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-   -   AI Deathmach 3 (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=20876)

Master Belisarius September 15th, 2004 10:29 PM

AI Deathmach 3
Well, considering I'll have some time during October and because have received requests of some of you, decided to run this new one (and for sure the Last!) AI deathmatch.

Here my proposed rules.

General Rules.

- Starting date 09/29/2004.
- One on One games (1 AI vs 1 AI).
- Will use the newest available AI scripts, or if the AI's author want, could send me an updated Version.
- The games will be played using a custom map. I have a map done by Cybersol (see here AI Dueling Map ). But if somebody else has a better idea, we can consider it.

Game Settings
Similar to the previous deathmatch:
- TDM data files
- 3 Good Starting Planets
- no random events
- simultaneous movement and the first Player for the "human" player.

Victory Conditions
- The victory can be decided by:
a) One AI was able to destroy 100% the other AI.
b) The AI with more victory points after 500 turns.
- I will post the save game at the end of every game.

AIs Involved.
Was thinking in 24.

My proposal is, the 24 first AI's in the previous Death Match:

1 United Flora
2 Tessellate
3 Space Vikings
4 Aquilaeian
5 CueCappa
6 Narn Regime
7 Pyrochette
8 Toron
9 Fazrah
10 EEE
11 Khrel
12 Orks
13 Gron
14 Rage
15 Namovans
15 Earth Alliance
17 Sallega
17 Piundon
19 Klingon
20 Teslik
20 Drakol
20 Azorani
20 Praetorians
20 Colonial

I'm open to change the list, if somebody has:
- a new race script
- an updated srcript of a race that in the previous contest, finished after the place 24.
- just consider that I'm missing a good race

Will decide it after consider the number of AIs involved.

Please let me know your suggestions!

TerranC September 15th, 2004 10:32 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Yay! Another one! Unfortunately I don't have any new AIs that got my attention on hand, but I am going to be checking this thread more then often!

Go UFE! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Slynky September 15th, 2004 10:33 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
"- One on One games (1 AI vs 1 AI). "

Maybe I am not understanding...where does the human player come in at?

Phoenix-D September 15th, 2004 10:34 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Slynky said:
"- One on One games (1 AI vs 1 AI). "

Maybe I am not understanding...where does the human player come in at?

They don't. The point is to watch the AI's beat on each other and see which one wins.

TerranC September 15th, 2004 10:36 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Slynky said:
"- One on One games (1 AI vs 1 AI). "

Maybe I am not understanding...where does the human player come in at?

There is no human "player" in the deathmatches. Master belisarius will be the "player" and he will only be the observer of the AI matchs. The point of AI deathmatchs is to see which AI stands out above the rest by setting them up against other AIs; The Narn AI won the first one, and the UFE AI won the second one; AI performance at these AI deathmatches done by MB has become the standard on which we can judge the AI's proficiency.

Slynky September 15th, 2004 10:48 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Ahhh, I see (slaps forehead).

Since I never play with AI, I guess I am just out of the "loop".

Master Belisarius September 15th, 2004 10:55 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

TerranC said:
Yay! Another one! Unfortunately I don't have any new AIs that got my attention on hand, but I am going to be checking this thread more then often!

Go UFE! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Thanks!

Master Belisarius September 15th, 2004 11:03 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Slynky said:
"- One on One games (1 AI vs 1 AI). "

Maybe I am not understanding...where does the human player come in at?

TerranC and Phoenix already answered it (the games are between 2 AIs and one "human" empire that doesn't do anything).

I'm doing it, because:
a) Every game must be started with at least one human player.
b) noted that if you start a race as under human control, and later change it to full AI control, doesn't work exactly in the same way than if you started the race as under AI control from the setup.

Then, my workaround was start the game with a "dummy" Human player, and the 2 real contenders starting under "pure" AI control.

Maybe it was fixed with the Lastest patches... but I want to be sure!

Deathstalker September 15th, 2004 11:43 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
I vote for the inclusion of the Tesselite (sp?), darn hardest AI I've faced. In almost every game I've played lately they total all the other AI's and then I'm facing fleets of baseships that just annihilate me.

Master Belisarius September 16th, 2004 12:10 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Deathstalker said:
I vote for the inclusion of the Tesselite (sp?), darn hardest AI I've faced. In almost every game I've played lately they total all the other AI's and then I'm facing fleets of baseships that just annihilate me.

hehehe, thanks, but you make me feel ashamed! (Gryphin did the beautiful shipset and I did the AI scripts).
The Tessellate already were included (because they finished second in the previous Death Match).
Thanks again!

Timstone September 16th, 2004 06:54 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Ah, great idea to host another AI Deathmatch. Much praise and thanks to you Master Belisarius.

I'm curious who will win. My money is on the Drakol. I always like those guys. I play a lot myself with that shipset.

Ragnarok September 16th, 2004 10:49 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
I think perhaps we could have the Tesselite take this match.

But I look forward to seeing how this match turns out, MB!

Gandalph September 16th, 2004 11:30 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Absolutely tremendous idea to do this again. I am glad my Tesli'k made the list in 20th, but I have since updated their files based on the results of the Last Deathmatch. I will double check and send you the zipped files.

Master Belisarius September 16th, 2004 01:06 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Gandalph said:
Absolutely tremendous idea to do this again. I am glad my Tesli'k made the list in 20th, but I have since updated their files based on the results of the Last Deathmatch. I will double check and send you the zipped files.

Also, if you have updated files for your other two races, will be happy to include them, replacing races that had not changes from the previous contest.

Gandalph September 16th, 2004 03:08 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
I have totally revamped my Corrian race. The updated files are in my sig. Alas I have not had the time to do anything about my Psychic Ekhazon yet, but may find the time before you get started. I will let you know.

Master Belisarius September 16th, 2004 08:17 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Ok. Just let me know and will include the Ekhazon too.

Timstone September 17th, 2004 01:40 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Master Belisarius:
Please hold on with the Dra'kol. As you noticed I've posted a message to the owners of this great shipset. I hope they respond. If not I will send you the small updates I've made. Okay?

Master Belisarius September 17th, 2004 08:30 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Timstone said:
Master Belisarius:
Please hold on with the Dra'kol. As you noticed I've posted a message to the owners of this great shipset. I hope they respond. If not I will send you the small updates I've made. Okay?

No problem, I'll keep them, hehehe.
Anyway, although I love the shipset and like their style too (the only Intel race in SEIV), think they're not very strong for the same reason I like them: is very difficult to be competitive in SEIV, playing an Intel style.

TerranC September 17th, 2004 08:31 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Master Belisarius said:

Timstone said:
Master Belisarius:
Please hold on with the Dra'kol. As you noticed I've posted a message to the owners of this great shipset. I hope they respond. If not I will send you the small updates I've made. Okay?

No problem, I'll keep them, hehehe.
Anyway, although I love the shipset and like their style too (the only Intel race in SEIV), think they're not very strong.

The Last AIs weren't, unfortunately. You know the deal with gas giant races. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif But maybe this time they'll get futher...? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Master Belisarius September 17th, 2004 08:36 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

[b]TerranC said:
The Last AIs weren't, unfortunately. You know the deal with gas giant races. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif But maybe this time they'll get futher...? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

hehehe, I have edited my post after you wrote your answer!

But don�t think the problem is for the Gas Giant (at least in the AI Deathmatches), think the problem is that's very difficult to play with his style in SEIV.

Timstone September 18th, 2004 04:00 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Okay, I'm sorry Mater Belisarius. I thought the Dra'kol were obsolete (their AI files), but it seems I have DL'ed an earlier Version of the one that is included with the TDM Mod.
Just let those AI files enter the competition.

Go Dra'kol!! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Flag_Checkered.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Flag_Netherlands.gif[/img]

Master Belisarius September 18th, 2004 07:44 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Timstone said:
Okay, I'm sorry Mater Belisarius. I thought the Dra'kol were obsolete (their AI files), but it seems I have DL'ed an earlier Version of the one that is included with the TDM Mod.
Just let those AI files enter the competition.

Have checked, and yes, the Drakol's files looks updated!


Timstone said:
Go Dra'kol!! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Flag_Checkered.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Flag_Netherlands.gif[/img]

hehehe, I will be happy too, if they go far!

Chronon September 18th, 2004 10:27 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
1 Attachment(s)
Master Belisarius, I finished my Verdurans after Death Match 2, and I'd love to see how they stack up against the other AIs. They are my adaptation of the United Flora (thanks again Rollo!), so I imagine they'll be reasonably competitive. If you have an extra spot, I'd really appreciate it if you could include them in Death Match 3. Thanks!

PS. I have attached the files to this post.

Master Belisarius September 19th, 2004 10:54 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Chronon said:
Master Belisarius, I finished my Verdurans after Death Match 2, and I'd love to see how they stack up against the other AIs. They are my adaptation of the United Flora (thanks again Rollo!), so I imagine they'll be reasonably competitive. If you have an extra spot, I'd really appreciate it if you could include them in Death Match 3. Thanks!
PS. I have attached the files to this post.

My first answer was positive, but... have compared the United Flora and the Verdurans AI files, and some files looks too similiar to my taste.

For example:
- construction_vehicles, planet_types, construction_units (and probably other files, are the same.
- political only a few changes.

Please could you send me a PM or e-mail, and tell me the changes you did? (The biggest difference to me, is that the Verdurans has not Deeply religious).

I'm not saying will not include them, but first would prefer to see a bit more and do some tests.

Makinus September 20th, 2004 09:57 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
master Belisarius: do you have some script or tool that you use in the Deathmach? Would you like to share it?

I ask beacuse i�m working in a devnull variant and a tool or script that allow me to test AIs against each other would be very useful...

thanks in advance

Tampa_Gamer September 20th, 2004 01:30 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Hey MB-

Did I miss a post about the Dra'kol? Was there a problem I need to fix in their AI files?


Master Belisarius September 20th, 2004 06:56 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Makinus said:
master Belisarius: do you have some script or tool that you use in the Deathmach? Would you like to share it?

I ask beacuse i�m working in a devnull variant and a tool or script that allow me to test AIs against each other would be very useful...

thanks in advance

I'm using SE4Batch, a tool to run "batch" games that I did some years ago (have posted it into the sharpnel forum).
What SO are you using? Because it worked fine in W95/98, but had problems installing in W2K,XP. If you have W2K or XP, I can send you a Zip file to run it.

Master Belisarius September 20th, 2004 07:02 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Tampa_Gamer said:
Hey MB-

Did I miss a post about the Dra'kol? Was there a problem I need to fix in their AI files?


Hi Tampa! Nice to see you around!
Nope, does not exist any problem with the Dra'kol.
Timstone doesn't knew that you released an updated Version for 1.91 (for this he requested to you, to use a Dra'kol Version modiffied by him).

From the first time the Dra'kol were in my list, and will continue there... and hope they will go far in the contest.

Aiken September 20th, 2004 08:09 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
It doesn't work properly in 2k/xp. Ruatha suggested this script to run automated turns.

Master Belisarius September 20th, 2004 10:08 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

aiken said:
It doesn't work properly in 2k/xp. Ruatha suggested this script to run automated turns.

Although think the Ruatha's scripts works ok, must say that have used the SE4Batch in W2k without problems (just avoiding the installing setup).
IF somebody want, could send the Version I have used under win2k (just need to unzip it and configure the folders).

Aiken September 21st, 2004 04:12 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
I want http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Master Belisarius September 23rd, 2004 09:19 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Sorry Aiken, I have missed your post. I'm sending it right now...

EDIT: have received back the mail... could be a problem with gmail?
See here:

I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
<[email protected]>: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 552 Illegal Attachment

Fyron September 23rd, 2004 10:09 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Gmail's spam filters tend to reject emails with attachments that contain .exes. Even in zips. Sometimes. Try raring it instead of zipping it. http://www.rarlabs.com/

Aiken September 24th, 2004 06:37 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Gmail tends to be very persevering in attachment's rejection. Not the fist case in my experience.

MB, please send programm to <font color="red"> aiken $ fromru * com </font>. This box allows any attachments in mail body.

Btw, if your zipped Version of SE4Batch is the same as the one that can be found in se.net download section, then don't trouble yourself with mailing it, I'll download it myself.


Can't wait to see the great battle of UF vs Tesselate http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (not to hurt feelings of other modders, but...)

Master Belisarius September 24th, 2004 10:41 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Imperator Fyron said:
Gmail's spam filters tend to reject emails with attachments that contain .exes. Even in zips. Sometimes. Try raring it instead of zipping it. http://www.rarlabs.com/

Thanks Fyron will try it.
By the way, I have generated the zip file, using RAR! hehehe
(sent it with the zip format, because it's the most popular).

Master Belisarius September 24th, 2004 10:45 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

aiken said:
Gmail tends to be very persevering in attachment's rejection. Not the fist case in my experience.

MB, please send programm to <font color="red"> aiken $ fromru * com </font>. This box allows any attachments in mail body.

Btw, if your zipped Version of SE4Batch is the same as the one that can be found in se.net download section, then don't trouble yourself with mailing it, I'll download it myself.


Can't wait to see the great battle of UF vs Tesselate http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (not to hurt feelings of other modders, but...)

Ok, will send it again to both emails using a rar file.
And no, is not exactlty the same file, because into the download section you will find the Version that has problems with win2k and xp.

Fyron September 24th, 2004 10:50 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
If the file is under 10 MBs, please send it to kazharii $ yahoo * com, and I can update it on SE.net. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif If it is larger, we can try something else.

Master Belisarius September 24th, 2004 11:38 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Imperator Fyron said:
If the file is under 10 MBs, please send it to kazharii $ yahoo * com, and I can update it on SE.net. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif If it is larger, we can try something else.

Ok, thanks! I'm sending it now.
Already sent it to Aiken, but maybe somebody else want it too.
With RAR format, it has around 4MB (around 5MB ziped).

Fyron September 25th, 2004 01:02 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Both Versions are now available. What do you think MB?

Link showing both files.

Master Belisarius September 25th, 2004 11:52 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Imperator Fyron said:
Both Versions are now available. What do you think MB?

Link showing both files.

Thanks a lot Fyron!

Aiken September 25th, 2004 12:41 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Master Belisarius said:
Ok, will send it again to both emails using a rar file.
And no, is not exactlty the same file, because into the download section you will find the Version that has problems with win2k and xp.

Got it. Thank you, MB!

Master Belisarius September 29th, 2004 08:52 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Ok, now I'm starting the contest.

I did 6 Groups with 4 AIs each.
The 6 Ais with better ranking in the previous contest, were placed in the first place of each group.
All the Groups were filled, using a random function to decide the AI placement.
Here the Groups:

Group A1
United Flora

Group A2

Group A3
Space Vikings

Group A4

Group A5
Cue Cappa
Earth Alliance

Group A6
Narn Regime

Every AI will play 3 games.
The first 3 AIs of each group, will continue to the next round.

Right now, I'm starting the game between the previous winner, the United Flora, against the improved Drakols!

Master Belisarius September 29th, 2004 09:57 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
United Flora vs Drakol.

The UF won at the turn 140.
Again, the UF proved to be a very strong AI.
In the other side, the Drakol suffered the lack of Intel skills that every SE4 has... For example, when the Drakol had 40K intel points and the UF nothing, most of the Drakol's intel projects were Counter Intel 2!

Right now, started the game between Khrel and the Sallega.

Master Belisarius September 29th, 2004 10:18 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
When I try to upload a zip file with the savegame between UF and Drakol (1.4 MB), I'm receiving this error message:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 6000 seconds exceeded in C:\apache2\Apache2\htdocs\threads\addpost.php on line 22

Somebody could give me a tip to avoid this problem? (I will not divide the file, hehehe).

Renegade 13 September 29th, 2004 10:23 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Sounds like it thinks its taking too long to upload the file. But 6000 seconds is 100 minutes, so I kind of doubt that is the problem...sorry I don't have any help or suggestions.

Tampa_Gamer September 30th, 2004 01:24 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Master Belisarius said:
United Flora vs Drakol.

The UF won at the turn 140.
Again, the UF proved to be a very strong AI.
In the other side, the Drakol suffered the lack of Intel skills that every SE4 has... For example, when the Drakol had 40K intel points and the UF nothing, most of the Drakol's intel projects were Counter Intel 2!

Right now, started the game between Khrel and the Sallega.

Oh well. Unfortunately, that is one of the drawbacks of staying with the original intent of this race (I have listed this specific flaw in my readme.txt file from the beginning). Hopefully SE5 will have an intelprojects file similar to the research file where you can prioritize and list the projects a race should use. For my own games I just use the Lucas/Tampa_Gamer Intel fix on the Gold disk to limit AI races to use only those projects that matter to them. Of course, this does not fix the problem of AIs having 10-12 projects at once.


Master Belisarius September 30th, 2004 06:59 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3

Tampa_Gamer said:
Oh well. Unfortunately, that is one of the drawbacks of staying with the original intent of this race (I have listed this specific flaw in my readme.txt file from the beginning). Hopefully SE5 will have an intelprojects file similar to the research file where you can prioritize and list the projects a race should use. For my own games I just use the Lucas/Tampa_Gamer Intel fix on the Gold disk to limit AI races to use only those projects that matter to them. Of course, this does not fix the problem of AIs having 10-12 projects at once.

Yep, I know what are you talking about...
Anyway, always liked your Drakols, despite the problems with the Intel in SE4 and I'm glad you did those scripts.

Master Belisarius September 30th, 2004 07:04 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Khrel vs Sallega.

At the turn 500, the Khrel defeated the Sallega by points.
Both are very interesting races and was a balanced game. The Sallega had a better start (the Khrel suffered the infamous "Colony Ship Bug"), but slowly the Khrel changed the game to their side.

The savegame has around 5MB... then, no way to upload it here!

I'm considering to create an e-mail account in yahoo (100mb), just for this contest. Then, everybody could login there, and download the files. Thoughts?

Master Belisarius September 30th, 2004 10:49 PM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Tessellate vs Gron.

A game between to Religious races. The Tessellate won at the turn 191, and although played a good time without colonize Gas planets (the "Colony bug"!), anyway had not big problems to defeat the Gron.

Timstone October 1st, 2004 05:58 AM

Re: AI Deathmach 3
Great progress, I really like to read this kind of stuff!
Keep up the good work Master Belisarius.

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