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WraithLord April 22nd, 2005 01:37 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)
Trying hard to resist the temptation of another dominions game.

My will has failed. I want in.
( Should have cast iron will on myself http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif )

Well then, for me,
Caelum (if not banned),

Alneyan April 22nd, 2005 01:52 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)
That would give us a full house, with the following players playing the following nations (incidentally, those four players weren't in the first KOTH, but we happened to pick four of the six nations that took part in the first game):
- Griffin: Ermor
- Izaqyos: Pythium
- Oversway: Machaka
- Alneyan: T'ien Ch'i

There is a problem between Cainehill and Tauren however, who both picked Pangaea as first nation. If either one of you would rather not play Pangaea, please pick another nation (Marignon in the case of Cainehill, to be determined for Tauren). If you both want Pangaea, the rule of Dice will apply.

- Cainehill: Pangaea, Marignon, Jotunheim
- The_Tauren: To be determined (likely Pangaea first)

Oversway April 22nd, 2005 05:57 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)
I'll put in a request for zens scale mod (v1.2) if the other players do not object. I like it being more worthwhile to pick something besides order, sloth, death, and misfortune

WraithLord April 22nd, 2005 06:45 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)

Oversway said:
I'll put in a request for zens scale mod (v1.2) if the other players do not object. I like it being more worthwhile to pick something besides order, sloth, death, and misfortune

Where can I find information regarding the changes in zen's scales mod.
or maybe somene can list briefly the major changes.

The_Tauren13 April 22nd, 2005 10:46 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)
prod: 4% income, 15% resources
growth: 4% income, .3% growth
misfortune: 13%

iirc, thats all

As to playing Pangaea, I absolutely want to play it, as I havent a clue what I would do otherwise...

quantum_mechani April 22nd, 2005 11:04 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)

izaqyos said:

Oversway said:
I'll put in a request for zens scale mod (v1.2) if the other players do not object. I like it being more worthwhile to pick something besides order, sloth, death, and misfortune

Where can I find information regarding the changes in zen's scales mod.
or maybe somene can list briefly the major changes.

*Double the normal income effect for each point of death or sloth scales (still less than a point of order).

*50% more pop growth/death from death scale, and 50% more/less resources from sloth.

*Misfortune 1/3 more likely give bad events.

*1/3 higher chance for rare events.

And that's it. But let me tell you it makes a huge difference (for the better).

Alneyan April 23rd, 2005 09:52 AM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)
A notice about the fatherland file Panther; you may already be aware of this, but I guess repeating something never hurts. The problem of this file is that you cannot entrust it to the players, but it is the most important file for a game: the fatherland file can recreate the .trn files, and allows the hosting of the game.

So, you should back up the fatherland files somewhere, in case of a hard drive crash or some such (granted, I am paranoid). A FTP somewhere or a floppy/CD-Rom would do the trick; alternatives include sending it to my own backup mail on Gandalf's server (but that may defeat part of the point in having an host not involved in the game), or perhaps even encrypting the file. Gandalf is also working on a small upload routine, so that may be another solution.

Cainehill April 23rd, 2005 10:28 AM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)

Given the terms stated in the original post, I'd suggest Alneyan dicing to determine who gets Pangaea as it's by far my most preferred nation for this game.

Alneyan April 23rd, 2005 10:36 AM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)
Aye, the rule of the Dice apply here: I have used Heads or Tails this time, with three heads/tails needed to win. Tauren (as tails) won 3 to 1, so Tauren will be playing Pangaea.

The_Tauren13 April 23rd, 2005 12:25 PM

Re: PBEM Game: King of the Hill 2 (Open)

Alneyan said:
- Zen's Pretender mod 1.81.

I assume were updating to pretenders 2.0?

And are we going to use 2.15 or 2.16?

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