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Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
1 Attachment(s)
The archive includes MULTIPLE MODS: BlackTome.dm -> This is *only* the blessing hotfix. It includes a *description* of what the other mods do, as well as acknowledgements and headers. The name of the file is an unfortunate historical thing; originally I had not intended to offer this fix by itself. BlackTome_E.dm -> This contains new spells for *early era* nations, only. IT DOES NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE. BlackTome_M.dm BlackTome_L.dm -> Will contain new spells for the other two eras, when they are ready. BlackTome_Test.dm -> Includes all of the spells in a test form where EA Arco can cast them for free, so that you can see what they all do. DO NOT USE IT FOR A REAL GAME. The first batch of new national spells are done - ready for use by the following EA nations: Marverni Abyssia Tir Ermor Ulm T'ien Ch'i There are also some non-national spells for blood/death and an earth/death spell provided by Amos (mostly included for the *****in' artwork.) I've done some testing but it's far from exhaustive - I'd love feedback. As far as I can tell all of these spells *work*. The graphics could use an upgrade. The Ermor and Abyssia spells are just stuff I think is cool. The marverni and ulm spells have a game-balance goal in mind - making Marverni survivable in the early game. They're also dripping with celtic bull****. I gave a bunch of them to Tir, but I'm a little bit worried that they're too powerful for what is not, in fact, a weak position. The Abyssian spells are also somewhat worrying in terms of strength. If anyone wishes to contribute spells, spell ideas or artwork, let me know. Brainstorming on new spells, or on balance considerations for adding new spells, can be included in the thread. I hope to have the middle era spells ready by next weekend. Enjoy, TNDP |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
I would love to see "investment" spells.
-Raise growth dominion in provence -Add X number of people or % of people. -Add a gold mine -Multi turn provence spell (like domes) that magnify resources or income. |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
I've been thinking along similar lines. I don't see any effect numbers that outright change population, income or resources, or that add sites - but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Effect 10034 - random event - seems like the most promising, as you'd think you could generate the various beneficial events with it. I'm busy testing other stuff, but if you want to try the following spell: #addspell #name "Event Test" #descr "Event Test" #effect 10042 #spec 268435456 #school 0 #researchlevel 0 #fatiguecost 0 #path 0 4 #pathlevel 0 1 #damage 11 #end Try changing the damage value and see what events you get. You may need to change the value in #spec back to 0. I'm not sure what it does. Raging Hearts, Wolven Winter, Black Death and Blight have #spec 268435456 Baleful Star, Hurricane, Volcanic Eruption, Rain of Toads, Locust Swarms and Tidal Wave have #spec 0 (or #spec 8388608, which just lets it work underwater.) Anyway, I'll test this myself eventually but there's some combat spell stuff I'm still trying to figure out. |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Is it possible to mod a site-searching spell for holy sites ? (maybe it would have to use astral gems, and require a le vel 2 or 3 priest (at worst your prophet))
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
It should be. I'm still experimenting with site-finding spells.
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
*bump*. New version.
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Cool spells! They sound fun!
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
I really like the concept of this mod. Your choice of national spells is interesting and your descriptions are well written. I'm glad to see someone take on the spells in the game.
Personally I feel that Contact Fungus is a brilliant spell, the mystical powers of the mighty fungi have been long overlooked, but personally I felt that it had a better fit in LA Agartha. If I dare to add a request it would be for one or two combat blood spells that don't rely on blood slaves. The sly human player can easily wield the full power of blood magic but the AI could use a little "nudge". |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
On blood spells - I agree with you for the AI, but I don't want to add something that breaks the game for players. Which position do you think needs it the most?
When I do national spells for blood positions I can certainly make some of them blood-based and fatigue < 100. Agartha can certainly get fungus spells - and definitely needs more nationals. I'm trying to bias them towards MA, though - which is a weak position, relative to LA and EA. |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Hmmm... Positions? As in levels? Then I would argue that level 4, 6 and 8 could use an extra spell.
Blood/Fire and Blood/Astral is well represented and should not be boosted further. Blood/Water and Blood/Earth are on par with few but solid summoning spells. Blood/Nature got the craptastic Crossbreeding and Dark Vines spells. Blood/Death is suprisingly lacking any "Ultimate unholy power" spell considering the combination of dark magic. Blood/Air has only the somewhat suspect Storm Demons. My suggestion is thus to add a weak Blood/Nature plant, fungus or transformation combat spell at level 4 (Feeblemind effect?). An area effect Blood/Air combat spell at level 6 (random teleportation of a group of enemies?). A powerful Blood/Death combat spell at level 8. I have no idea what would be appropriate though. Possibly a combination of several lowlevel effects into one mighty "rips your intestines out and strangles you with them" type of spell. Kills one target and scares the living daylights out of everyone around it perhaps? Or turns a group of enemies into allied low tier undead? |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Position = nation, sorry.
Unfortunately, although spells like what you describe are *possible*, they are not currently *modable* because we can't do secondary effects - so, a spell that kills a bunch of people and then summons undead isn't possible. I think Dark Vines is a great spell. Maybe not on a par with Summon Ice Devil, but still very effective, especially for Jotunheim. You can set ten Gygjas to spam that spell and really bring on the pain. Blood/death is definitely a short suit that needs more spells. Vampires are just dreadful. I was thinking of bringing over the combat summons I already wrote up for Padmassa and making them universally available. Most of them are blood/death. I'll add some blood/nature spells to Pangaea and some nature/death or nature/astral spells to Agartha with the fungus theme. Feeblemind is a good idea. |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Dark Vines with Jotunheim? Hmmm... That might be the only combination I haven't tried yet so I readily confess that I might have missjudged Dark Vines. They just didn't seem on par with other available bloodsummons.
I sort of assumed that my suggestions were unfeasible. I simply couldn't come up with appropriate spelleffects so I tried to obfuscate my answer with wishful thinking. Hopefully with time more options will open up for inspired modders. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Is an elemental battle summon that doesn't require gems really balanced? I thought the gem costs were added after dominions1 because they were considered abusable
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Such a spell would almost certainly be unbalancing if you gave it to *everyone* - although see below.
In this context, you have to consider the nation(s) that get it, and the research level where it arrives. Is it unbalancing for Marverni to be able to conjure elementals off of a NNA caster, which it doesn't get? If the best thing you can get out of your God - or a powerful, expensive independent caster like an Enchantress - is a lesser air elemental every turn, I'm not impressed. I'd been planning to give the same spell to Man - for the specific purpose of making the (not, frankly, very useful) Mother of Avalon a little fiercer. It might be ungamebalancing, though - Man is not exactly a weak position! Peronally, I think they went somewhat overboard nerfing the elemental summons. I never cast them. Same story with elemental horde - it costs so much fatigue that a mid-level death caster can only zap it once - if he instead spams a lower level undead summoning spell, he gets the same number of undead without spending any gems. But playtest it a bit and if you think it's unbalancing let me know. These spells are intended to improve game balance as well as to be thematic, if they don't improve game balance there are plenty of spells I could add instead. |
Very Obscure Bug
Okay - I'm encountering problems with spells that run effect 23 on all friendly, sacred magic beings (these spells would be given to ME Agartha.)
The spell that gives Soul Vortex works fine. The spell that gives Mossbody, or Regrowth, or both, does not. It doesn't do anything, it can be cast multiple times per turn, and it triggers unusual AI behavior. When I can get these bugs worked out (or when I give up and change what the spells do, which is likely) I'll have a new version of the mod to post. |
Re: Very Obscure Bug
Boy do I feel stupid.
I had all of these great spells and then the second test versions stopped working. I thought it was because my pretender was casting them (no), I thought it was something odd about effect 23 (no), I thought it was the nation restriction (no). If you REPEAT the spell specification block (i.e. if you define #researchlevel, #school, etc. once, and then define them all again) you appear to get the desired result (the second block of definitions takes effect) - and, you seem to preserve the damage, effect info. etc if you look at the description. HOWEVER, if you try to *cast* such a spell, it completely doesn't work. This is a bit of a pain for testing because I can't just paste in a new definition for level. etc, I have to comment the old one out by hand. Now that I know the problem I expect to have a new version of this mod out by this weekend. |
Here are the spells I\'m working on
Hopefully I'll have another release ready this weekend, but I'd like feedback, as well as suggestions or requests:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> -- Spell Paths Fat Nations School Effects -- Shadow Baiting BDDD 500 all Bld 4 (Combat) Summon. Summons shadow beasts at edges of the battle. -- Banner of the Heliophagi BBDDDD 2500 all Bld 6 Remote Independent Summon. Sends an army of shadows to attack a distant province. -- Call Tartarian Smith EEEDDDD 4000 all Conj 9 Summons an undead smith, EEEE, forgebonus 30. -- (Angels) various * add Ermor E Conj * Since Ermor is clearly the same religion as Marignon/Pythium, they should get the angels too. -- Call Ophan AASSSS 5000 Ermor E, Pyth., Marig. * Conj 7 Summons an angel - A3S3H3. Is a wheel with many eyes. Bad slots, but an ethereal trampler. -- Call Hashmal SSSSS 6000 Ermor E, Pyth., Marig. * Conj 9 Summons an angel - E3S3H3. Another winged guy. Hashmal are excellent generals. -- Call Exousi FFFSSSSS 4400 Ermor E, Pyth., Marig. * Conj 8 Summons an angel - F3N3S3H3. A cloud of fire that leaves verdant footsteps. Large research bonus. -- Call Cherub SSSS 3000 Ermor E, Pyth., Marig. * Conj 9 Summons an angel - H3. An awesome combatant chassis; no magic, but stays crunchy in milk. -- note: E Ermor versions have H as a secondary path in addition/instead, so you cast them off of your Augur-prophet only. -- Staff of Alder NNA 50 Marv., Man *, Eiru * Conj 4 (Combat) Air Elemental -- Awaken Tree NNN 3500 Marv. Conj 4 Summons a rowan tree, immobile, spreads dominion, HHNNNNSS+1 random. -- Awaken Stone EEE 3500 Marv. Conj 4 Summons a menhir, immobile, spreads dominion, HHEEEESS+1 random. -- Staff of Yew NH 200 Marv. Ench 0 (Combat) All sacred units on both sides must resist magic or die. -- Staff of Holly NEE 50 Marv., Man *, Eiru * Ench 2 (Combat) AoE strength, long range -- Staff of Oak NEE 50 Marv., Man *, Eiru * Ench 2 (Combat) AoE damage. Triple to demons and undead -- Staff of Cedar NNA 50 Marv., Man *, Eiru * Ench 3 (Combat) AoE shock resist, long range -- Staff of Wormwood NSS 50 Marv., Man *, Eiru * Ench 5 (Combat) AoE paralysis on magic beings -- The Black Cauldron DDDDDWW 12000 Marv., Man M, Eiru * Ench 7 Global. Replaces Soulgate - makes cauldron born. -- Red Caps BB 1200 Marv., Man *, Eiru * Bld 3 Summons 3 Red Caps. Very fast sidh Warriors, demons with pikes who go berserk and cause fear. -- Cauldron of Blood BBBBEE 3500 Marv. Bld 5 Summon a mad druid, BBESNHH + 2.1 randoms, 50% insanity. -- Cauldron of Blood BBBBEE 3500 Man M Bld 5 Summon a blood witch, BBNNA + 2.1 randoms, 50% insanity. -- Cauldron of Blood BBBBEE 3500 Man L Bld 5 Summon a dark magister, BBEAS + 2.1 randoms, 50% insanity. -- Cauldron of Blood BBBBEE 3500 Eiru * Bld 5 Summons an unseelie lord, BBNAHH + 2.1 randoms, 50% insanity, is a demon. -- Lodestone EH 20 Agartha M Alt 1 (Combat) Friendly sacred magB units gain increased movement rate, trample and charged body. Template. -- Lodestone EH 20 Agartha L Alt 1 (Combat) Friendly sacred undead units gain increased movement rate, trample and charged body. Template. -- Open Lifewell EEDDDDD 300 Agartha M Alt 6 (Combat) Friendly sacred magB units all gain soul vortexes. Battlefield. -- Open Lifewell EEDDDDD 300 Agartha L Alt 6 (Combat) Friendly sacred undead units all gain soul vortexes. Battlefield. -- Call Fungus NNNNSS 200 Agartha M Conj 5 (Combat) Friendly sacred magB units gain mossbody, regrowth. Battlefield. -- Contact Fungus NNNNSS 200 Ermor ML, C'tis L, Agartha L Conj 5 (Combat) Friendly sacred undead gain mossbody, regrowth. Battlefield. -- Burning Standard FDDD 3000 Ermor L Conj 5 Summon. Immobile F2D1H3, with domsummon for burning legionaires. -- Doomed Standard SDDD 3000 Ermor L Conj 5 Summon. Immobile S2D1H3, with domsummon for doomed legionaires. -- Drowned Standard WDDD 3000 Ermor L Conj 5 Summon. Immobile W2D1H3, with domsummon for drowned legionaires. -- Standard of Betrayal ADDD 3000 Ermor L Conj 5 Summon. Immobile A2D1H3, with domsummon for betrayed legionaires. -- Lost Standard EDDD 3000 Ermor L Conj 5 Summon. Immobile E2D1H3, with domsummon for lost legionaires. -- Eternal Knights SSSSSDD 2100 Ermor * Conj 6 7 Ethereal Eternal Knights. -- Sparks EF 100 Ulm * Const 1 (Combat) 15 effects + 5/level of earth magic. Long range, poor precision. 15 points of fire damage (not armor piercing). -- Purified Lance EE 100 Ulm * Const 3 (Combat) Attack spell. Pre 100, 30 points of holy damage, range 50. -- Prognostication Engine EEE 1500 Ulm * Const 5 Summons a prognostication engine - immobile, drain immune, inanimate, mindless, research bonus, prevents bad events, SS. -- Shrapmetal EEE 200 Ulm * Const 7 (Combat) Five-round large clouds with long range inflict 15 points of physical damage. -- Word of Steel E 100 Ulm * Thau 3 (Combat) Does sizable, armor-negating damage to all magB under a template. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. -- Implaccable EE 100 Ulm * Thau 4 (Combat) Large templat haste (not quickness!) and fear-causing. -- Bane Metal EEEE 200 Ulm * Thau 6 (Combat) Large template. Enemy sacred units are crippled and fettered. MRN. -- Iron Rage EE 100 Ulm * Thau 7 (Combat) Drives the entire battlefield - BOTH SIDES - berserk. MRNE. -- Break the Will ESS 400 Ulm * Thau 8 (Combat) Feebleminds the entire enemy army. MRN. -- Children of Catharsis FFFSS 1000 Abyssia * Conj 4 Symmons 3 jinn, who are unarmored but are flying, ethreal, glamour and sacred. -- Annointed of Catharsis FFFFSS 2500 Abyssia * Conj 6 Summons an annointed of catharsis, as above with FFFSS and 0.1 randoms from FSAE. -- Quicken Burning Ones FFFEE 1200 Abyssia ML Conj 4 Summons 3 actual burning ones. -- Annointed of Rhuax FFFFEE 3200 Abyssia ML Conj 6 Summons an annointed of anthrax. -- Children of Anthrax FFFDD 1500 Abyssia * Conj 4 Summons 3 ifrit, wearing bronze armor, with bane fire shields and etherealness. -- Annointed of Anthrax FFFFDD 4000 Abyssia * Conj 6 Summons an annointed of anthrax, as above with FFFDD and 0.1 randoms from FSDB. -- False Quickening BBFFF 2500 Abyssia ML Blood 4 Summons 5 false burning ones. -- Demonbreed BBBSS 4500 Abyssia EL Blood 6 Summons a demonbred. -- Contact Wakyambi NNNDD 2500 Machaka Conj 5 Summons 8 wakyambi, jungle elves. They have glamour and dark vision and are sacred. -- Call Drider DDDDNN 3000 Machaka Conj 6 Summons 5 driders. Driders are the spirits of wakyambi punished by becoming spider-ghosts. Undead with dark-vision and glamour. -- Wakyambi Shaman NNNNDD 4500 Machaka Conj 7 Summons a wakyambi shaman, AANNDDHH + 1.1 randoms from ANDS. Glamour and dark vision. </pre><hr /> |
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Very nice list. Especially Ulm has very nice spells. Although "Break the Will" is Thaum 8 it seems awfully powerful, since it will affect every enemy mage at once. As soon as you get an astral random smith or alchemists you can use it via Power of the Spheres or Starshine Skullcaps (then even instantly).
I think Ermor M and L should get that Fallen Angel spell, if they don't have it already? Also, personally I'd expect that calling angels requires some holy levels, but maybe that's just me... |
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Sounds very nice although i agree that break the will may be a bit strong. Maybe make MR negate easily?
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Way cool. I'm going to try the Maverni stuff out now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Affecting every enemy mage at once is nice, but it's not all THAT much more powerful than, say, Rain of Stones (which pretty much KILLS every enemy mage at once with no MR). If it needs to be weakened, why not make it break the will of the whole battlefield, including friendlies, at normal MR? The thing is, if you make it MR-easy, enemy mages are very unlikely to fail their MR checks in the first place (especially if they have astral magic).
-Max |
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Is there a reason marverni's spells currently arent national(meaning anyone can cast them)?
edit: Also, alot of your spells for them require air magic that they dont have(even with randoms) double edit: Ermorian eternal knights may be a bit too powerful for their cost |
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Looks very cool. I'll try this stuff soon enough.
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
As soon as this mod is ready and checked for compatibility with 3.08, I want to start a MP game with this. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Break the Will is also very hard to cast - you need a Mister Smith with astral (1 in 40) and he needs a cap *and* boots *and* he needs to summon earthpower on the first turn in order to get to E4 (so that he can spend the four gems it costs.) I'm actually more worried about Bane Metal as potentially unbalancing. Quote:
I'm considering giving you the leader and making them show up remotely or temporarily or something. |
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
I tried them without a bless and they were extremely powerful. At 3 astral gems each(i think, did it a few hours ago) they have good stats, ethereality and a very powerful weapon(hitting with 25ap damage means basically anything they hit is dead). Their ethereality, great stats, strong weapon, low cost and size 2 makes them superior to just about any troops without magic weapons and some troops with magic weapons. If you factor in things like the minor death bless ermor is likely to have from its pretender(maybe +200% affliction chance or so) they are amazing at taking out SCs(and i dont want to imagine what they do to undead SCs like banelords) and other tough troops aswell as line troops.
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Well, ether warriors cost 5 SP each, assuming the ether lord himself is "worth" a mere 15 gems.
Eternal Knight vs Ether Warrior: * Loses 8 HP. * Loses 4 Protection. * Does 2 points less damage. * Damage is evil-slaying rather than magB-slaying. * Is undead instead of magB. * is +1 effective attack skill. * is +1 overland move. * is morale 30 instead of 16. * regenerates. * is immune to fire. * Is holy. So, how much do you think is fair? Eternal Knights are also summoned in smaller batches - you think I should make them summoned individually? |
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
Summoning them in groups of 3 at the cost of 10 pearls might work.
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
But um, also compared to ether warriors, ether warriors get a commander.
Re: Here are the spells I\'m working on
The good Dr took that into account(sort of). Im not even comparing them to ether warriors anyway, im just saying that they are powerful for their cost even without a bless.
Black Tome - Alpha 0.2
I've got them costing 18 for 4 at the moment.
They are very powerful troops. I'm attaching a new version to the root of the thread. |
About the blessing hotfix part
The blessing hotfix mod includes a textual description of the entire Mod - but the only thing it actually *does* is change the #spec fields for the five blessing spells so that nations other than Ermor can bless any sacred undead they happen to have. It also allows LA Ermor to bless any sacred living units *they* happen to have.
A (?) in the list below indicates I've never actually seen the unit in play so I'm just guessing who gets it. As to why this hasn't been changed in the main game - I have no idea. My assumption is: "It's not a bug, it's a feature". /me Shrugs. The impact on gameplay is relatively minor, as a rule. I did a quick check and didn't notice that they've changed it (and I didn't see any mention in the changelog for the new patch) - if this has changed somehow, please let me know before I make a worse fool of myself. The following units are affected by this change (becoming blessable): (All Positions) Mound Fiend (LA C'tis) Grave Consort Tomb Priest Tomb King Tomb Wyrm First King (?) Reassembled Prince (?) (LA Pangaea) Carrion Lord Carrion Lady Carrion Centaur Ettin Mandragora (?) Sagittarian Carcass (?) (Mictlan) Civateteo King of Legends (?) (LA Ulm) Ghoul Guardian Ghoul Baron (T'ien Ch'i, Sauromatia) Ancestral Spirit (LA Agartha) Tomb Oracle Sepulchral So, as you can see, it's a fairly big deal for three late age positions - other than that, the main beneficiary is MA Ermor, b/c you can bless your shadow vestals and your thaumaturgs at the same time. There are ongoing complaints that the scripting AI for MA Ermor occasionally does strange things with regards to blessing, which this should also address. |
See clarification at root of the thread.
Re: About the blessing hotfix part
-Max |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
I had to bump this mod... it has so much potential and work already into it. Any chance of getting the other eras? Looks like only the Early one is complete, though I haven't looked at it since it was released.
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
I've done some more work on it, but I am trying to finish my PhD http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
As soon as the next patch comes out, assuming nextspell does what I hope it does, I'll be putting considerable additional effort into it. |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Sympathy sympathy sympathy. I remember finishing my Ph.D.. Nasty, head breaking business, that. Good luck...and I hope your Ph.D. is in a field that doesn't have a job market like mine...(philosophy)
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Job market is pretty good, but I don't want to slave away for the Man, so the pay isn't that great. |
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
After seeing what Ph.D.s of any field have to go through to get a job at a university, I pity you both. What you guys do is borderline thankless if your planning to teach, and takes so much dedication and commitment on your part to reach that level, you must all be masochists http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. Truly is a pursuit fueled by passion for the subject.
Re: Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix
Banner of the Heliophagii is AAEEEE. Not intentional I suppose?
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