WoW! It's been a full week since I started this thread and I've created over 240 new avatars (not including retouches!) That's some 34+ every day on average. If you will permit me, I'm going to babble a bit in celebration..
First, I created this 'Retro-Avatar' for the occasion..
While browsing some of the other threads I caught sight of a message that had people talking about the good ol' days of 300 baud modems. I posted a short reply about the very first download I made.. (a music demo called Passionately!).. my eyes glazed over and I thought back to one of my favorite games of all time, 'Miner 2049er' for the Atari 800 computer. That's what inspired me to create this little avatar. I also remember one of the first 'space exploration' games I played that I also liked a lot, it was called 'Universe 2' by Omnitrend. One of the things I loved about that game was how you could mine for precious ores, and mining was a risky business. If you stayed on the surface too long you would loose your mining craft. Another great 'Space' game was 'Sundog: The Frozen Legacy' Aaah the memories.. Space Empires:IV has a lot going for it, and I do enjoy firing it up from time to time. My only problem is I suck at strategy and have rarely won a game (in fact I don't think I have ever won a game of SE:4) I really love the 'exploration' and technology part of the game, but while I'm busy doing that the AI guys are preparing to whoop my ***! LoL Question, is there an option to turn off the 'agressive/conquer' part of the game? that would be cool for wimps like me!
But I digress, I'm having fun with this avatar thing right now, and I hope you all are enjoying the eye-candy I've been flooding in here.
Have a Great Day People, Cheers!