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-   -   commander type/unit type (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36061)

Aezeal September 13th, 2007 09:24 AM

commander type/unit type
Ok I want to place a niflgiant Jarl and some nifelgiants on a certain province on a certain map. The docs give a lot of lists but not for those commands #commander �<commander type>� and #units <nbr of units> �<type>� so... is there such a list somewhere or can you give me these names?

Sombre September 13th, 2007 10:06 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
I don't do maps, but I would guess you can just type in the name of the unit there.


#commander "Moon Priest"
#units 20 "Jaguar Warrior"

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2007 11:05 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
There is a database by Edi which is very useful.

Or the All_Units game which lets you view all of the units in the game code (including some that arent in the game yet)

Or, if you are working on your favorite nation and you have games where you are playing them, then you can see the units ID number by using the Shft-I key when you are looking at the units info screen.

Aezeal September 13th, 2007 11:29 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
hmm I found those in the province editor of someone (though I still dunno how the semi randomizer needs to work)


#allowedplayer 21#allowedplayer 22#allowedplayer 26#allowedplayer 46#allowedplayer 47#allowedplayer 48#allowedplayer 66#allowedplayer 67

#land 91#setland 91#commander �844"#comname �Ygg the Mountain�#bodyguards 5 �845�#units 10 �845�#units 20 �842�#units 5 �785�#units 20 �300�#units 80 �541�#units 30 �1085�#randomequip 4#commander �844"#comname �Agg the Iceberg�#bodyguards 5 �845�#randomequip 4
#land 1#setland 91#commander �844"#comname �Wenn Wintercold�#bodyguards 5 �845�#units 10 �845�#units 20 �842�#units 5 �785�#units 20 �300�#units 80 �541�#units 30 �1085�#randomequip 4#commander �844"#comname �Fir the Frozen�#bodyguards 5 �845�#randomequip 4

that is what I WANTED to add to the basic file

1. what is wrong with the army (it doesn't appear)
2. is there a way to bypass the fact that each of the water races (3 EA/MA and only 1 LA!!) can be used only once each game. I never really noticed all races could be used only once.. and for a water map of 153 water provs and 27 land provs you should be able to play with 5-8 players IMHO

Sombre September 13th, 2007 11:47 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
You write names as "name of unit" but you don't use " when you enter an ID number.

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2007 11:48 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
Short Answer: dont put quotes around the numbers

Longer Answer:
Quotes (standardly in most scripting or programming languages, and here also) are used to say "the next item might be more than one word" and it usuall seperates items by a space. So the quotes tell the program not to not skip ahead too quick.

In other words:
units 30 1085 does not need quotes because it reads it 1 2 3

but #comname "Fir the Frozen" would need quotes so that read items 1 2 wont stop at Fir, but include the whole Fir the Frozen into item 2

edit: Sombre beat me to an answer. Darn my "teaching mode" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Gandalf Parker

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2007 11:52 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
There is a way to play with more water nations but it involves using a mod. So your map would have to include the map and the mod. It would only take about a dozen lines of text so it would be a really small mod to put MA Oceania and LA Oceania into the Early Age so that all three could play. But to make multiple copies of EA Oceania would take quite abit more code. (unfortunately. That actually is one of my mod wishes to get a command to dupe a nation)

Gandalf Parker

Aezeal September 13th, 2007 11:55 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
ah ok thanks, and
1 can I get multiple atlantian players?
2 does a niefel jarl if I enter it in the .map file as mentioned above have it's standard equipment or do I need to add that seperately (I ask this cus when I did shift-I I saw all weapons mentioned even the "standard" ones for that commander.

I'll change it tomorrow, first I gotta go do my evening + night shift on the ER (a slow ER mind you so I hope to get plenty of sleep)

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2007 12:01 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
[slaps self in forehead]
I knew that sounded familiar. I already did a mod like that. Its here
It puts all the Pangaea and Oceania into the early age. Its for a "Revenge of Gaia" scenario I was considering (making the human players fight a huge allied nature-alliance)

#modname "Natural_Selection"
#description "Nature has decided that it does not like you. This places
all 3 Pangea's and both Oceania's into an early age game."

#selectnation 11
#name "early Pangaea"
#era 1

#selectnation 40
#name "mid Pangaea"
#era 1

#selectnation 61
#name "late Pangaea"
#era 1

#selectnation 26
#name "early Oceania"
#era 1

#selectnation 48
#name "mid Oceania"
#era 1

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2007 12:06 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
The basic units equip is there already. Like if the description says he is using a sword before you give him anything.
You can change that or add items, or even say to give it a random selection of magic equipment.

Aezeal September 13th, 2007 12:54 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
So I take it that with those and similar commands I could place all the 7 water-races in a map?

But could I also put EA Oceania 2x in a map for example? or would that mean I would just have to rename it once and then add it? (I'm at my work now so I can't try it out.)

coudl I do this:
#selectnation 26
#name "Oceania Lords"
#era 1

#selectnation 26
#name "Oceania"
#era 1

hmm I guess I'd just rename the same one 2x then.

I figure I would need to create a nation on an empty race spot and THEN just copy all Oceania data in it and they use that.

If I do that would that be for all games or just for this map (I'd hate to see 2x Oceania appear in all my games)
I've not used mods so far and have no clue how you use em/turn mods on and off etc.

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2007 01:07 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
It takes a mod to move nations around.
Then you can use a map command to put them into that game.

If you do choose to recreate all of Oceania into an empty nation slot then I would be thrilled. I would like to see ALL of the nations done that way to allow for people to play the exact same nation against each other. "My EA Ulm can beat up your EA Ulm"

Aezeal September 13th, 2007 01:21 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
Lol it SOUNDS like it's something difficult though.. else you'd do it in a minute.. I THOUGHT I could just like copy paste a race.. if that is NOT the case.. then I can't do it.

I'm a docter not a programmer lol

Anyway if mods can be restricted to just one map then I'll look into it and do it or get someone to do it my map looks nice and I want to play it. And ot play it I really need about 9-10 slots for players on that map (gives a lil diversity and options to overcroud the map) and that means I need to do more than just put all 3 ages water races in one map (would that be balanced anyway?)... but I'll settle for that if I have to http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal September 14th, 2007 05:48 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
Ok I'm busy making a mod based on the lines posted above but HOW do I get something to use the.dm file I can't find it anywhere how a map should activate a mod

Aezeal September 14th, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: commander type/unit type
common I KNOW all you modders know the answer to that one.. gimme!

Gandalf Parker September 14th, 2007 01:12 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
Short Answer:
Actually that would be the mappers. And Im afraid that there isnt one. The best at the moment is something in the desctription such as "best played with xxxxxxx mod"

Longer Answer:
There are 3 basic sets of commands for Dom3 which are all extensive enough to be a whole subject of study for anyone. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

A) MODDING changing the things that the game can use

B) MAPPING changing the game for a particular map

C) COMMAND LINE (servers, default settings, automating maps, automating game creation)

You can create a command line which will tie a map and mod together. That could be a batch file, or shortcut, or executable. I havent considered it enough to be sure if thats too confusing for the average player.

Aezeal September 14th, 2007 01:41 PM

Re: commander type/unit type
hmm in a new update some sort of linking option from the /map file would be nice them

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