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[MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Multiplayer Game
TCP/IP Host: Zen # of Players: 12 Map: The Desert Eye (Wraparound) Host Schedule (X = Turn Hosted) Mon X Tue X Wed X Thu X Fri X Saturday Quickhost Sunday Quickhost Master Password; Enabled. (The only cheater, if any, will be me) Settings Independants: 6 Special Site Frequency: 45 World Richness: Normal Random Events: Common Score Graphs: Info on Other Nations Disabled Hall of Fame: 10 Research: Standard Victory by Provinces 70 IP: To be Announced Port: To be Announced Server Availiable for Pretenders: 12:00 Noon (EST) 1/18/04 Server First Turn Hosted: 12:00 Noon (EST) 1/19/04 Server Time Hosted Daily: 12:00 Noon (EST) Server Rules Ulm - Black Forest Theme Banned Alliances Open Server will be hosted promptly at Daily Host Time unless technical difficulties All Pretenders must be Passworded Surrogates (Replacements) will be handled by individual players All Players must submit a working email to the host, all emails will be formed to a mailing chain so that information can be passed freely between players and host. AAR wholeheartedly encouraged. Game Winner will be declared the "Master of Chaos" and any future Chaos games he will have a reservation seat. No Mods. Any issues, problems, or concerns can be addressed here or sent to moebius@cableone dot net. First come first serve. [ January 17, 2004, 08:24: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Dare I hope for Ulm (even with BF disabled http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif )?
~Aldin [email protected] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Yes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
I will be choosing near the end. 10 Remaining Players 1.) Zen - Unknown 2.) Aldin - Ulm Please remember that if you do not upload your pretender by the time alloted, you will forfiet both the nation and place in the game. This may seem overtly regimented and inflexible. But in order for the game to get underway in a timely manner and remain at it's original intent, it's important to observe them. Also, please note. If there are massive technical difficulties you have the full right to give me as much verbal abuse as you can http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif For those interested; the Host is on Windows XP OS. For those wondering about innacurate replays. [ January 18, 2004, 02:29: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
~Aldin |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I would like to play pangea for my first game of multiplayer dominions.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Can I play?
I'd like to be Marignon. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I would like to be the Pretender God of Man in this game.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I would play Tien Chi.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Please let me play Pythium.
-Horst |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'd like to join also.
Arco, if still available. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
i'd like to join,but these days are the Spring Festival....have to give up,sob ><"
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
And the God came, and said : let there be spiders !
I'll take Machaka, if that is all right with you... |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Played lots of SP games,now I would like to play my first MP game. Abysia is my pick. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'd like to join if there's some room left. I prefer to play Jotun or Pangaea
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I would like to join as C'tis if I can figure out what time 12:00 Noon (EST) is in where I'm living(GMT +01:00)
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'll take Jotunheim
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Ah well. 14 players signed up for a 12 player game in just over 8 hours. You gotta be quick around here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif
I'll put myself down for 3rd on the waiting list in case some of those who signed up don't actually join. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I will if desired. Adjust the # of Players to 15 for the overwhelming quick response.
Catquiet, Alexi spoke up for Jotunheim as Pangaea was already taken. Do you wish to withdraw, or choose a different nation? Truper please pick your nation. Please Note: I will not raise the # of Players past 15 for this particular map. If anyone wishes to withdraw because of this increase, please speak up. 1.) Zen - Unknown 2.) Aladin - Ulm 3.) mivayan - Pangaea 4.) JStanley - Marginon 5.) Arn de Gothia - Man 6.) Teraswearto - T'ien Ch'i 7.) Horst F. JENS - Pythium 8.) atul - Arcospheale 9.) General Tacticus - Machaka 10.) Mardagg - Abysia 11.) Xom - R'lyeh 12.) alexi - Jotunheim 13.) Thilock_Dominus - C'tis 14.) Catquiet - 15.) Truper - Caelum [ January 17, 2004, 17:21: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'll take Caelum. Good luck and good hunting to all!
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
For a game as crowded as this, I'll switch to Atlantis if that's ok. Was planning to take Spring and Autumn but that would be a little too suicidal now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
1.) Zen - Unknown 2.) Aladin - Ulm 3.) mivayan - Pangaea 4.) JStanley - Marginon 5.) Arn de Gothia - Man 6.) Teraswearto - Atlantis 7.) Horst F. JENS - Pythium 8.) atul - Arcospheale 9.) General Tacticus - Machaka 10.) Mardagg - Abysia 11.) Xom - R'lyeh 12.) alexi - Jotunheim 13.) Thilock_Dominus - C'tis 14.) Catquiet - 15.) Truper - Caelum |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'd like to forward myself as a reserve, let me know if anyone drops out before the game start. Ill jump right in on short notice http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'll take Vanheim then.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
1.) Zen - Ermor 2.) Aldin - Ulm 3.) mivayan - Pangaea 4.) JStanley - Marginon 5.) Arn de Gothia - Man 6.) Teraswearto - Atlantis 7.) Horst F. JENS - Pythium 8.) atul - Arcospheale 9.) General Tacticus - Machaka 10.) Mardagg - Abysia 11.) Xom - R'lyeh 12.) alexi - Jotunheim 13.) Thilock_Dominus - C'tis 14.) Catquiet - Vanheim 15.) Truper - Tien Chi Reserve Pillin Note: Heh Pillin reminded me of American Football "Put me in Coach! Put me in! I'm ready!" For those interested or don't know. EST is GMT +5. I hope this works for both US and Euro players as a good time for the turn so they can do their turns in a non-painful way. [ January 18, 2004, 02:30: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Truper has changed from Caelum to T'ien Ch'i based on a bug found with Caelum where they are no longer Cold 3 Preference. Please note his Bug report on this feature in other threads.
Side Note: Roleplaying encouraged in the thread in order to provide a fantasy feel to the game. Make Posts with or about the happenings of your turn, or other things you feel appropriate as the game progresses. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I'd like to join, as R'lyeh maybe http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I have no idea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif I'll let someone who has the answer to that say. I thought it was 7, but if it's only 5, even better?
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Truper likes funny hats!
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif Get your PRETENDERS READY. Tommorow (or if you are in Europe today) is uploading time. Remember to Password your pretenders. This is vitally important so that people do not jump into your nation during the game. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
For those who have not already send me an email at moebius@cableone dot net with the following in the Subject.
Dom2 Eye of Chaos (Your name) |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I've just send you an E-mail http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
and I think it is GMT -05:00(eastern time) USA, Canada, I have changed my PC watch so I can follow the time.(it says 02:08 if it's right) |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Are you excited? The time of Chaos is near at hand!
Email(s) 1.) Zen - Ermor Yes 2.) Aldin - Ulm Yes 3.) mivayan - Pangaea 4.) JStanley - Marginon Yes 5.) Arn de Gothia - Man Yes 6.) Teraswearto - Atlantis Yes 7.) Horst F. JENS - Pythium Yes 8.) atul - Arcoscephale Yes 9.) General Tacticus - Machaka Yes 10.) Mardagg - Abysia Yes 11.) Xom - R'lyeh Yes 12.) alexi - Jotunheim 13.) Thilock_Dominus - C'tis Yes 14.) Catquiet - Vanheim Yes 15.) Truper - Tien Chi Yes Reserve Pillin Yes The Server will be open at 11:30 AM (EST) and open for 2 1/2 Hours for Pretenders to be uploaded. Unless there are specific circumstances, the Uploading time will be closed after 2:00 PM (EST) in order to keep people from having to sit on a waiting to accept players screen. Please upload as soon as possible when the server is availiable in order to make this a quick experience for everyone. [ January 18, 2004, 11:29: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Anyway, sent you my address via email, you should have received it. And it is Arcoscephale, not 'Arcospheale'. Wars have been waged for lesser reasons... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/tongue.gif |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
The Rise of Zenophon
"Hear me! I am Aeschines the Damned, Orator of Eldregate. Last Historian of Zenophon, Emperor of Ermor. Years were but grains of sand during the days of our glory and our fall. Deep into the forbidden rites did we delve and with it came the price of power that we now bear. But that is ... another story. Tonight I speak of the Rise of Zenophon. Legions buried beneath the sea of life were forgotten in the world and time with it, forgotten the glory of Ermor. So it was the Zenophon, Lord of Navigaton, Prince of Many Names, King of Kings, Lord of Fear and Trembling sat brooding deep in the bowels of the Underworld. The dead play no less the games political than the living and so it was that opportunity came and sat before Zenophon. Power. Power as such as could not be imagined rested in the world. Within the world living there were places, places where such power was focused, gathered like dew upon leaves for any to take who could but see. Power perverse that would allow the ascension past these games played by the dead to claim his true heritage and dominion over the dead. Insects they would become and his hand would wrap the world! Thus it was that Zenophon stepped free of the bounds of the Underworld and followed the scent of power. There, amid the sands of the great desert the power lurked. An eye turned to those who walked upon it for one who would claim it. So it was that Zenophon came and took residence in this land, a citadel rising as a black talon. And I, Aeschines followed. There within the black citadel my emperor Zenophon stretched forth his hand and the dead remembered. They remembered the glory of Ermor and the promises of the past. They came to his call marching to the citadel, servants to the will of the Emperor. But! Emperor Zenophon was not alone amid these lands, for power as I said is perverse. Chaos follows it like a child lost and wraps it tightly. But we all know it's hunger reaches through everything and so it was not alone that my Lord saw this power or the greed to take it." The voice lowered and only the sound of echoes remained. The audience waited as Aeschines gave pause to his tale. Editor's Note: There is no Editor, so these will be extremely rough drafts. If you don't like crude writing, it would be best not to view anything written by me. [ January 18, 2004, 09:08: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
In the caves under the God Mountain, the Sacred Spiders are restless. They shuffle and scuffle, they hiss and snap, and even the Black Sorcerers dare not come near them...
Order slowly emerges from this Chaos. The spiders start following a pattern. Round and round they go, following a twisted and crooked path, yet never deviating... Gradually they speed up, their movements becoming more frenzied, yet never straying from the Path... And from their midst He rises, He Who Is At The Center, the King of Kings, the Summer Lord; And here He stands in His Glory, Arch-Arachn-General Tacticus, the Patron of Soldiers, the Symbol of Unchallenged Victory. And as he takes His rightful place in the pantheon of Machaka, seers around the World cringe with fear... |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Just a quick suggestion. Since you have 16 signups including the reserve, and I'd make the 17th, why not play in Orania with a full house?
Any reason for particularly wanting to play in the Desert Eye? |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
[ January 18, 2004, 11:36: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Sure - how broken can it be, says I? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif
I'll go see if I can find the relevant thread ... Edit: Ah, I see. Very nasty. OK, I'll pass. [ January 18, 2004, 10:32: Message edited by: Zapmeister ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
[ January 18, 2004, 11:36: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Beneath the dark churning waters of the great sea, a new age is nigh at hand. Coral Queens are enthralled by visions bloodred seas and the slaughter of infidels, Mother Guards are sharpening their Glaives and Deep Seers utter prophecies of becoming floods. Nervous whispers echo in the ears of even the smallest Atlantean.
The Great One is returning to us! The Supreme God is gone, and the exile has ended! Chungaat, the mightiest and the most ancient of the Atlanteans is with us once more! Tower-high waves crash on the shores and grey curtains of rain fall. Even the bravest of landlubbers tremble in their dwelling, be it cottage, castle or crystal citadel. Tremble ye infidels, for the sea is His voice, and the poisonous forest of Coral Spears is but one of His fingers. All bow before the mighty Chungaat! |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I want to try Caelum! If is it ok for you i'll join and hope i can compensate this income bug. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Hrm. I don't feel comfortable changing to Orania just a few hours before the start of the game. In the future I won't announce the game map until I have a better idea of players.
Unfortunately it will have to stand at 15 on Eye, because people may have built their pretenders in a certain way because of it. I can put you in the reserve if you like calmon. |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Thanks Zen, please set me on your reserve list. Your'e right not to change a map few hours before start.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Email(s) 1.) Zen - Ermor Yes 2.) Aldin - Ulm Yes 3.) mivayan - Pangaea Yes 4.) JStanley - Marginon Yes 5.) Arn de Gothia - Man Yes 6.) Teraswearto - Atlantis Yes 7.) Horst F. JENS - Pythium Yes 8.) atul - Arcoscephale Yes 9.) General Tacticus - Machaka Yes 10.) Mardagg - Abysia Yes 11.) Xom - R'lyeh Yes 12.) alexi - Jotunheim 13.) Thilock_Dominus - C'tis Yes 14.) Catquiet - Vanheim Yes 15.) Truper - Tien Chi Yes Reserve Pillin Yes calmon Yes The Server will be open at 11:30 AM (EST) and open for 2 1/2 Hours for Pretenders to be uploaded. Unless there are specific circumstances, the Uploading time will be closed after 2:00 PM (EST) in order to keep people from having to sit on a waiting to accept players screen. Please upload as soon as possible when the server is availiable in order to make this a quick experience for everyone. __________ The God who Fears the Eraser and Big Wet and Ugly are seen along with He who Smells Deadly traversing the land of the Desert Eye, who will crop up next? Michael Jackson? [ January 18, 2004, 12:34: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Zen, I realize that I can't make it, I'm at work at that time in normal days(not weekends) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon9.gif ... So if one of the reserve will take my place, it's okay.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
The server hosts then, it will be running pretty much 24/7 so you can play your turn any time after 12:00 Noon EST for that day and the next morning.
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
The years passed swiftly under the mountain as the Smiths of Ulm plied their craft. It was not a good era, the people often went hungry. There was also no focus - no purpose - no hope. Yet from his forge far to the east, Pug felt the silent cry of his people. Sliding his Anvil into the pouch at his side and slinging his massive hammer, Throg, over his shoulder, Pug moved West. When the people of Ulm saw him, they knew him as the True Smith. They bowed stiff necks and kneeled before their new master. It was the beginning of a new era for Ulm.
~Aldin |
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
After decades of preparations ancient rituals of tremendous power has been performed in the Sunken City. Many illithid died in the process and mind of many more collapsed. Shadows crept in dreams of every sentient being when Void Gate opened and strange being entered underwater halls. Power known only as Faceless arrived.
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 04:33 AM. |
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