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-   -   Mod List thread? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=32126)

Ace_Garp December 4th, 2006 10:34 AM

Mod List thread?
Hello all.
Just wondered if it might be a good idea to have a new sticky thread keeping a tab of all known Mods for WW:R2IS.

I've no idea how many mods there are out there, and it would be great if there was one thread to keep track of them all, possibly along with download links. Obviously it'd need a Moderator to clean it up every now and then, but at least we'd all get to play some of the mods that we may have missed.

In case I've missed any (I'm sure I have), here's the list of mods I've found so far: -

Weird Worlds: Return To Infinite Space <BUY IT NOW!>

Weird Worlds: Added Content V 2.5 <Added_Content_2_5.rar>

Babylon5 Shadowfall beta 2 <Babylon5 v2 a.zip>

Weird Worlds: The Babylon Project V 2.60 <babylonproject_v260.zip>

Battle Colosseum V 1.1 <Battle Colosseum.zip>

Battlestar Galactica V 2.2 <battlestar V2.2.zip>

CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise <CVN-65.zip>

Dominion Assault <DominionB1.zip>

Drives R Us . . .and more! V 1.11 <drivesrus.zip>

Enterprise ? ? ?

Weird Worlds: Enterprise & Defiant <EnterpriseAndDefiant.zip>

Even Weirder Worlds V 1.01 <Even Weirder Worlds 1.01.zip>

Test Mod ? ? ?

Weird Worlds: incomplete <incomplete.rar>

Weird Worlds: Destroyer of Stars V 2.0 <isd2.0.zip>

Mizendar V 1.0 <mizendar.1.0.zip>

Pirate Race <pirate_race.zip>

Weird Worlds: The Ravian Invasion <QuestMod1.zip>

Weird Worlds: Stop the Yellow Kawangi! <same as above>

Weird Worlds: Quest for the Damocles <same as above>

Freelancer Music and Rheinland Cruiser V 1.1 <Rheinland_Cruiser.zip>

Sgqwonkian Crisis <sgqwonk.zip>

Sword of Inevitable Righteousness <SIR-beta5a.zip>

Sith Decimator V 1.1 <Sith_Decimator.zip>

Special ops mission <specialops.zip>

StarBlazers <StarBlazers_v10.rar.zip>

SuperPirate sample Mod ? ? ?

Teeming With Life V 1.2 <teemingwithlife.zip>

Terran Assault Ship Mod <terran_assaultship.zip>

Weapon Effects Mod <WepFX.zip>

White Noise's Weirder Worlds Mod <WhiteNoise.zip>

Have I missed any gems there?
Please let me (and others who read this) know.
Any one want to try to keep a track of all Mods, and the current versions?
Having one place to host them all would be great too.

Ace_Garp December 7th, 2006 04:08 PM

Re: Mod List thread?

I just want to know if I've missed any Mods ;-)

p.s. updated the above to include the new babylon project, and the default quest mods.

Zogu December 7th, 2006 06:00 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Thanks for keeping this list! Are all these mods available in the forum? It would be nice to sort them by location or availability. I also wonder if some of these mods are compatible with the latest upgrades (1.1, 1.2 and 1.21). If anyone has some version information.

Here's an idea for the developers of WW. Maybe it would be a good idea to specify a version number in any ".ini" file in WW, so that when the application loads a mod and discovers that a file has an older version, it warns the user.

As for the "q brood", "q kawangi" and "q primordius", I realize that the names aren't very meaningful. It would be better to use the names displayed in the Mod menu (and maybe the project name and the zip filename):

Choose your Main Quest: "Stop the Kawangi!" (QuestMod1.zip)

Choose your Main Quest: "The Ravian Invasion" (QuestMod1.zip)

Choose your Main Quest: "Quest fot the Damocles" (QuestMod1.zip)

By the way, this tiny mod was really intended as a proof of concept at first, but then I realized it would be nice to provide it to other people.

Ace_Garp December 7th, 2006 06:49 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Thanks for the reply.
I might try to keep this list up to date then.
Things to do for this weekend: -

I'll amend the names to those in the Mod menu, and try to add links as to where they can be obtained (if available), and what the name of the dowloaded file is called.

Do you have any that I've missed?

Fingers December 8th, 2006 12:27 AM

Re: Mod List thread?
1.2 should be backwards compatible when it comes to playing mods. I haven't tried all of them of course so your mileage may vary, but there were no changes that would obviously break mod compatibility.

flap December 16th, 2006 05:47 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Thanks Ace_garp.

But I noticed that the link to special ops might be broken...

Ace_Garp December 16th, 2006 07:28 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Cheers flap.
The link did work when I compiled the list, but does seem to be down now.
I've left it there in case Prometheus puts it back up.
(His whole site seems to down though).
Anybody know of any Mods I've missed out?
I want to play them too!

Ace_Garp February 25th, 2007 06:18 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Added new link for Special Ops Mod.
Hope this is OK prometheus if you're out there.

sgqwonkian August 9th, 2007 10:20 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
I posted two new mods to the forum this week:

Sgqwonkian Crisis
Teeming With Life

Could you please add them to your list above? Thanks!

Ace_Garp August 11th, 2007 11:51 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
I've added: -

Sgqwonkian Crisis
Dominion Assault
Teeming With Life

Are there any more Mods out there that I've missed out, or even later versions that I don't know of?

Right. Off to carry on testing out the Mac update ;-)

Ace_Garp August 20th, 2007 08:09 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Added updated versions of Teeming With Life, Even Weirder Worlds, and . . . another one I think. I can't quite recall what though!
Sorry ;-(

Sgqwonk - I'll get back to doing some stuff for you at the weekend.
It'll be damned fun.

Really pleased the mod scene for WW seems to have been sparked off again.
(Must have been a lot of fellow Mac users waiting)
I'll have to come up with one of my own sometime.

Chaapaaiguy August 28th, 2007 03:14 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Freelancer Music and Rheinland Cruiser V 1.1 <Rheinland_Cruiser_V_1.1.exe>

Sith Decimator V 1.1 <Sith_Decimator_v1.1.zip>

Anyone have these mods available?

the yourfilelink links seem to be out of date,

I'm dying to try these out because of all the positive comments on the forum about them,

Also why no straight Star Trek or Star Wars mods, I've enjoyed the Destroyer of Stars and Enterprise & Defiant mods and the B5 mods are ace but the game just begs for a Trek diplomacy/first contact game or a Star Wars game where the goal is the subjugation of weaker species and the acquisition of minerals/assets for the Galactic Empire,

Any help would be great, Thanks


Ace_Garp August 28th, 2007 09:38 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the Sith Decimator Mod . . .

Ace_Garp August 28th, 2007 09:46 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
1 Attachment(s)
. . . and here's the Rheinland Cruiser Mod.

I'll also update the links in the main post in this thread.
I hope the original authors of the Mods don't mind me posting them here.

Chaapaaiguy August 29th, 2007 05:48 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Thanks for those.....Much appreciated http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Aeryn September 8th, 2007 02:48 AM

Re: Mod List thread?
Yeah, thanks for making this list, has kept me slightly more sane than I would have been otherwise! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Ace_Garp September 11th, 2007 06:14 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
You are more than welcome, and the pleasure is all mine.
I figured that there really ought to be one place where 'all' of the WW:R2IS mods were able to be found. There wasn't, so I made one.
If anybody knows of any mods NOT on this list (or more recent versions), please post here so I can add/update it.
Just wish there were more active modders around at the moment ;-)

Mafaa September 11th, 2007 10:34 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
I know almost all the best ones are gone (see other post the fallen ones)

Manfred September 22nd, 2007 07:27 AM

Re: Mod List thread?
Thanks for this list. I've been looking for mods for quite a long time.
I have a problem with the "even weider worlds" mod. When I try to launch it, the game just crash. My version of "Weird Worlds" is v1.11.

ragnarok_mr4 September 22nd, 2007 01:17 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
I think you need weird worlds patch version 1.2 to play that mod.

Manfred September 22nd, 2007 01:56 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Yeah, I think so but what I ha ve a mac and I can't find any updater fo v1.2 for mac. Seems it's still in beta test. I wanted to know if it could an other problem than a problem of versions.
Thanks a lot

lexicat September 22nd, 2007 03:37 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
the mac patch 1.22 works fine on my mac book pro system. even wierder worlds is much fun.

Ace_Garp September 23rd, 2007 02:42 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
You can find the latest (1.22) updater for the Mac version here: -

Weird Worlds 1.22 updater for the Mac.

Manfred October 19th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Hey, been a while but I wanted to thank you. v1.22 is working fine on my mac.

sgqwonkian December 20th, 2009 05:18 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
Updates for your thread, Ace_Garp:

I've got a new mod called Tech Transparency v1.1

There's also a new version of my Teeming With Life mod, v1.4

Kurdran October 13th, 2010 02:20 PM

Re: Mod List thread?

clomaka October 13th, 2010 02:47 PM

Re: Mod List thread?
don't forget Expeditions

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