me, though. That's their consolation prize for sucking outside of the water (and EA Ocean/Rlyeh are REALLY bad topside, with Atlantis being non-viable for water-warfare, even with help from an ally, since they need resources more than gold). I guess we could leave the aquatics out altogether, but splitting a team up like that just seems like a booby trap to me. I don't disagree with your assessment of how things would break down, I just don't think an unopposed water team would be a game-breaker.
If anything the water team would probably be too weak, since I don't think EA Rlyeh can duplicate the success I've had with their Middle age counterparts, due to their significant drop in magic diversity and the lack of item slots on their mages. Anyhow, I'm not admining the game, so it's not my call to make in the end, I just wanted to bring it up to be looked at as an issue. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Count me in.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Dr. P - If we go with water teams, I think your suggestion of "we could also put a water team in the middle and arrange all the other teams in a ring around the edge" is the right instinct. I think it will help with the issue of teams being surrounded at startup.
Then again, I think having more teams in general will help with the problem on its own, as well. Adding all you guys! Welcome! |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Count me in please.
Thanks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
You got it Carlos...
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Oh, would people like treasure provinces?
I could put a treasure province in between each pair of teams, at the province equidistant from both the nearest of their two capitals. This would give everyone something to fight over - I could even put VP in the treasure provinces or something. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
With the treasure provinces, are you pitting the teams AGAINST each other, Dr. Praetorious??? How very Machiavellian of you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Sounds fun to me... |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Looks like fun - but when is this scheduled to start?
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
No scheduled start, just trying to fill up with players. I would think next week, though.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I could switch Atlantis and R'lyeh.
That way, Atlantis, relatively weak in the water, would have the support of an amphibious ally (Agartha), while the other water powers would have to handle their water battles alone. Alternatively, just pull the water nations from their current assignments and put them in the middle as a tenth Team. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
i'm a total noob to domIII - hopefully that doesn't cause my partner any problems ;p
maybe i'll get an easy nation like mictlan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif so count me in... |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Okay, here are the legendary provinces I drew out of a hat - I have notes on lots more but I only flesh them out when I pick them. Each treasure province makes an independent mage, provides a bonus to a spell category, and is guarded by five mages and ~100 gems worth of summoned troops. The mages and any summoned commanders split another 60 gems worth of useful magic items.
1) Sarnath. Academy Underneath (2W, Hydromancer), Temple of the Turning Tide (1W, Alter 20), Ruined Temple (1S), Sea Underneath (5W). Hydromancer x5. Telestic Animate x2. Sea Troll x50. Ice Drake x5. 2) Anduine. Whispering Woods (1N1A, Enchantress), Tempest Spire (1A, Evoc 20), Cypress Forest (1N1A), The Mammoth Forest (3N). Enchantress x5. Amphiptere x5. Vine Ogre x25. Hamadryad x20. 3) The Black Tower. Black Tower (3D, Circle Master), Crown of Darkness (3D, Thau 40), Damned Merchant x2 (1B each). Circle Master x5. Wight x12. Shade Beast x15. Bone Fiend x24. 4) Plains of Another Age. Gateway (1S, Conj 20), Tower of the Iron Order (2E3S, Iron Order), The Cliff of Seven Directions (1E1S), Lake of Reflected Time (1S). Adept of the Iron Order x5. Golem x2. Mechanical Men x20. 5) Smouldering Ruins of Argash-Va. Banefire Forge (1F1D, Const 20), The Obsidian Sphere, The Shadow Furnace (1F4D), The Temple of the Raging God (2F, Fire Lord). Fire Lord x5 Lich x1 Skeletal Archers x40 Smoulderghosts x20 Fire Snakes x20 6) Pelsilandus. Forest of a Thousand Streams (1W1N, Enchantress), Bottomless Lake (1W, Conj 20), The Forest of the Lake (2W1N), Chillsick Swamp (1E1D1N). Enchantress x5. Fall Bears x5. Winter Wolves x20. Bog Beast x24. Catoblepas x1. 7) Brightcrest. Mirror Wall Palace (3A, Sorceress), Nexus (1S, Ench 20), The Great Mirror of Maaki (1A1W1S), Strange Opening (2S). Sorceress x5. Abomination x2. Great Eagle x13. Claymen x40. 8) Gold Tower. Tower of the Golden Order (3F2S, Golden Order), Solar Lens (1F, Evoc 20), Fire Rift (2F), Bronze Pillar (1F). Adept of the Golden Order x5. Medium Fire Elemental x50. 9) Dragonmount. Academy of High Magics (1E1N, Wizards), Forest of Golden Leaves (1F1E1N), Mountain of Power (3B, Evo 30, Ench 30), Dragon Mountain (1A). Wizard x5. Tarrasque x2. Draconian x20. Cave Drake x5. Storm Demon x10. 10) Ganzak. High Temple of the Magii (2F2S, High Magii), Basalt Pillars (1S), Gorge of Mystery (1S, Alter 20), Fountain of Fire (3F). High Magii x5. Yazad x20. Scorpion Beast x10. Suggestions are appreciated, or if you guys hate one or more of these I'll just replace them. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I'm in.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Gotcha Folket. Those sound super sweet Dr. P.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
heh, i'm all for having yummy treasure provinces... those might be a bit over the top though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
i'd prefer them each w/ one fewer good site, myself... |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Well, I could lower the gem income from ~9 to some, say, much smaller number http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
But I do think they should each give two major bonuses. One of them is guarded by *tarrasques* and is probably a match for most national armies until the midgame. Wizards are great for anyone, but a lot of indie mages are just not a big deal, depending on which nation you're playing. Likewise, some magic bonuses are very ho-hum for some positions. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Dr. P:
The Crown of Darkness site poses a problem, since it's got a 10% chance of diseasing each of the 5 leaders each turn, who will then die 9 turns later, meaning it's likely that the province will be free for the taking around turn 20 as all of the undead there run away for lack of leadership. Need to either give them demonic/undead leaders or swap out the Crown for something else. There are also a couple of proposed provs that are mixed between UW and non-UW sites, is that a problem or can the normal placement be overridden by specific map commands? The Academy underneath allows aquatic-only recruits, for example, while ice drakes are non-amphibians. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Oh yeah, count me in if you will. How about the worthy hero mod or somethin'? I enjoy the role playing aspect that can come along during turn processing, even if others don't care about heroes or it isn't always the best strategic choice for me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
As an initiate and all that, those look super cool, DrP. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I'd like to participate in this game also. Do you need anything else from me?
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
That was my intention exactly (rings of regeneration), for both the circle masters and the enchantresses. I could switch out the Circle Masters for Wight Mages, also http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
I'm also concerned about the *units* in chillsick swamp getting diseased, and might change that one. The site placement can absolutely be manually over-ridden; from a schtick standpoint, the Academy Underneath is *in* the Sea Underneath. If there's a consensus one way or the other I can easily tone these provinces down or whatever people want, I just picked what seemed to me to be a treasure-province level that people would actually fight over. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Sign me up.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Cool, welcome Velusion!
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I'm in.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I'd like to play too.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Hey Baalz and Parcelt. Welcome!
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
So, looks like we'll have at least 7 teams, almost double what we had in the first game. We'll close off recruiting Monday or Tuesday, and get things started.
As last time, I'll random roll the teams, then random roll the theme for each team. Unless you guys want to do something different this time for theme selection? Bids or whatever. Let me know your thoughts... Can't wait. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Bids would be cool, but I don't care that much either way.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Since I'll be fixing the start locations (after assigning them randomly), bidding or drafting could be handled just fine, but would be a logistical challenge since, presumably, players would have to be paired into teams and *then* they would bid. What do we want for water nations?
Possible map arrangements: 1) Water in the middle, extending towards one edge if there's a third water position. The all-water team has both starts in the middle, the mixed-water-Agartha team (if there is one) has a watery salient off to the side and Agartha is near the coast. 2) Spokes on a wheel. The map is divided into "pie slices", and each team gets one start location near the middle of the map, and one start location near the edge of the map. The water will, once-again, be "L" shaped, with the water team having an entire water pie, and the other water player have some more water near the edge of the map. IF we have water teams - 1. TEAM - HAZY SHADE OF WINTER - Niefelheim + Ulm 2. TEAM - OM MANI PADMA, MOTHERF****R - Kailasa + T'ien Ch'i 3. TEAM - TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! - Pangaea + Arcoscephale 4. TEAM - PYRAMID POWER - Mictlan + C'tis 5. TEAM - DAWN OF EMPIRE - Sauromatia + Ermor 6. TEAM - ARE WE ON FIRE YET? - Abysia + Yomi 7. TEAM - GIBBERING ALL THE WAY - Agartha + R'lyeh 8. TEAM - DRUIDS ARE TOTALLY VIKINGS, RIGHT? - Helheim + Marverni 9. TEAM - DRUID = VIKING, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW - Tir na n'Og + Vanheim 10. TEAM - GLUB GLUB GLUB - Atlantis + Oceania Caelum is left out. Caelum + Kailasa would be a logical team. EA Agartha kicks *** in the water, but I'm a little worried about how Agartha survives in the event of war with another land player. I eagerly await feedback - and Thrawn has the final word, in case of any disagreement. I'll start sending him maps as soon as we're sure |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I really think none should be forced to play a water nation (especially not in EA) as per the latest change. I liked the first setup where the choice of playing in the water was optional.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Okay.... how about this?
1. TEAM - HAZY SHADE OF WINTER - Niefelheim + Ulm 2. TEAM - OM MANI PADMA, MOTHERF****R - Kailasa + T'ien Ch'i 3. TEAM - TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! - two of: Pangaea, Arcoscephale, Oceania, Atlantis 4. TEAM - PYRAMID POWER - Mictlan + C'tis 5. TEAM - DAWN OF EMPIRE - Sauromatia + Ermor 6. TEAM - ARE WE ON FIRE YET? - Abysia + Yomi 7. TEAM - GIBBERING ALL THE WAY - two of: Agartha, R'lyeh, Caelum 8. TEAM - DRUIDS ARE TOTALLY VIKINGS, RIGHT? - Helheim + Marverni 9. TEAM - DRUID = VIKING, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW - Tir na n'Og + Vanheim And then I'll make the map when/if we have water players. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
That works for me...
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
That works great. Though, admittedly, I do miss the team name "GLUB GLUB GLUB". http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Editing the first page...
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
24 hour hosting, I presume? I am sort of tempted to sign up, but the trouble is that I have no internet access at home at the moment (and no Dominions at work), so unless hosting happens to occur while I'm at work it's not really feasible. Grr. Stupid BT (British Telecom) are taking 40 days to put in our phone line (a prerequisite for broadband), when it is meant to take up to 72 hours. They are also impossible to contact unless you have several consecutive free hours to listen to them telling you they 'value your call'. It's been so frustrating I've nearly been reduced to tears. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Yeah, actually guys I've decided I definitely won't join this game, sadly. I'll host it though.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I'm partial to direct connects (lazy with the emails required for PBEM) but it doesn't really matter that much to me. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
1) Copies the .trn file from my downloads folder 2) launches the game in question 3) emails the .2h file to the right place (this step waits on step 2 to finish) So now for my PBEM games the only extra step necessary to take a turn is that I need to download the turn file (I've got a separate desktop shortcut for all my dom3 games, the PBEM ones just launch this .bat file instead). Not hard to set up, I highly recommend it for anyone doing multiple PBEM games. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I might have to get that from you if I ever end up playing in a PBEM game. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
So are gonna start with 16 people (one more...) or wait for the full complement of 18?
I'm ready to generate a map as soon as I know how many water players I have to accommodate. |
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
Are y'all still recruiting? If so I'd love to join. Do I need to pick a nation? Thanks all, cool idea!
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
I prefer direct connect hosting.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
That is very cunning Baalz, can't believe I never thought of it!
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
And of course Thrawn, feel free to go with whichever you prefer of mine or Velusion's servers. Both have definite advantages (I can't do direct connect hosting because of my university's firewall you see).
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
To be more explicit about the pros and cons - the LlamaServer gives you easier control via the web interface, while a direct connect server is obviously easier for the players to use.
Re: Allegiances 2 (Large Team-Based Game, RECRUITI
direct connect is much more user friendly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
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