![]() |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
Eeew, no. I have no interest in playing on an indy-free map. Indies allow you to get into the water when you couldn't otherwise. They allow you to get interesting sacreds when you couldn't otherwise. Indies are like a 2nd layer of strategy on the map. Controlling certain provinces becomes even more important when they create indies you need/want.
Jazzepi |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
Absolutely not. Without indies the game would be crippled.
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
So, we have Jazzepi switched to Avernum and one open spot. I'll update the first two posts.
Xox, could you confirm your nation choice? |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
Just want to remind everyone - if you want to playtest your nation, get the version from the links lch provided and then go to the CBM mod nations thread in the mod forum and get the CBM balanced version I've made from there.
You need both in order for the cbm one to work, but you only need to load the cbm one when you playtest. |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (signup, one spot o
Im in with sylvania http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (signup, one spot o
Skaven are ready.
There's no need for a cbm version of them, you can use the one from the regular thread. |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (signup, one spot o
Yes I confirm my choice of Ulm Reborn, looking forward to the game.
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
CB Complete 1.0 CB Pretenders 1.1 CB Items 1.1 CB Nations 1.1 CB Scales 1.1 CB Spells 1.1 I also have this... CBM Avernum Now according to the post in Avernum it sounds like all I have to do is turn on the CBM avernum mod to get the full CBM changes, but to test I went to the magic scales and they still only give +2 at most with 3 tix towards magic. Little help? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Jazzepi |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
You need to have CBM 1.1 complete turned on and CBM Avernum turned on to get a CBM game with Avernum in it and balanced accordingly.
Same with all CBM nations I've made :] |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
Can you link me to CBM 1.1? I tried looking in the CBM thread and couldn't find a good link z.z
Jazzepi |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
If you can wait some hours then we'll have the complete mod ready.
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
1 Attachment(s)
Don't know where the original is gone, but attached is a version from me. It should be identical, but with some minor bug or something fixed and lacking a bit of the documentation.
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
I'll just wait for Ich's version http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
You know, I wish the mods exsisted in single folders. I think it was a big mistake to design the mod system so that you have a folder + a file outside the folder. It's very difficult to keep track of which files outside the folder belong to which mods, making cleaning up old/irrelevant mods difficult. Jazzepi |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
Status on the combined script:
Directory structure is prepared. Nation IDs are aligned. Namespaces are no trouble. Unfortunately, monster, weapon and site IDs are used twice in quite a lot of cases, and not just for some mods. I tried to use a script by DrP to automate the reassignment of IDs, but it does not work too well (in particular with copystats), so I'll have to do it by hand. I'll catch some sleep before that. After that, there are two more hurdles: description texts and sprites. I hope that there aren't too many of those... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
What are the copystats that it doesn't work on?
If copystats isn't one of the fields it recognizes, you just add it to the list of fields for monster IDs and it'll swap out the copystats ID with the indexed ID; if you can bounce me the input I can try it myself and see if something else is wrong. |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
On second thought, I think the copystats in Avernum may be an error. Sombre only defines the monster ID 2170 in Skaven.dm. I'm not sure if he doesn't copystats from CBcomplete somewhere, though, and it looks like your script does not fix copystats which happen across different mods. |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
You're correct, it's an error in the avernum dm. Here is how to fix it.
Change all instances of 2170 in Avernum to 2797. Then add this code to it. #newmonster 2797 #copystats 1447 #armor "nothing" #end It's designed to give partial darkvision without getting a bunch of unwanted armour. I'll update the files in the forums and let people know to redownload. |
Re: New Game: Mods over Europe (recruiting players
ID reassignment is finished.
No sprite errors were encountered. I had to scrap a lot of descriptions, will upload the combined mod shortly. |
Mod is ready
Okay, here is the combined mod that we're going to use for playing: deleted, use the one from http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...?Number=542057
Download and unpack into your mods folder. You only need to enable the "Mods over Europe" mod and create a new Mid Era game. You'll notice that the nation descriptions and national pretender descriptions are missing aswell as some descriptions of new units in the game. I tried to remove only redundant, useless or rarely encountered stuff, but since Dom3 has a severe limitation of description texts for mods, I had to scrap quite a bit. If you want to see all the description texts for your nation for playtesting, go into the "ModsOverEurope-testing" folder and move the CBcomplete_1.2.dm file and the file for your nation into the mods folder, then enable them both in the mod preferences instead of using the "Mods over Europe" mod. If you encounter some grave error, game crashes or similar, then please report them immediately. Your pretender files are in your savedgames/newlords folder. I expect that you create your pretender over the next days now and send it to me by Wednesday at the latest, together with the password you have chosen for it. P.S.: You don't need to have any mod other than "Mods over Europe" enabled. You only need to enable the CBcomplete mod when you want to use your nation exclusively to see all the descriptions. P.P.S.: If you want to use one of your national pretenders, then please tell me about it. I will add his description text to the final mod and remove some others instead. |
Re: Mod is ready
The map I will be using has around 100 land and 35 water provinces. That means 12.5 land provinces per player on average. I could maybe divide some of the provinces to increase the number, if somebody thinks that's not enough.
Re: Mod is ready
I am sorry guys, but I have to wuss out. I tried playing the vampires, and I am
just not made to play a blood nation. This is not to say that the nation is weak. It can be a powerhouse. If you want I can find someone to play it, but he is a brand new player, and has only played 1vs1 with me. |
Re: Mod is ready
You don't have to play them if you don't think you'll manage that. You can still pick another of the nations that are free.
P.S.: You do know that Sanguinia has dying dom and needs to actively preach/sacrifice to stay alive, right? Was that the problem? Otherwise we certainly have other "evil" races left. |
Re: Mod is ready
He just finds all the killing and sacrificing and feasting on flesh a bit distasteful I think.
Either pick something else, or swap with another player, or find a replacement, it's all good. |
Re: Mod is ready
I would like to get ahold of the map early if possible so I can practice on it.
Jazzepi |
Re: Mod is ready
Here's the link to the map: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/do.../zeneurope.rar
Delete the .map file and use this one: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/do...uropefinal.rar The other one has some sea provinces declared as normal terrain. |
Re: Mod is ready
If that wussing out leaves a slot open, I'll take it. I'm now curious http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
I'd also like to fix the issues with mod_mixer, although of course it can't deal with crosstalk between the mods. What mod nations are open? |
Re: Mod is ready
The first post lists the mod nations that are available (minus Urdheim, those would take too long to balance right now), the second post lists what is taken by the players already. On the second page you'll have a link to the combined mod from the first mod nations game, on the previous page the link to the combined mod from the current game (with Sanguinia chosen).
Re: Mod is ready
I need the TGA file to play on it.
Jazzepi |
Re: Mod is ready
Oops. Check the post again.
Re: Mod is ready
I have to say I prefer regular randomly generated dominions maps over these. Again there are big patches of forest + mountains in the center of the map.
But I'll play whatever. I like these modded nations. Jazzepi |
Re: Mod is ready
Uh, what's your issue with forests and mountains? They generate more resources, so some nations are highly interested to acquire them and build forts in them. I think the distribution of terrain is quite balanced in this map, though I'd have used less farmland. Highly sought after by all, too.
Re: Mod is ready
I'll have to draw you a diagram of what my territory looks like in Neo sometime. It's literally split in half by huge 2-3 mountain/forest wide territories. So I've got my kingdom on one half. I also have a huge army of movement 3 guys, but to get anyone over to the right side of the kingdom it takes 5-6 turns, literally. It's sooo frustrating to have every army you control reduced from map move 3, to map move 1.
Jazzepi |
Re: Mod is ready
You're free to expand southwards where no annoying hills or trees hamper your armies from speeding through the wasteland. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Mod is ready
So, for the game starting at-latest-on-Thursday, Arga Dis is open? And the link to the combined mod is on page 2?
He won't CBM my evil hoburgs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif? Evil is balanced! |
Re: Mod is ready
I think after balancing out two hoburg nations already Sombre had enough of the little folk for a while. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Maybe we'll be able to include them in another game, I don't think that there is enough time to have them in this one. Arga Dis is free for you to take, yes. The link on page 2 only features the nations which we used in our first mod nation game, NeoXekinima.
If you want to playtest Arga Dis, download them and their CBM version if there is one, and use them with the CB enabled. P.S.: Actually, if Sombre says that your hoburgs are balanced enough already compared to the other nations, then I guess I can include them. But if he needs one or more days to balance them out a little, there won't be enough time. |
Re: Mod is ready
> You don't have to play them if you don't think you'll manage that. You can still
> pick another of the nations that are free. You do know that Sanguinia has dying > dom and needs to actively preach/sacrifice to stay alive, right? Was that the > problem? Otherwise we certainly have other "evil" races left. The sacrificing is what bothers me. The whole slave hunting... just can't get into it. Role playing a fanatical, doomsday sect is OK, but vampires is just a bit too much. And don't get me started on skinning ten girls to make a pair of boots. I tried, but could not bring myself to enjoy playing Sanguinia... I would still gladly give a bunch of tips to whoever takes the nation. By the way, my friend is willing to try it and tomorrow he'll come visit and I will help him design his pretender, if you are willing to let a MP newbie in the game. I know it makes no sense, as I have no problem using death magic in my games, or sending an angel to slaughter an army of hundreds (see Epic Heroes' last turn) Call me squeamish in an illogical way. |
Re: Mod is ready
Re: Mod is ready
Okay, I'm playing Arga Dis then.
I'll download the original Arga Dis and the current version of CBM and load them both at once. This thread is for two different games? The combined mod isn't yet ready? Color me confussled (and I'd prefer not to read through all the previous pages to figure out what is going on http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif). |
Re: Mod is ready
I strongly suggest that you carefully read through this thread from the start to finish, too... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif |
Re: Mod is ready
Nice map, Its from Total War, No?
Re: Mod is ready
oh, can I take Sanguinia instead of Haida Gwaii? I played them in Epic Heroes and I sort of really botched up my pretender design then since I had no idea I had to keep sacrificing to keep my dominion. I have a better idea on how to use them now so I'd like a second shot.
Haida Gwaii is pretty cool if Dr P wants to take a look at them. |
Re: Mod is ready
It's up to you. Nicolai will take the vampires if no one else does.
I relinquish all claim to them, myself. Are there any nations left? I assumed that BLOOD and bronze is not something I would have liked to play anyway :-) In any case, if any non blood race loses a player, I will happily sub. |
Re: Mod is ready
We can switch Tuidjy, I'll take Sanguinia and you can take Haida Gwaii.
Re: Mod is ready
I don't really care which nation I get - I'll take whichever one no-one else wants when the dust settles, although I think it's kinda odd no-one wanted Arga Dis.
Re: Mod is ready
I looked at Arga Dis, and didn't find it terribly interesting. The only have access to B/F magic, and their units are standard fair.
Jazzepi |
Re: Mod is ready
Standard? Their units are pretty unusual if you ask me. Fear causing cavalry, super elite infantry that hang around after being killed etc
Aga Dis also have death and earth magic by the way. Now I think I'll vanish for the day :] |
Re: Mod is ready
I missed the fear causing calvary! And I thought the death and earth magic were very light, maybe 1 or 2 at most.
They do have super elite heavy infantry. And I think the low MR is a neat touch with the armor. Jazzepi |
Re: Mod is ready
What a mess. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Okay Tuidjy, since you said you don't want to play yourself, I'll give the spot to DrPraetorious. Nothing against your friend, like I said, but DrP jumped at it after you said that you'll "wuss out", and we'd like to receive feedback about the nations from players that already have some experience to MP gaming. I'm happy that you want to sub in case somebody drops out unexpectedly, I'll remember that. LoloMo, you can switch to Sanguinia if you want to play them again. So, DrP, you can decide between Haida Gwaii and Arga Dis (or another nation). Haida Gwaii is already in the combined mod a couple of pages back, Arga Dis isn't in yet but I have prepared it so that I can add them at any time. Download both mods and play with them to find out which suits you more. Arga Dis is a blood nation, by the way. To the others, please send me your pretender gods or at least tell me if you want to use the national pretenders. P.S.: Sombre, please say a word about balance in DrP's hoburg nation? |
Re: Mod is ready
I haven't tried his hoburg nation, but from the concepts (0 gold high resource cost units for example) I think it must have been quite hard to balance. I'm willing to take a look at it tonight.
I was taking my time with a new release of Arga Dis because I thought no-one was playing it this time around, but I can get it released and put out a cbm version tonight, possibly. CBM balancing it is slightly harder than with my other nations though. We'll see. I'm slightly perturbed by the dropping out and switching going on in this game so far, so I want to say this much: If you don't have time to play in this game, you aren't really that interested, you have no patience for potential problems arising from mods or you're in too many games already, please say so now so we can replace you. We won't be annoyed if you do, we'd be more annoyed if you started then dropped out after a few turns or something. |
Re: Mod is ready
Oh one other thing, I'd like to remind Dr P that this game uses the Conceptual Balance Mod and nations which attempt to follow its balance scheme.
I remember you saying you completely disagree with CBM, so I thought I'd check that you still want to play. lch is currently planning a third mod game which will be 'anything goes' and obviously won't use CBM at all. |
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