
November 10th, 2009, 05:39 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
Haha, well - I'm totally clueless to all of this.
Looking through the histories, I guess I'll play as the nation of Ulm (Enigma of Steel). What all do I need to do to get ready for a multiplayer game?
Also, it would be better if this began next week (or I suppose if the turns were longer than 24 hours). I have a trip this weekend, and I can't guarantee internet access on Saturday.

November 10th, 2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
I disagree- start as quickly as possible and we can just pause the game for your trip. thats totally possible and easy to do.

November 10th, 2009, 05:46 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
Independent strength default value is 5. If you put 4 they are slightly weaker and if you put 6, they are slightly stronger. If you want something other then 4,5,or 6, i think you're playing a very different game. i suggest sticking with 5.
Special site frequency is how often you find magic sites. The default value for early age is 45 and its 35 for late age. Probably best to leave it at 45 but i played with 55 in another game and didn't really notice a difference... yet...
Money resource multiples i forget (there's a faq on setting up games on llamaserver and its written in that- i would check it out)
I think standard victory conditions.

November 10th, 2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
All new players should read the FAQ:
You should put this link in the first post.

November 10th, 2009, 06:06 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
Money/resources/supplies is 100 default. Just think of that as percentages of normal values.
Standard is the usual victory condition. Which, basically comes down to the players deciding when someone has won. I would recommend going this route for the game, victory points could be a bad idea for a game between fresh new players.
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November 10th, 2009, 06:23 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
Originally Posted by Immaculate
I disagree- start as quickly as possible and we can just pause the game for your trip. thats totally possible and easy to do.
Ah, well if it's not a problem to pause the game and everyone would prefer that, than that's fine
I was just afraid people wouldn't want that interruption.

November 10th, 2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
Thanks for the input, gents.
Alehkhs, there's no objection to stand down for a few days with the turns once you leave as long as the absense (of any player) is coordinated in a timely fashion, for example, here.
Updated first post.
I'll be off to bed now. (GMT+1) More updates tomorrow. Sleep well!

November 10th, 2009, 08:12 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
speaking of breaks, i'm afraid i'm going to be without access to my computer from the 1st till about the 9th of december... How do we handle that when it comes up, do i switch to ai for those turns? I'm also gonna miss from the 11th to the 14th...
Ok dokey, thanks

November 10th, 2009, 09:33 PM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
Never played MP before, had a couple of spats against the computer. I'd like to give T'ien Ch'i a go.

November 11th, 2009, 04:38 AM
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Re: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
pfloom welcome to the fun! I've added you to the playerlist!
Bondy, just to get this clear; you will be unavailable from the 1st of december till the 9th. Then you will have the 10th available and then from the 11th till the 14th of dec you're gone again?
So for planning we will consider you gone from the 1st till the 14th.
December will likely be slow anyway with all the holidays coming. Here in Holland we have 'Sinterklaas' (sort of thanksgiving with presents) on the 5th of dec and my birthday is on the 2nd of december, so I will likely not be able to return the turn in 24hrs either during those days. Same goes for X-Mas.
I don't see this as a problem. We could always pause play until everyone is back again during holidays.
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