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kianduatha February 7th, 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I've been looking at Jomon recently, and I realized that CBM actually nerfs Samurai Archers--in the base game they're 11 gold(nerfed to 12), and they're 11 precision (nerfed to 10).

Now I realize that the gold cost is because they have the longbow(though aren't composite bows just as good? They're still 10 gold...), but baseline Jomon units have 11 precision because that's their tradeoff for only having 9 hp.

While we're at it...is there any pressing reason why Monks of the Fivefold Sign are so darn expensive?

rdonj February 8th, 2010 12:17 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by kianduatha (Post 730327)
As a flavor thing, shouldn't Jomon's Ryujin get H1? Their flavor text says that they have spread the dominion of the dragon king...but right now they have no way to spread dominion.

Also the Mighty Yari on Kaijin is currently a ranged weapon with ammunition 0.

It could be a hidden dominion spread effect, like prophets get. I suspect this is the case, but I couldn't tell you for certain.

Trumanator February 8th, 2010 01:55 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Well giving them H levels would also have the useful effect of making them sacred, which is very useful on a 400g+ mage.

kianduatha February 8th, 2010 03:16 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 730419)
It could be a hidden dominion spread effect, like prophets get. I suspect this is the case, but I couldn't tell you for certain.

I thought so too, so I tested it. I made a game with just Jomon(Dom10) and LA Mictlan on Glory of the Gods, made a dozen Kaijin, and then flew them to the other side of the map to see if they had any effect on pristine neutral dominion. Nothing--not even a dozen of them over 15 turns. Then to check if it was a heretic-like effect, I tried them on Mictlan's dominion(which was completely static, seeming as I killed their god etc). Again, nothing. So unless my tests were somehow fundamentaly flawed, I think it's safe to say they have no crazy hidden domspread.


Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 730420)
Well giving them H levels would also have the useful effect of making them sacred, which is very useful on a 400g+ mage.

Already sacred.

Lingchih February 8th, 2010 04:04 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Is not all this speculation pointless, since QM, the mod maker, is gone? Deal with CBM 1.6. It's the last CBM, and it is quite good.

vfb February 8th, 2010 04:14 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Quit your drunken ramblings!

Burnsaber February 8th, 2010 04:26 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 730453)
Is not all this speculation pointless, since QM, the mod maker, is gone?

Has thou not read the latets scriptures of the most divine source? Let me quote;


Originally Posted by Priests, Propehts & Pretenders handbook, chapter 77, JK 10:6
And so, at the last day, the Quantum one shall return, wearing a crown of clams and wielding nerfs in his right hand and boosts in his left. And then, he will judge, and balance shall be had by all.

Sombre February 8th, 2010 08:09 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
qm is studying in the UK and taking a break from dom3. He'll probably return.

rdonj February 8th, 2010 01:49 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I have just spoken to QM. He has left me with a divine mandate to carry on the great task that is the maintenance of the CBM. As my first act as usurper, er, I mean High Modder, I will gift all nations with the spell Summon Markata King for only 250 pearls each. The days of late game tartarian dominance are over. Long live the markata kings!

Fantomen February 8th, 2010 10:18 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
While trying out MA oceania it occured to me that ichtycentaurs should have the standard hoof attack that other cavalry/centaurs already have.

That would be a nice and well needed boost I think.

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