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djo December 2nd, 2007 06:43 PM

Re: Solstice--EA PBEM game--open
Ok, we are full. Since we have many new players, we will not use any mods at all. New players, be sure you are patched to 3.10. Start designing your pretenders, and we'll aim to start the game...let's say by Wednesday evening.

I will make a final decision by tomorrow evening regarding whether to use the LlamaServer or not. The hosting schedule will be the same, the only difference will be which email address you will use. Either way, please send me a personal message via the forum with your email address (click on my username, then there will be a link you can use to send the PM).

For new players: create your pretender using the option under the "game tools" menu. Be sure you do not have any mods enabled when you do. I'll send out the final email destination when I have everyone's email.

djo December 3rd, 2007 06:33 PM

Re: Solstice--EA PBEM game--open
Monday update:

I am waiting for email addresses from:


When I have them, I will mass email everyone with my email address. I will be running this game myself, so my address will be where to send pretender and turns.

We're still aiming for a Wednesday evening start.

Nova December 4th, 2007 01:37 AM

Re: Solstice--EA PBEM game--open
djo's friend is officially registered.

Hi guys! I'm pretty new at this game (never played against anyone other than djo and/or the computer). If the more experience players have some tips for the newbs (especially if you catch us messing up badly in the game) I'm sure we'd all appreciate it. I'd also like to avoid a game of 'Who can build the biggest alliance'(TM).

Oh, if there are typical rules of etiquette in a multiplayer game Dominions it would be good to know about those as well.

djo December 4th, 2007 06:58 PM

Re: Solstice--EA PBEM game--open
I am awaiting pretenders from:

Tir na Nog
Tien Chi

(apostrophes not included)

If you're having trouble finding your pretender file, email me or post here.

As for etiquette...there used to be a thread with some good suggestions, but I can't find it again. Basically, be nice, play each game for itself (no cross-game grudges/trades/alliances), and be considerate on the forums and in playing (get turns in, find a sub if you have to drop, etc.). Did I miss anything?

djo December 4th, 2007 11:26 PM

victory conditions
Since there were no comments regarding victory conditions, I'll stick with the original plan: 16 total VPs, one in each capital, eight others outside the capitals. You will need 8 to win (50%).

djo December 5th, 2007 08:37 PM

We are underway! Turn 1 has been emailed. Let me know as soon as possible if you do not receive it, or if there are any problems. Check your spam folders if you don't receive a turn! They may grab one until they are trained not to.

I decided on 7 VP needed to win instead of 8; there's enough water that often one or two VP will be mostly inaccessible.

If this is your first email game ever:

-- in your savedgames folder, create a folder for the game (probably named "solstice")
-- each turn, put your turn file (eg, early_formoria.trm) in that folder
-- play your turn
-- email me your orders file (eg, early_fomoria.2h) (2h = "to host")
-- I would like to host the turns at 9pm EST (GMT-5); email me if you want an extension, or post here

I will try to post here when I email turns. For the first 15 turns, though, I will not send our reminder emails. I probably will when we move to 3 turns/week.

Parting hint for all the new players: send scouts everywhere. With graphs off, it's the only way of knowing who's doing well, and who's sitting on all the victory points.

Good luck!

Torin December 5th, 2007 09:09 PM

Re: Underway!
thanks for the tips. good game everyone.

PashaDawg December 5th, 2007 10:43 PM

Re: Underway!
Thanks for hosting, djo!

StormCrow434 December 5th, 2007 10:44 PM

Re: Underway!
First turn played and sent...way cool...

otthegreat December 5th, 2007 11:12 PM

Re: Underway!
Great more problems. I made the folder for Solstice and put the turn file in it but when I go to start the game there is no nation for me to select.

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