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-   -   EA Tempest - Game Finished - Dimaz Wins!!! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47596)

Dimaz August 8th, 2011 01:03 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Send Pretenders
Sorry, but I returned a bit later than expected and I'll need another day or two to finalize my pretender.

llamabeast August 8th, 2011 04:39 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Send Pretenders
Sorry for hijacking your game thread guys. :)

I can't compete with your word count Calahan since I'm writing on a phone. So I'll just say that while I agree that some choices are lost by removing hammers, I'd argue that at least as many are created by not forcing every nation to obtain E3. It would be easy to make a list of interesting decisions like you've done for additional pretender design choices opened up by removing that requirement. Note that this isn't because I "don't like thinking" during pretender design; far from it. It's because I want there to be more interesting options and choices to consider.

But anyway, I guess we are unlikely to agree on this. Maybe some sub-mod with hammers re-included should be created, because in many other ways CBM1.84 (and hopefully 1.9!) is far superior to CB1.6, so it seems like a bit of a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Dimaz August 8th, 2011 05:20 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Send Pretenders
Yep, another one like Masochist Edition for 1.7 :) Haven't seen any games started with it, unfortunately. Maybe the name was too pessimistic :).

HorrorFend August 9th, 2011 09:50 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Send Pretenders
I don't have any experience modding so this maybe impossible for a number of reasons, but I throw it out there anyways...has anyone considered modding new items that also give the forge bonus? These items would require other magic paths, thus freeing a player from needing E3 on their pretender as well as allowing earth gems to be used for things other than hammers. In the early game players would still have an incentive to economize on gems before they acquired these forge bonus items so most of the strategy based around hammers would be preserved.

Dimaz August 10th, 2011 01:24 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Send Pretenders
Unfortunately it's impossible with current modding tools.

Aethyr August 12th, 2011 02:37 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
So I just ran into a province with heavy calvary with six attacks (2x lance, sword, and hoof), Anyone else notice anything weird?

Executor August 12th, 2011 05:32 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Well luckily the heavy cavalry I faced only had 2 attacks, but I saw heavy cavalry with six attacks in another game I subbed into as well. I though it was a CBM 1.8 mistake but I'm guessing it has something to do with the latest patch now.

Not sure how to fix it or if it even can be fixed.

PriestyMan August 12th, 2011 11:26 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
You need to download LLama's fixed versions of the mods. THis problem keeps coming up, because somehow everyone missed the thread about fixing them once the patch got added.

Aethyr August 12th, 2011 04:50 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Right! :doh:

I did that for 1.8, but not for 1.6. Thanks PM.

don_Pablo August 13th, 2011 03:49 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Delay please hosting for 24h

Mightypeon August 16th, 2011 06:53 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I am currently on vacation and have just found out that "Internet access" means a old dos PC without user access to USB ports that is shakingly connected to the Internet.
Oh, and the only internet cafee in a radius of 5 km just closed.
I can still send E-Mails and messages, but not get or send attachments.
My vacation is sceduled to go on for 2 weeks, so a sub will likely be needed.

I apologize again, I really thought that I would have working access to the Internet.

Executor August 16th, 2011 08:51 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
For whatever reason Llamaserver doesn't feel like hosting this game until all turns are in apparently, so at least you didn't stale (although I'm slowly starting to wish you would ;) ).

I'll try to find you a temporary sub until you come back Mightypeon.

Executor August 20th, 2011 07:57 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Well all my sub attempts failed, the only thing to do now is to set Sauro AI sadly. I would have done it this turn but I wasn't around the past few days.
At least the game will run smoothly from now on.

sansanjuan August 21st, 2011 11:39 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Greeting all,
I will be running Sauromatia until Mightypeon can retake the reins. Meanwhile please let me know via PM if there is anything I need to know regarding Sauromatia's relations with your pretender.

Mightypeon- please send me a Pm also if your internet is up.


kasnavada August 24th, 2011 03:34 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I will no be there from friday night (GMT) to sunday afternoon (GMT time again). Could you delay hosting accordingly ?


Executor August 26th, 2011 04:25 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
The following turn will be delayed 24 hours, or so, on kasnavadas account.


Mightypeon August 28th, 2011 04:00 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I am back now, but may require a slight delay to formalize my retaking. Many thanks sansanjuan for subbing in.

sansanjuan August 28th, 2011 08:10 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 782577)
I am back now, but may require a slight delay to formalize my retaking. Many thanks sansanjuan for subbing in.

My pleasure. Enjoy the game all!

Executor August 28th, 2011 08:23 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Welcome back Mightypeon, and thank you for subbing in ssj!

Mightypeon, please send me your email address in a PM so I can change it back.

kasnavada August 30th, 2011 01:22 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Thanks for extending !

Mightypeon August 30th, 2011 04:12 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I still did not receive my turn.

Executor August 30th, 2011 04:19 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Mightypeon, you need to give me your email address so I can transfer the nation back to you.

sansanjuan August 30th, 2011 09:52 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 782709)
I still did not receive my turn.

You need to select resend turn in llamaserver

Last updated at 01:50 GMT on Wednesday August 31st
Current time: 01:50 GMT
Admin options
Request turn resend
Return to list of games

Executor August 31st, 2011 10:36 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Mightypeon, I can't keep delaying the game any more, I need to know where you stand?

Mightypeon August 31st, 2011 03:09 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
E-Mail address send to Executor.

Executor August 31st, 2011 05:02 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Okay, changed it back to you and requested turn resend. You shold be getting the turn any moment now.

Sil September 2nd, 2011 11:07 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I am traveling back the the US as fall semester is starting and I'd like hosting to be delayed until something like 19:00 GMT on this Sunday. Normally I'd take my turn on my laptop in the airport but the damn thing's fan died and it started billowing smoke earlier today. I probably won't need the full time to sort things out.

don_Pablo September 2nd, 2011 11:22 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'll be out of town till Sunday everning.
Delay please hosting of trn#20 if needed.

Executor September 2nd, 2011 01:13 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sure guys, I'll delay turn 20 accordingly.

Dimaz September 3rd, 2011 01:20 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
If anyone wants to sell a hammer or two please PM me.

Sil September 4th, 2011 01:46 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
So my dom3 cd is dead and I can't find any way to download the game legally or torrent (since my school network seems to block that) and input my serial key. Soooo, pretty much I think I'll need to be subbed out.

This wouldn't have been an issue if my laptop hadn't burnt out right before leaving. Or if I'd backed up the CD online but... :( Awesome start to the semester for me.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Executor September 5th, 2011 06:33 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sorry to hear that Sil.

Okay, HorrorFend is effectively dead as of this turn so he is kindly taking over Atlantis.
Lolomo has offered to turn TC AI so that HorrorFend doesn't get a CD violation and stale. Now since Llamaserver is in a bit of a pickle that might take a while.

HorrorFend, do not send your turn in until Lolomo posts that he's turned TC AI. I've added an additional 24 hours to the turn but Llamaserver will probably auto postpone the game anyway.

HorrorFend September 6th, 2011 01:30 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
As Executor mentioned I'm taking over Atlantis, please PM me with any diplomatic relations you might already have with Atlantis. Hopefully we can get moving again shortly after Llamaserver is back.

LoloMo September 8th, 2011 11:55 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Hi, it looks like TC is no longer on the list, I guess he is eliminated already.

Mightypeon September 13th, 2011 05:02 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Greetings, Sauromatia is willing to provide other nations with Blood Slaves.
As of now we have 50 of those available, and are willing to part with them for mere money. Buy your access to Blood now!

Hoplosternum September 15th, 2011 05:17 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Hi All,

I am afraid my new laptop has packed up (writing this from a borrowed PC) so I am unable to continue. My laptop has been failing to start properly for a week or two now and since Tuesday has simply refused to start in anything except safe mode (sometimes). As my laptop probably can't be fixed by myself it will take some time to send it back and get fixed or me to buy a new one (annoying as that one was only 6 months old....)

My power (niefelheim) has (had?) a fairly large empire but was weak in troops, mages and income :p All in all the worst possible combination :) And I was about to be crushed in a two front war :) Unfortunately since I found this out I have not been able to access the game or access this forum so I have not been able to build up even token forces to face Mictlan in the south.or do any diplomacy.

Sorry to drop out like this. And for the stales. All caused by my computer failing repeatedly - even the one last week. I hope it doesn't skew the game too much. While I suspect Dimaz (Mictlan) would have beaten me anyway I should have been able to hold him up a little.

Please either replace me or turn me AI.

Executor September 16th, 2011 08:15 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sorry to see another player go, this game seems to have a curse tho it appears to affect laptops more, I only had a systems crash a few days ago. :)

Okay Hoplo, thanks for giving me the heads up, I managed to postpone the turn this morning so only the one stale for now.

ghoul31 September 19th, 2011 05:46 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'm taking ove Nief. But with 3 people attacking me,you should have just set this nation AI.

But I''l do what I can.

Executor September 20th, 2011 02:13 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Thanks for taking over ghoul, even if it is a hopeless position.

vargr September 23rd, 2011 05:23 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I would need a six hrs extension (travelling), please.

kasnavada September 23rd, 2011 01:48 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I will not be there from tomorrow morning to... probably monday night (going to a friend's wedding). Could you extend ?

kasnavada September 26th, 2011 03:47 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I'm back, and done my turn.

Dimaz September 27th, 2011 12:45 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I need 24h extension on this turn (actually, what about switching to 48h?)

Executor September 27th, 2011 05:05 AM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I guess it's about time. Hosting interval changed to 48 hours.

Dimaz October 8th, 2011 03:33 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Sorry for the stale, we were celebrating my wife's birthday and I forgot to send the turn (it was already done). As always it happened at the most unfortunate situation.

Executor October 8th, 2011 04:30 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
I would have delayed the game had I noticed you were about to stale. Give me a heads up if you need me to watch the clock for you in the future.

Hope it was a fun birthday celebration!

don_Pablo October 10th, 2011 11:23 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Hellheim offers a rare artifact for sale.
Buy Robe of Magi just for 60gems of any kind. ;)

Many nations can get RoW but a few can forge RoM.
Don't miss your chance to possess it. :)

kasnavada October 11th, 2011 01:18 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
For those that have missed the other post... I do not have the time to go on playing in this game. I'll have to leave permanently this week-end.

If you people know anyone that could sub me I'll be in your debt. Thanks in advance.

Dimaz October 11th, 2011 01:51 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Please add 24h for this turn.

Dimaz October 12th, 2011 12:17 PM

Re: EA Tempest - Running
Hm, managed to do something in 15 mins, probably AI's turns are better...

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