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earcaraxe May 8th, 2011 07:13 AM

Statue of the Art, slaughtering ended - Kailasa-Deadnature won
Hi! This time its a 8 player no-diplo game, and i take a break from ma abysia to lead one of my other darling nations.

map: Parganos (the dead seas version of llama with more balanced terrain types)
era: Early
win condition: consensus
mods: CBM 1.84
hosting: 24 hrs, quickhost, tolerance
special rule: the spell "burden of time" is forbidden

earcaraxe: sauromatia
nrasch: hinnom
ossa: tir na nog
fickle: c'tis
ghoul31: niefelheim
jimbojones: ermor
dead nature:kailasa
talrivian: yomi

ghoul31 May 8th, 2011 07:54 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/4)

Fickle May 8th, 2011 10:31 PM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/5)
Sign me up for C'tis please

nrasch May 9th, 2011 09:53 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/5)
I'd like Hinnom please. :)


Ossa May 11th, 2011 01:29 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/5)
I'd join as Tir - but please allow these other spells. I fear I would break them just by forgetting about it.

earcaraxe May 11th, 2011 02:42 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/5)

jimbojones1971 May 11th, 2011 09:31 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/5)
I'm in, put me down for Niefelheim please.

Happy with the banned spells.

earcaraxe May 11th, 2011 09:58 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/5)
welcome jimbojones. ghoul has already indicated his intention - already in short-spoken, no-diplo way - to lead the northern giants. Would u like to choose another nation?

Deadnature May 12th, 2011 02:14 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, recruiting (7/6)
Its been some years since I've played Dom3, and I used to be an avid player on this forum. However, a couple years or so ago the last two games I played I staled out on, not too developed but something I felt bad about.

So I decided to come back and try to salvage my rep on the dom3 forums rather than start a new profile or something. I pledge to not stale on you guys and forever more in dom3, and I'm writing to a couple of the peeps I staled out on too apologize too.

In short, I would love to play Kailesa if you guys will have me, Its been a while but I'm pretty sure I can still kick some butt. :)

earcaraxe May 12th, 2011 02:24 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, full, starting.
im glad to have u deadnature.

we are full now, let the struggle for godhood begin!

for reminder: its a no-diplo-game, so we agree to forbid every means of cooperating (talking about the game is a form of cooperation).

since two opininons were articulated about the banning of other spells, and mine is not to ban them, on the base of 2 to 1 majority voting the aforementioned 4 spells will remain usable.

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