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Juzza August 7th, 2007 07:30 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
1 Attachment(s)
Heres an elephant without a saddle or men on the top, unless you wanna use the model with monkeys on the elephant, but I don't think the men fit too well with the mod.

Juzza August 7th, 2007 07:41 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
1 Attachment(s)
You also said you needed "a green glowing sphere" is this sorta what you're looking for? I can change it around if your not happy with it.

lch August 7th, 2007 08:11 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
That sphere looks more or less like the Corpse candle, but that elephant definitely is something, alright.

Cor2 August 7th, 2007 03:22 PM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
thanks alot!

The Elephant will be great!

The glowing green sphere is for a pretender, so it needs to be a bit more grand. Its supposed to be the embodiment of the spirit and power of nature, or some such.

thanks again.

Endoperez August 7th, 2007 04:24 PM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
Saber Cherry, an vibrant character no longer regular here, once suggested a nation of animals and/or vinemen. Her ideas were strange, but the ideas I remember being thrown about were:

vinemen, vine ogres and their recruitable versions with some simple equipment

aquatic 'killer whale' national summon, and killer tuna and other strange stuff

Any way, some animals that you might've missed:
great cat (second form of some Yomi/Shinuyama sorceress (uba?) summon, you can use the sprite at least)
horned serpent/sacred serpent of C'tis
demon toads of Mictlan (or non-demon versions of them)
Markata of the monkey nations, and perhaps atavi and/or bandar as well
tigers (the ones Tiger Riders of MA Bandar Log leave behind in battles)
Griffons and those lizards the Garnet and Jade Amazons ride
Black Hunters of MA Machaka also have second forms with just the animal
perhaps the serpents the Sauromatians/Pythians ride
Hydras/hydra hatchlings
the wolf form of Jotun Skratti (a size 4 giant wolf, bigger than the dire wolves)
Great Bears, the EA Ulm summon
Kithaironic Lions, cave/fire/frost drakes, wyverns (unless you intend them to remain summons)
Jaguars of Mictlan (I think they have a national Conjuration for those, but I might've confused something with their Rain of Jaguars spell)
great eagles who lead the black hawks of Call of the Winds

also, the carrion creatures reanimated by Pangaea are most often animals, and include undead moss-elephants

basilisk, cockatrice and other rare creatures from crossbreeding

phoenix could be used, perhaps for a hero

Cor2 August 7th, 2007 05:45 PM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
Thans endo. I wanted to stick to real animals as much as possible, I think i do need to include some other big cats.

Many of those suggestions where in the first draft, but there was just too much stuff, it needed to be cut.

Juzza August 9th, 2007 05:54 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
1 Attachment(s)
You 'could' use this if you don't find anything better, I just fiddle around with a few things from a few different sprites, not really what I wanted, but it's what I ended up with.

oh, also I'm gonna see if I can make a good silverback bear now.

Juzza August 9th, 2007 06:44 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
1 Attachment(s)
oh jees, this is horrible, lol, sorry.

Sombre August 9th, 2007 07:56 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
I've heard of iced buns, but iced bears? Madness.

What does a silver back bear look like anyway?

Juzza August 9th, 2007 08:07 AM

Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages
~looks sad~ it looks that bad??

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