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-   -   EA Tempest - Game Finished - Dimaz Wins!!! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47596)

Executor October 12th, 2011 08:31 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sorry Dimaz, just came home. I missed you request by an hour this morning.

HorrorFend October 12th, 2011 11:21 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
The Kings of Atlantis would like to offer their skills in forging items. Nearly any item is available (sorry no access to blood) so make a request.

Payment can be made in gems the amount of which will based on the gems needed to forge (although the type need not be the same) plus a small commission.

Let's make a deal.

ghoul31 October 16th, 2011 03:02 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
you should set fomoria to AI

Executor October 29th, 2011 05:31 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
So, who's the one with all the stone sphere?

Dimaz October 30th, 2011 01:56 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Hm, I have several almost from the beginning (since I found F1E1S1).

don_Pablo October 30th, 2011 11:36 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Delay please current turn (49) for 26h.

I've never used stone spheres. Are they worth their gem-cost?

Executor October 30th, 2011 05:57 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I will, may have to delay a bit more even. It seems Aethyr is having some computer problems and will be leaving us, at least for the time being, so I'll have to hunt for a sub.

Executor November 3rd, 2011 03:23 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
From now on Scaramuccia will be stepping in as Abysia, welcome aboard.

don_Pablo November 14th, 2011 09:05 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
What about switching to 60/72h?

Dimaz November 14th, 2011 11:04 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I agree.

Mightypeon November 14th, 2011 11:39 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Me too.
I also have 2 other late games running.

Executor November 15th, 2011 04:53 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Certainly, could use the extra time myself. I've already added 48 hours on this turn since I was out of town for two days so I'll switch to 72h on the next host as not to delay further, unless you'd all like some extra time.

Executor November 18th, 2011 06:33 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
A heads up, I may postpone this turn since there's some weird stuff going on with Llamasever. Seems to be out of space or something and turns keep getting bounced back.

Dimaz November 22nd, 2011 02:09 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'll need 48h extension for this turn, I was really busy all the time and had only 5 minutes to look at the turn after hosting.

Executor November 22nd, 2011 06:49 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sure, 48 hours added.

Executor November 28th, 2011 04:05 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sorry for all the delays, I'm moving in the next few days so needed to finish some stuff.

BTW, congrats Dimaz, didn't really expect you to move against me this turn.

Also, how much did you put up in that WoM Don Pablo? I put up 250 gems in it!

Mightypeon November 29th, 2011 01:37 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I cannot say that I am in any way displeased by the current occurences.

Mightypeon December 2nd, 2011 07:42 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
It would seem prudent to delay things until llamaserver ceases being borky.

Executor December 3rd, 2011 09:25 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Well I've added 24 hours but the games aren't delaying either, so let's just wait for Llama to reboot.

Mightypeon December 9th, 2011 01:21 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I will likely need a 24 hour extension.

Executor December 25th, 2011 07:27 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'm just gonna put this out there since I'm pretty much done,
Dimaz for winner?

Dimaz December 26th, 2011 02:36 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I agree :)

don_Pablo December 26th, 2011 03:39 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I have to agree.
Due to lack of time and RL pressure I put off the hostilities vs Mictlan.
And it seems to be too late now.


Mightypeon December 26th, 2011 09:21 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I totally agree, I think Don_Pablo was the only one still in contention to be honest. I am mainly proud to have survived, and may have even had some influence on the games outcome!

Executor December 26th, 2011 09:23 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'll wait a bit more to see if anyone else has something to say before I declare the game finished.

In any case, congratulations Dimaz. I got a bit overconfident once I got 3 globals up and started using my conjuration 20% bonus site. Or to put it in another way, I don't think I ever failed so miserably.
After that second or third turn of the war where I lost a bunch of those SCs and half my sacreds I realized I was done. Didn't imagine you'd move against me without knowing what you were up against so I didn't even bother to put up all scripts and items I planned...

Dimaz December 26th, 2011 09:51 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Heh, it was one of the rare cases where my carelessness played in my favor I think :) I was really worried that you'll conquer last remains of Sauro too fast so I had to act quickly after you attacked him. I wasn't sure if it was a good time for a full scale attack but I planned to advance more slowly and wait for reinforcements (I had about 1 ember/2 turns and 175-225 blood/turn at the time) while raiding everything with horrors.

HorrorFend December 26th, 2011 05:50 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'm happy to declare Dimaz the victor. Seems now only a grand alliance could could hope to prevent a complete victory (might be fun--but would likely not succeed anyways).

Mightypeon December 27th, 2011 11:36 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Hah, it looks like my rampant begging for help from all possible sources did something!
I was propably to carefull with my main army, after Kailasa attacked me I was like "that cant possibly be all of it, I am weak, but 60ish Yavanas are not enough! hHe must be goading me to gateway a bunch of crap on my head".
On a sidenote, did you know that Wendigos go fatter after battles against Scouts?
Some enterprising players could propably come up with "Wendigo feeding agreements" as new diplomatic proposals ;)

Executor December 27th, 2011 04:54 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 791416)
I was propably to carefull with my main army, after Kailasa attacked me I was like "that cant possibly be all of it, I am weak, but 60ish Yavanas are not enough! hHe must be goading me to gateway a bunch of crap on my head".

I was! I was goading you! Hoped to lure you out of the castles and kill you in one big bloody massacre of a turn. I know how Dimaz operates, moves from one target to the next without any pause, so it was just a matter of time before he moved against me. I imagined I had just enough time to kill you and prepare against him. And seeing how he didn't have many troops next to me gave me the impression he'd have to regroup a few turns to attack me, but I was wrong.

Never expected he had so many horror spammers. Didn't see him use them much otherwise I would have organized some defense against the horrors. Actually planned to get a commander and a few units for every province to circulate as an anti horror defense, but decided to do it a bit later.:( Wouldn't have prevented the horror spamming but it would have undermined the effort considerably.
I may have also expected he'd move against Helheim or Aby since they were weaker and closer than me but that was unlikely since we had no NAP.

Anyway, his timing was perfect. I started summoning large numbers of SCs and equipping them each turn. Mostly Grendels, Cyclops and Treants. Though I had Mehanical giants, Zmeys, Spectres and Shishies too.
Before Dimaz attacked me I had 3 globals up with a hell of a lot of gems, an somewhere near 200 gems income per turn. With that and the 20% conjuration bonus site I started using to summon Cyclops and Zmeys, It should have been my game.
Still have a dozen or so SCs in my possession although I lost twice that much in the last half a dozen turns.

I would have started with mass summoning all the SCs sooner, had hundred of gems just waiting to be used, but unfortunately an early war against TC and Hinnom (turn 14 I think?) at the same time cost me quite a bit research.

Regardless, not quite clear to me how I managed to lose this game so badly.

BTW, Don_Pablo, how much did you use to overcast my Well? I put up 230 gems to overcast yours.

don_Pablo December 27th, 2011 08:28 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 791436)
I may have also expected he'd move against Helheim or Aby since they were weaker and closer than me but that was unlikely since we had no NAP.

BTW, Don_Pablo, how much did you use to overcast my Well? I put up 230 gems to overcast yours.

I don't remember exactly, ~240 + 20% conjuration bonus site.

And once you had almost the half of the map, we were allied against you.
I expected you vanishing Sauro without any efforts and promising a long and grim war for the rest of us.
That's why I was absolutely shocked by your quick fall.

Dimaz December 28th, 2011 12:22 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Game Finished - Dimaz Wins!!!
I was surprised as well. When the fall of Ermor was near, I already planned to quickly strike against monkeys, as Executor predicted. So I assembled 2 new armies, moving some of the SCs from Ermor front before finishing the war there (western army), and summoning some more in the cap (southern). Fortunately the jags are still useful with proper buffs even in that stage of the game, so my main concern was to prepare 3 sets of army buffers and 2-3 support SCs in each army (I had enough forts and money from constant expanding to quickly produce enough jags at any place of my empire). The third army was planned to appear with gatewayed soldiers from Ermor front and 3rd set of buffers, but unfortunately I lost too much during the last storm so I had to delay it somewhat. In the end I just teleported it to the sieged castle to help defend it (the buffers were already there).
I think the main mistake Executor made was to allow me to BH in all my provs without much interference almost till the end. In fact, in the end, when he had less resources but started to actively cripple my blood income, I went down to 60 or so slaves/turn from peak of 200+. So I was able to sac 5 slaves in most of my castles + send 9 or so lesser horrors each turn + summon bat spammers. I made some tests and 8 big Horrors were enough to take down single Treeant equipped as Executor's. But mainly I used them as raiders. Buffed jags + SCs were even more successful than I thought, so I moved through his lands like a hot knife through butter. And, after Blood-9, it became sort of one-sided game, with banishing anything worth banishing with 10+ sun priest parties.
Executor, now I'm satisfied. My fall in Timewarp is revenged :) (It was a CBM 1.5 (with gemgens) game where I controlled about half of 250 prov map as LA Ctis and still had to surrender due to his gemgen-fuelled globals and some mistakes).

Executor December 28th, 2011 06:28 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Game Finished - Dimaz Wins!!!
I should have attacked your blood hunters first, don't know why I never did. A few turns of GR and earth attacks would have done it.
Frankly, I was half convinced you couldn't touch me and I'd just roll over you with those two armies of mine, merging them at your capital later...

Timewarp was crazy, those turns easily took several hours each. Just transferring the pearls from clams took like an hour! Too big a map for gemgens.
In the end, I don't think I could have killed you by any conventional means. And those armageddons proved even better than I expected once I tested them.

But something I was really looking forward to was fighting you in World of Symmetry! Unfortunately had to drop both games I was in atm and Psycho didn't have enough time to sub both of them for me.

Mightypeon December 28th, 2011 03:27 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Game Finished - Dimaz Wins!!!
Well, my own game had the following issues:
-It was the first game MP I actually designed a pretender for, so noob errors happen. For example, choosing heat 3 to get more points was a rather dumb idea for Sauromatia, especially with Hinnom, Abyssia, Lanka, Kailasa and Mictlan on the map. Cold 3 may have actually been viable though. Still, I am proclaiming myself to be the last noob standing.
-I got a stale that significantly reduced my early expansion
-I then participated in a first 2 then 3 way war against Lanka, but failed to get a proper defense agreement with Fomoria, because I confused flags and thought they were Ermor
-Fomoria, which had roughly twice of my size, then attacked me, while I did manage to defend my territory, I was unable to comitt to any offensive into his areas. I did suffer significant losses due to failing to properly set up a reverse communion against Fomor by the way, which ensures that I did not repeat this mistake in any other game.
I also learned some things about dealing with flying early Raiders (his Fomor Kings), set up a "pseudo blood hunt" province, make sure that they see it, and prepare a funny suprise for them in that province. I felt really smart after that worked.
-Fomoria suffered some significant exhaustion fighting me when executor attacked them and gobbled them up very quickly.
-Then Executor came for me, and my priorities were:
--Counterraid him a bit with arouse hunger
--defend castles with bone demons and my little immortal annoyance, hopefull suprise him with 3 Wendigos and a GoR Prophet daughter of Typhoon, which of course is not much, but may have been more than he was ready to attribute to me.
--maintain my army as an army in being, so that that the resources he has there are not available somewhere else. I am not sure that the forces he had in my area (had it been around twice the number I would have thought that Executor was not goading) would have made a difference, since there actually only was a single "SC" (if you call a golem that) with them. They could have certainly been used to fight off horrors though.
--mention my not insignificant gem income to other people, I think it worked with Helheim and Mictlan cooperating to some extent against Executor, while Abysia actually attacked me. To my suprise, Abyssias army in my territorry was propably weaker then mine.

What I did well was aggressivly using my mages in battles as opposed to research during my war of survival against Fomor, my research got bunked of course (I only got to construction 6 in turn 50 or so), but I stayed alive, which is better than having Construction 6 and being dead.

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