![]() |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
meh, not like I did much in my turn anyway, pretty much dead. so if we reroll I'll just resubmit, no worries...
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Hopefully, I just remember reading game threads where some people did one thing, others did another and it all went pear shaped.
In fact, perhaps it would be easier just to go ahead without a rollback. I mean, I think it hurts me a bit more because of sieging/disease issues, but I don't mind too much...better to be safe than lose the game entirely. |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
That might have been this game thread. We had a previous roll back suffer some difficulties, but everything got put right in the end. That said I'm happy with whatever Penguin Zero decides.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
And I'm happy either way, too. Flip a coin, I guess? Or whichever's easiest.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Ok, flipping a coin. Heads roll back. Tales press on. Heads it is, doh. Ok will do roll back tomorrow. I think the key thing is to delete our 2h files so we don't submit them out of sequence.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Game rolled back. Remember to delete old 2h files.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
I somehow managed to roll back two turns. I force hosted through turn 64. We should be on turn 65. I really need to go to bed, otherwise I would check to make sure the turn is right tonight.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Ok, turn appears to be fine. It re-rolled so it's slightly different, but that is just a different toss of the dice than last time so no big deal.
Use the latest turn 65 and delete your old 2h file. |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Hi guys, some fairly serious real life has intervened, and I have no way of making the deadline for this rollbacked turn by Sunday 6:15 llamaserver time. If the clock were extended by 18 hours, I believe I would be able to submit the following turn in time.
If you'd like to find a sub then please feel free, I could post an ad for a sub in approximately 10 hours time from now. I could fill in the subbing player with info about the position from that time on as well. Nevertheless I feel as if I will be able to make the following few turns before Abysia is extinguished if an extension were granted, or find a sub if that turns out not to be the case. Cheers dudes, meursy |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
I will extend 25 hours
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Ok, in a new level of suckness I don't have time to play this turn. I've posted a hopefully interesting sub thread in the MP forum. I will make good on my promise to arrange and inform a sub of what's required of them.
Also, since this is really between Kailisa and Tien Chi now, allowing Abysia to stale/go AI is a valid option methinks, though if allowed to stale this turn I wouldn't bother looking for a sub. Cheers dudes, meursy |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Well, I'm postponing another 25 hours, because I just got back from a music festival and am exhausted. Sorry everybody.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Adding 8 hours so abysia can get his turn in. If Meuresy has too much on his plate and can't play, then I will set him ai/stale from then on.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Alrighty, I found a bit of time, but it's gonna be really close to the hosting time if I do make it at all. If you extend 2 hours, I will 100 percent submit another turn, though it'll hopefully be my last one. I was ready to stale out obviously!
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Added 3hrs.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Ok submitted. If it crashes again we know it's me, and I just stale out I guess.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Hurrah, a sub! Herode should be contacting you soon Debaser, he will likely need an extension to get familiar with the position (especially if he bothered to read the piles of drivel I sent him about the game!).
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
That was a pretty big battle.
Tien Chi put up forge of the ancients this turn. I'm not sure if that is something that normally ends NAPs immediately, but since we have no protocol for it I will wait 2 more turns, this turn and next, before attacking. |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Hehe, well in the extensive forum reading I've done plenty of people consider it an immediate break. Of course on the face of it it is in no way an aggressive action, so I guess the shirtiness I see its erection (heh) cause in others (heh heh) is because it is so powerful (heh heh ha!). I've read even if it gets insta-dispelled it's usually worth it in gems, so you might want to reconsider leaving it up two more turns if you want to finish this before 2020. :)
Oh yeah, and the battle, woo my leet Dominions abilities! It wasn't even close :) Oh, and with the Touches of Madness I misinterpreted the CBM spell description (or it's just wrong), I thought 5 AoE 5 effects would cover something closer to 25 squares, it looks like it's only 5 squares per cast. I certainly wasn't going to be assed to test it beforehand. At least I didn't send all my little mages charging screaming into the enemy ranks! Obviously I wanted the big mages doing that :D |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
I thought about trying to dispel it this turn, but that definitely seems like an aggressive action, which would break our NAP, and since diplomacy is binding, I decided not to.
I think the paying for itself in one turns is if you have saved up gems to use to forge the turn it goes up. Though it could be extending the game, or ending it more quickly in TC's favor :). |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Yeah, it's kind of a funny thing, I mean it's not as if he put up Burden of Time, or Astral Corruption or something that directly harms you, but the more experienced players often act as if their mother's virtue has been seriously and repeatedly brought into question or something (when the Forge is put up).
I feel the same way as you in that putting up a non-harming global is not an aggressive action, but on the other hand I'm not so sure that dispelling it should be considered outright hostile either, especially given the Forge's power. I mean, it's not really on the same level as an attack, right? If Dominions were real I imagine there'd be a lot of politcal manoeuvring and spin/counterspin, but not actual war. Like CIA behind the scenes 'fighting', but not official political war. Kinda like finding an enemy's stealthed unit inside your borders. Just my take. |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Sending stealthed thugs behind my borders would definitely qualify as a hostile action in my book and the NAP would immediately be void.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Interesting, there's another game thread, I think it's Troubling Times, here on this forum, where the same thing happened, and a couple of players took it pretty lightly. Of course they'd already declared war, and were waiting for the NAP to expire, but still.....yeah, I also think it is a break! Shows how impressionable I am from what I read. :)
EDIT: The game I was referring to was actually A Song of Ice and Fire EDIT 2nd: Also, has our sub checked in yet? |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Ladies and gentlemen, I salute you.
I'm back on Master Blaster and this time I'm going to sub Meursy. Hopefully I will be more efficient with Abysia than I was with Ulm :D Just sent my email to Debaser for registration. See you soon on the battlefield ! ;) |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Changed e-mail address for Abysia. Added 24hrs.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Added 8 hours for TC, because I'm worried he might miss turn.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Maybe he lost morale after the last turn. Those TC Tartarians are ****ing fragile :D
I invite TC to admit this war is lost for him. And because I am generous, I will offer peace for the very underestimated price of 12 provinces that TC's armies will have to free ASAP. Hey, that's a deal ! Either that or... endure my wrath :cool: And... what's the situation on the other provinces of the world ? |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
They are mostly mine.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Added 48 hours for TC to show up.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
I hate to say it, but I think I'm going to have to concede.
It's partially in-game matters -- I'm coming to the conclusion that I've mismanaged my gems quite a bit, and I'm less convinced of my strategy than I was a few weeks ago. But mostly it's real life intervening -- I haven't had the time to do effective troop micromanagement for at least a month now, and despite the extension, this time around I haven't even had a chance to look at the latest turn file yet. Sorry to drag this out as I did, but I'm coming to accept that Kailasa will likely beat me anyway, even if I could drag it out, and I just can't manage the level of intricate planning that might give me even a small chance right now. So, congratulations to Kailasa, and thanks for the excellent game! Considering it was only my second multi-player game, I'm pleased to have made such a strong showing. Hopefully my schedule will clear up eventually, and then perhaps I'll see some or all of you again in another game. |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
I'll post my last turn file when I get home. Hopefully you won't open it up and be kicking yourself, "I could have beat that chump." |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Then Congrats :) .
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Yeah, congrats Debaser, and thanks for all the money!
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Congrats to the winner then ! :)
It has been interesting to play those few turns with Abysia in late game. Never tried befored (never played Abysia at all). There are some interesting challenges with this nation. And thanks to Meursy for his insights about gameplay, very instructive also. See you later and elsewhere, gentlemen ! |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
1 Attachment(s)
Here is my last turn. That construction site is ridiculously powerful and right next to my capital. It really helped me. I think next game I play will be on a wraparound map with no overpowered sites.
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Jesus Christ! How do you keep up with such a big empire, all that micro, it must be insane!
And sure, the Construction site next to your capital is good, but how did Mictlan not win the game? He had a Blood 60 percent off site right next to _his_ capital!! Good call on calling the game now by the way, I'd go bent trying to marshal all those armies, mages and SC's into some sort of order :) |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
I didn't win the game because I played horribly. I should have won easily but I couldn't do a single thing right. from rushing Caelum(rush failed, was stuck in it practically all game long, and he still wasn't completely dead at the end) than a lot of turns doing basically nothing, waiting for you guys to grow until you got too big for me, and ugh... that's it I guess. just totally blew it :(
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
Don't feel too bad about it BlackGuard, it's kind of a lame thing to say but I guess you learned things for next time.
Just on the rush, why did it fail, if I can ask? I'm just curious to learn a bit more how the game plays out, and specifically how Caelum countered your Jags. I've noticed EA Mictlan players often seem to get this huge rush of blood to the head and try to kill someone really early on. I don't understand the value in early game rushing in general a lot of the time, in a 6 player game I played it just resulted in the Mictlan player in question getting gangbanged. So even if you win it can cause you lots of problems, and you have to pour a lot of resources, which otherwise would help you develop, into an early war. If I understand well the Mictlan nation is mainly a late game power who just happens to have sweet sacreds to carry them through early game, not much else apart from blood, and a shaky middlegame. And at what point did you find the blood site? If you're unlucky it might've been ages, blood searching is not very sexy, too many failed searches! :) |
Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]
it failed because I didn't play my cards right, that's all. basically Caelum didn't really *counter* the jags, he just recruited his regular army, which is pretty crappy. it's just that he had the numbers and I didn't split my forces enough, instead I kept suiciding into his large army with 20-30 jags. I actually found the blood discount site relatively early, as I manually searched with a few High Priests of the Sun, as they got some fire along with the rare holy and blood paths that there aren't too many sites for. again, I didn't take full advantage of this site, and just played horrifically.
as for rushing, each game is different but in this game with graphs off there is no reason not to do it. I just failed horribly at it in this game. |
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