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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 6 - Rlyeh

A note from Golub, enslaved Atlantean Mage, spy

“Deliver to the Atlantean Eastern Command. Tr’goth was nearly slain! How close we came! Vastly underestimating the number of Merlings in the eastern sea, and apparently testing a revolutionary tactical plan that turned out to be a disaster, his entire force was slaughtered. This is excellent news, though the General survived and expects to launch another punishing attack next month with fresh recruits. New reports arrive each day about land-walker empires around the basin: Hoburg, Ulm, Shinuyama, Ermor, Nehekara. The Masters are busy consulting their galactic encyclopedias to determine the nutritional value of each of these nations to help them decide which will make the best dietary supplement….” Golub
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:53 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 7

An account of The Battle of Eribon

The sun burned bright that day, not a cloud in the sky. We had heard rumors of an army rising from the sea and capturing the mountainous lands of Runia. But these were sparsely held villages - the denizens of Runia known for their constant feuding among the mountain clans. It was easy to see how they could fall.

Lord Pagobar and his proud knights laughed easily on the fields outside the town of Eribon, eager for the excitement of battle, and already thinking ahead to the feasting and wenching to follow. The men-at-arms took heart at the easy confidence of their lords as they awaited the enemies approach. No scouts had returned from Runia which was enough to know that battle was coming to our lands.

Then the sun seemed to dim and the knights’ banter stopped. A chill crossed the battlefield and all became eerily silent. The blue sky then seemed to take on the appearance of a translucent veil, like a thin membrane, and we could see a dark form moving beyond, like watching a shark in a murky sea. Then the sky sripped open like a gaping wound and we saw the oblivion in the dark beyond around us and despaired.

That is when we saw the lord of R’lyeh. It bellowed a blood curdling alien scream and the knights looked to each other hesitantly before charging forth. Each step that we moved forward the sense of dread and despair weighed us down until we came within a stone’s throw of the beast’s presence. Pagobar was the only knight with the courage or strength to land a blow, just before a massive tentacle lashed about his body and leeched his life’s essence, leaving him nothing more than a dry husk in a chainmail shell. The knights fell in droves and then we turned and ran back into the woods.

It is said the lord of R’lyeh left and Eribon still stands. I have not gone back but heard strange tales that the citizens no longer laugh or speak but carry on their lives in a silent trance.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 8

I am Ulwuth, all all that I had once known is no more. Now I serve the masters of R'lyeh, Servants of the Dark Beyond, the Lord of Insanity. Insanity is a strange word for in the language of the Illithid it is the only word for "knowledge". Those who truly understand the universe have always been the ones on the fringes. The more knowledge you accumulate, the more you distance yourself from the rest of your society, and thus you become "insane". Similarly, the Illithid have mastered a knowledge of this universe so vast that their actions and thoughts seem incomprenhensible, insane if you will, from the perspective of the landwalkers.

Once I was a smith, now I am a servant. What I was is gone. My eyes are open. I see the darkness beyond the sheltering blue sky.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 9

Report from Ulwuth, once of Eribon, now a loyal servant of R'lyeh

Masters, From our vantage in the Moss Woods, we can see a contingent of Black Plate Pikeneers and Master Smiths have issued forth from the Great Keep of Ulm to the Glimmering Fields. We will keep you apprised - should they turn aside, we shall leave them to their miserable existance of hammering iron. But if they continue their advance in our direction, General Tr'goth says he is prepared to fertilize their fields with liquified brains, though the Ulmish apparently have very little to work with and would probably need to supplement it with some Atlanteans.

He Who Should Not be Named is close at hand as well.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:55 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 10

Aesop, excerpt from Musings on the Dark Beyond

The methods of torture applied by the Illithid are the result of eons of accumulated knowledge gathered across the universes. There is nothing you can imagine that is worse than to earn the wrath of a mindflayer. Take for example the case of Theleb.

Theleb was the leader of a merchant caravan hired by a mysterious hooded stranger to deliver a chest of gold to General Ru Shou. The caravan was attacked while traveling from the coast to the General’s camp inland, and most of the gold lost. Apparently the hooded stranger arrived ahead of Theleb, but, without the gold, was unable to confirm a pact with the Celestial Empire. The lapse in communication resulted in an inadvertent clash of forces between the two nations. The bandits responsible for stealing the tribute were later captured. Under extremely effective methods applied by the Illithid, it was revealed that the bandits were relatives of Theleb, whose head now floats in a vat of sea water, preserved magically so that his torment will last for an eternity.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:57 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 19

Clodomir, The Last Days of Ulm

Ulm’s proud keeps rose from the peaks above the fertile grasslands; impregnable and majestic – they had stood for hundreds of thousands of years: the Black Keep of Bithyne, Lord Ulthur’s Stone Hall at Omicria, and the mightiest of all, the Citadel on the Horn.

I was but a child when the dark seas boiled and the beasts emerged. I lived at the Black Keep and was their when it fell and our goddess trampled into the dust. The Illithid led by the feared General Tr’goth had breached our walls with the help from the traitors of Eribon. Tr’goth had arrayed his troops with two cadres of Illithid mindflayers on his rear flanks a mass of metorite guards and light infantry at the center, and behind them monstrous beasts out of a nightmare – towering hundreds of feet in the air, swirling masses of screaming souls.

The High Order of Smiths unleashed wave after wave of evocations of magma, blade, and iron that shredded the center ranks. The sea spawn were ill-equipped to deal with the black iron of Ulm; their flesh was soft and weak from life under the water. Ulmish iron ripped through their bodies like they were wineskins. I remember. But it meant little to the illithid overlords. Their slave warriors never ceased their assualt despite horrendous casualties. The master smiths summoned forth the power of the earth, making the air come alive with jagged blades that ripped through the R’lyehn hordes. But the losses meant nothing. Shambler thralls with both arms ripped off, roared in rage and pressed forward to trample the defenders of Ulm. We thought perhaps the day was won when the left rear of mindflayers broke and fled the field after several punishing onslaughts of iron. Yet the Hooded Stranger sang a song of might and the center advanced shielding the horrors behind them from the bulk of the sorcerous assault. A few brave black plate infantry rushed forward to hold the gate, but the formless spawn crushed them into pulp and absorbed them into their amorphous mass.

The strength of Ulm was always in its faith in steel and disdain for the supernatural. But this was their downfall for they were ill-prepared for the horror that exists in the universe. Eventually even the master smiths were paralyzed with terror as they witnessed a glimpse of the darkness beyond. Gibbering in fear and drained of energy, the sorcerous waves whimpered to a halt just as the horrific beasts of R’lyeh smashed through the gates.

I managed to hide in an overturned wagon and witnessed my goddess crushed underneath the enormous swirling mass of void and with it, my faith in Ulm and black steel and all that is good died.
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Old May 6th, 2009, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Originally Posted by DonCorazon View Post
One reason why the story part of Chronicles might have died is we have no audience and editing the wiki is a pain. If a another Chronicles game is ever started, I'd recommend posting entries here. I am going to throw my entries for R'lyeh here and maybe it will get me motivated to write some more

I'll post my thread too. Will continue shortly with another narration... (Something to write about now with Ermor and I hammering each other)


War Minister of Caelum

Strom General turned prophet of Rapture, later turned dead

Wingless Mammoth Handler from Raven Valley

The Almighty

Sister of Kern and Kes

Brother of Shercy and Kes

Priest of Rapture

Mother of Kes, Kern and Shercy

Mammoth sized mammoth

Bodyguard to Rapture

Scribe of Storm General Merien, Western Front
The thick air breathers stir below. Bound to the earth they plod like deformed Wingless. They don't look up. Pity. Soon the rarefied air of Caelum will stir and the shadow of my Icesword will fall on their shoulders.

Eres - Storm General 1st Army (The Gathering of the Cleansing)

Dear Mom,

"Join the Wingless" you said. "Make a name for yourself in the 'Cleansing'. It will toughen you up. The ladies like a war scar." Ha! Even the Wingless don't take cripples... so they hand me a pitchfork and prod. Now I'm freezing and knee deep in Mammoth s*h*i*t. I asked what happened to the last handler. The Iceclad smiled and told me to "check between Scrot's toes". Scrot, the biggest meanest beast of the lot... hates me already. The campaign rolls tomorrow. Tell Kes he can have anything he finds in my room.

Love Kern

Turn 1
Rapture smiles on me.

"You are my chosen".

His essence fills me.

-Eres Prophet of Rapture

Dearest Kern,

Everything will be just fine. Don't you worry. Show those beasts who's boss! I wish your father were here to see you now. As if a Wingless who can read and write is not impressive enough. Our son trains Mammoths too!

A priest (Shivnay?) visited our village in Raven Valley. They are tallying the families. Odd he is noting all the physical problems each Wingless bears. Also he said Rapture will be needing assistants and there is a shortage of young women (who, it is said, tend to be exceptional handlers of Rapture's many delicate tomes). Shivnay said even our Wingless girls can find opportunity in Rapture's fold. Your sister is eager to make an impression on this handsome priest. Kes didn't like him for some reason but couldn't say why.

Love Mom

Turn 2
They suspected nothing. Their weakness was an invitation framed in gold. The power of Rapture was mine to command and I smote them.

Mammoths crushed.

Archers pierced.

No losses.

None escaped.

Rapture will be most pleased.

-Eres Prophet of Rapture

Dear Mom,

First Battle! Scrot was magnificent! He trampled 5 of the enemy and shrugged off half a dozen arrows. Not sure what they see in this swamp but soldiers (and handlers) do as they are told. Rumors of another campaign soon.

Love Kern
Turn 3
Is this a test? My quill trembles in my hand. We again crushed the dwellers of another fetid swamp. Soon after I felt a Black Sorcery emanating from the land and it now rattles in my chest. My sword hangs limp in my grip. I can barely take wing. Oh Rapture... is this a test? Many of the others have fallen ill.

-Eres Prophet of Rapture

Dearest Kern,

How exciting! We've had a bit of our own excitement with the Brigands and all. With the Army on the march they seem to have taken advantage and are prowling Raven Valley and the road leading up to the Spire. I'm sure they will be brought to justice soon. Don't worry about us though. Your brother has strapped on your father's old sword.

Love Mom
Turn 6
The campaign continues. Poor scouting miscounted the heavy calvary in the last province. We lost half the mammoths. Heads will roll.

The foul sorcery from that accused swamp continues to weaken me. I will wither and die without divine intervention. Is that your will Rapture? Alas I am too feeble to scry your plan for me.

-Eres Prophet of Rapture

Dear Mom,

Scrot went down yesterday. I'll miss the big guy. We were ready to stomp but a bunch of heavy cavalry hit the big boys hard. Scrot took a few with him but he finally fell. Command was oh so enraged at the poor assessment. Rumor is that something is wrong with the Prophet. He looks like hell and can barely draw a sword. Not very encouraging to the troops.

Love Kern
Turn 8
-Journal of the Almighty Ascendant-

Eres has proven.... inadequate. His death on the battlefield.. welcome. The weak fledgling could not even fend off chillsick. I will seek a new vessel for my will.

The news from Raven Valley brightens me. My father's work their is evident. He only lacked ambition. I know the Bloodrites can strengthen even as they twist the bodies.


Dearest Kern,

The brigands have been wiped out by soldiers from the Spire! Also your sister Shercy has received the most wonderful document from that priest (such lovely quillwork!). She and many other girls (unattached so they won't be pining for their men) await summons to the Spire for the sage's Tome work.

Love Mom
Turn 9
-Journal of the Almighty Ascendant-

I chafe at the tedium of searching these vast grasslands for sites of power. Alas I can not delegate the task as it is beyond the means of my incompetent underlings. I find their knowledge so... lacking it distresses me. Oh to be back among my tomes.

Suitable maidens have been noted in Raven Valley. The rituals must be hidden from the rabble. My research in Early Age literature shows the price of alarmed peasants

Turn 11
-Journal of the Almighty Ascendant-

I muse on the path I've chosen. Instead of applying my considerable knowledge to Arcane research I find myself traveling these conquered provinces with imbecile bodyguards. No sites of power in this vast province. No gems filling with latent Power. Months wasted.

Scouts have reported ancient civilizations expanding under new banners. I shall reach out to them. They may prove... useful in my pursuits.


Dear Mom,

I'm back at Caelum. Many of these rabble provinces have proven tougher than our commander anticipated. Fresh beasts await us in the Capital. The news has been good from the other campaigns. There are rumours of other organized civilizations expanding their empires. Exciting indeed.

Love Kern
Turn 12
-Journal of the Almighty Ascendant-

I happened across a brigand leader in this foul province. He told me his name was "Skum" and I detected no irony in his tone. Instead of having my guards slay him I struck a deal whereas he would supply my cause with some of his "fellers" for a small sum of gold. Though they reek they possess skills that might be useful in the days ahead. -Rapture
Turn 15
Vellum musings

I find the world awash in Civilizations the equal of our own. The Almightly One spoke that this was so... many years ago. Ah but to hear of other Immortals touching the earth is different than staring across a swollen river at the puissant armies of another Immortal's civilization. Oddly Rapture urges caution when dealing these "others" in his last message. He senses the power in these rivals and would seek some as allies in the coming days. He has hinted that lightning will soon be ours to cage in ways unimagined. Ours to call. I have not seen a demonstration of these new powers but the high mages tell me that those susceptable will be maimed, dazed and easy prey for the Herds. I will think on this. Skree - War Minister of Caelum
Turn 17
This span will be known as the Rat Wars. News from the front lays open before me. In massive hordes these rat beasts can overwhelm even a mammoth charge. Hundreds were killed yet still more came. New strategies are called for. Skree - War Minister of Caelum

Overheard in Offaltimes Tavern "Why gather the young maidens from the farms? I have faith in His Holiness yet... Why? Is it a man's yearnings or something more?"

Turn 23
No soft pillow tonight. No woman for my bed. The siege drags on. When night falls the troops cease their idle banter. The rats own the night. Their vision is uncanny in the darkness. Tents are quietly moved closer to the High Seraphs. We've all seen what a Thunder Strike can do. When the siege breaks no one wants to be more than 30 paces from a Mage. The Mammoths bear scars from dozens of rat bites. Many too weak for the front lines. It is good we have allies in this War of the Rats. Yet allies are not always true. They are often born of convenience. When the Rats fall will there be treachery or will we build on our past cooperation? The seas to the North roil with creatures of unknown design. To the south the Undead have extended their lifeless hand. The fiery Abyssians touch our borders. Our only bond an insatiable thirst for conquest.

Ennel – Scribe of Storm General Merien, Western Front
Turn 25
Quarter rations for both Seraph and Beast. The mammoths are weak and restless. The troops grumble in their cups. Will these walls come down? What will we face? Merien asked Skree for Mages of Nature knowing supplies might thin. The request went.. unanswered. Skree must be preoccupied with something beyond this castle, though we've heard nothing. Ennel – Scribe of Storm General Merien, Western Front

Turn 26
Dear Mom, Sorry I haven't written for some time. Did you hear? Mammoths from horizon to horizon against a horde of rats. Those mammoths were MY babies. Rats and Ratmen were gelled under 10000 stone beasts and still they kept coming. A number of beasts fell or retreated but the day was ours. Rumor is the threat has now passed. That is well and good as they were frightening in both form and manner. Skree himself named the mammoths as instrumental in the battles outcome. How is sister? Does she work under the eye of Rapture himself? Love Kern

Turn 29
Overheard in “Mangy Goat’s” Tavern

“I seen SPIDERS as big as THREE MEN with RIDERS ..an.. an.. hundreds of CORPSES all battl’n in Swashty Flats!”

“Aww Zink. You are so fulla oxen dung. “

“NO.. NO.. REALLY I saw it!

“ Like the time the short green fellas came outta the flying shield and had their way with you?”

“ That was bad ale. ‘Dis is REAL ‘dis time! All sorta magery and skellies crawl’n outta the ground and fire from the sky an.. an.. Awwwww.. fergit it…”
Turn 30
Missives unanswered. Messengers rotting in endless holding queues of the T'ien Ch'i bureaucratic layers. We will chafe no more. We will awaken this beast. Better to die on the field than navigate the unfathomable regulations for an audience with the T'ien Ch'i War Ministry.

Skree – Caelum Ministry of War
Turn 33
"Send for Kenc IMMEDIATELY!" Rapture screamed

The dead virgins are piled in the back of the room. A soon to be dead manservant wriths in pain at his feet as the poison from the Armor of Twisting Thorns stills his heart.

“The Armor has fused to my skin! Idiots! It... won't... come.. off!”

“I will bring sage Kenc immediately your holiness! The forging ritual must have ..ah.. went awry somehow...”

Panting with frustration the Pretender caught his advisor's eye.. “His research was flawed... just bring me his head.”
"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

"I yam what I yam" - Popeye
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Old May 7th, 2009, 02:24 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 43 R'lyeh
The Chronicles of General T'rgoth

Yig Goloth spat and kicked the heavy infantry known as Cutter.
"Get up wyrm" he hissed. "Tr'goth has ordered the storming of the walls of Lastfort."

Cutter was fevered, the inland campaign had been harsh. Unlike Tr'goths successful blitzkrieg in Ulm, the war against the annoying humans in Tien Chi had been a long, painful campaign. Their foes had amassed huge amounts of calvary and archers, with skilled magi and flying warriors. Their troops were always on the move and it had taken almost a year to hunt down the wily raider Lao Ming. The Lord of the Dark Beyond himself was said to have come through the Void Gate enraged to crush these ants.

The inland empire of Tien Chi was barren. The troops were starving but T'rgoth did not care, so great was his hatred for the empire of Tien Chi that he would throw hordes of troops against their walls and drench the soil with illithid blood.

Cutter roused himself, shook off the fever sweat, gripped his meteorite trident, and began the march to the walls of Lastfort, wondering if he would ever feel the cool waters of the Cerulean Sea again...
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Old May 7th, 2009, 09:29 AM

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Default Re: Chronicles MA

To all thing comes an end.
No more than characters in a story, our lives easily extinguished for the will of the High King.
Turn the page and thousands die. And for what? For the pride of leaders who are inexorably drawn by power and a destiny unknown? A mere prophecy it was.
An entire nation promised immortality. But only trough death would it be found after many millennia. And so it had been done, our fates sealed from the moment the preparations began.
An entire empire asleep in the Great Tombs, all that was left was to await destiny.
And than the Ermor cataclysm occurs. Death is set loose.
A blinding flash!
Another turn of the page.
The destruction brings earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and deaths uncounted. But not here. A destiny stolen from us, reawakened as undead never to embrace our promised destiny.
Just when it seems we are doomed, we flip the page once more.
A being of great powers reawakened by the cataclysm, the first and most powerful of the Tomb Kings, the Immortal one. Only under his rule shall the Empire be reestablished again.
Now we are left to seek our fate in this new world and enact our vengeance on those responsible for this, curse...
Is this the end of our tale? No, we are the pawns of fate. There are still many pages to turn.
And to all things comes a beginning.
-The rise of the Tomb Kings-

An expedition was sent into our long forgotten desert a month ago, there were some interesting findings.
-A messenger arrives to the Nehekara Necropolis and steps into the main chamber, he bows and reports-
"My Lord, It seems that the Sacred river of Nehekara is still fertile and very much alive, maybe even too alive for that matter. The first High Priest, Kahotep, cast an ancient spell to hide his true appearance and approached the tribes that dwell on the river banks with only a few bodyguards during the night. Peaceful negotiation was his plan, but as we heard from the screams that followed, the negotiations... failed. By the time we came to the battlefield the battle was already over, and Kahotep, with his few bodyguards, stood over what was left of the warrior tribe. The fools ignored the warning and tried to overpower Kahotep, they failed miserably of course. A warning has been sent to all the neighboring tribes, they will either join our ranks or die..."

Slowly the entire Empire of old has been retaken by Nehekhara. The human tribes that now dwell in our ancient lands chose wisely, to join the great Empire rather then die fruitlessly defending a lost matter.
New expeditions were sent far to the north, east, south and west. Many reports came.
From the northern shores word was sent that a strange army appeared. An army of insanity. An army led by a great being sent from the Void. It was said that it's mere presence terrified the mortals and its gaze paralyzed them instantly. They do seem powerful but we are no mere mortals, and we are not familiar with fear. The High King has decided to make peace with these strange being, for now.
We came across more humans last month also. But these were no pathetic tribe warriors we fought so far. They don great plate armors and wield heavy axes and swords. They seem very organized and effective, although not as much as Nehekhara. No formal agreement has been reached so far, but Nehekhara fears no one. We will outmaneuver any enemy that crosses the desert border and our Immortal warriors will swiftly slay anyone from the shadows. An emissary was sent to negotiate with these plateheads, although we can not expect much from these warriors. After all they are living, and the living fear the undead.
To the East over the vast Nehekhara desert, over the seas, we found more traces of life, but unlife also. The once glorious Empire or Ermor now stand cursed and weakened, just as Nehekhara. It is said that the dead walk side by side with the living. A diplomatic message was sent. Ermor wishes no war with Nehekhara.

Another report came today, The great tomp priest, Kahotep, chose to lead his small elite force down south. He was informed that a great Volcano is located not far from the southern border of Nehekhara. It it believed that it holds strange powers, he will investigate this.
Just before reports from Kahotep arrive, a hooded stranger asks for an audience, he says he has important diplomatic matters to discus.

"After reaching the strange volcano, located south of Nehekhara, we set up base there and investigated the surrounding area. To my surprise I found that the neighboring lands had a "grip of winter" on them, which was strange, after all there is a big active volcano here.
I decided to send a recon force south-west, while I went east with a small armed force to investigate this. We came across a larger tribe of warriors which attacked us on sight. That we anticipated, not many humans like the dead. But barely after the battle was over an army of giants attacked us from the rear.
There was no time to maneuver and Nehekharans do not retreat from battle.Facing an enemy twice as numerous our infantry slowly advanced under a shower of arrows only to be stopped by a pack of large Giants with flesh of iron.Their hides were so thick that even the very best of the warriors could barly penetrate them. Half of the giants were slain in combat including their leader before our downfall. The few archers that provided cover fire also perished.
If we had time to prepare for this attack it might have turned out differently. Now we know what lies in the cold land below. We will leave this land be."

Much happened in the last several months, Nehekhara has grown powerful in size and might once again. The legions of Nehekhara march the desert with unsurprised speed crushing everything that dares oppose them. Order is finally restored in the desert under the banner of Nehekhara. Outposts are built on important strategic locations to ensure the safety of the Empire. Deep in the Great Tombs Immortals, the undying, the elite force of the Empire are being revived, and are ready to fight for the glory of the Kingdom once more. Temple Guards stand tall over the temples of Anubis, the God of the old, where ancient secrets are being reawakened.
It was finally time. The world shall tremble once again before the might of Nehekhara. The undying armies gathered under the rule of Kahotep received their orders. The legions of Nehekhara are to march west to a Kingdom ruled by humans,a warrior people, which refuse to acknowledge the rule of Nehekhara. All resistance will be crushed and their armies annihilated!
All this happened a few months back.
The undying legion met little resistance in it's way. By the time we reached the castle walls the kingdom was already in chaos. The Horrors that emerged from the depts of the sea, just weeks before we invaded, drove the Empire insane. Soon the remaining forts shall fall and Nehekhara will enforce rule on those lands conquered by the undying legion. There will be no meddling with the forces of insanity. Their buisniss is their own. Soon the tides of war shall turn again...

The desert was long silent but now the drums of war eho again, a whole season has passed since the downfall of Ulm and now, once again, the Undying legion is on the move. The Nehekhara war council was busy these last few months, never before was such a large military operation even planned let alone put to work. Almost every signle soldier was marching south. Destination, the cold lands of the Jotun.
The problem with this plan was how to organize an army this big, and more importantly how to supervise a front that stretches for hundreds of miles? The answer was found in the Acrain library of Nehekhara, we used ancient magic to forge an item called "The Stone Sphere". It's power is beyond comprehension to ordinary man, with it one can project himself to any place in the world.
This has speed our advance much. In no more than two months of war an enormous landmass was overrun and captured. We met resistance on the way, huge Jotun Werewolves and Giants with flesh of iron commanded by huge Ice Devils, but their efforts to stop our advance were in vain. The very Capital of Jotunheim faces the possibility of being overrun this month.

- Late Summer in the third year of our Reawakening, the battle at Jotunheim -

-We are one days march away from the Capital of Jotunheim but the enemy seems to have gathered many militia to try and stop us, they are slowly advancing towards our ranks, what are your orders my Lord?
-PREPARE FOR BATTLE, FORM RANKS, WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE IN RANGE! SORCERERS, AT MY SIDE, the Undying legion has need of your powers. Today we fight in the shade, you know what to do. Give the order Capetian.

Within seconds the sky turned dark as a swarm of deadly asp arrows covered the Sun and pierced into the flesh of the mighty giants. The arrows did little damage on their own, it was the poison from the enchanted arrows that killed the first of the giants. The rain of arrows was followed by multiple bolts of fire which set many giants ablaze. The sorcerers called out strange powers and clouds of flame and poison covered the battlefield. But that wasn't enough to stop their advance. They hurled their huge javelins which pierced trough the armor with ease. Axes and swords clashed like thunders, the giants managed to push back our forces for a moment but were very soon outflanked and surrounded. The battle ended in a blood bath, not a single giant survived.

-The path is clear my Lord, all the giants are dead.
-Push onwards, we have a city to conquer...

A Shadow of death has a grip over the Empire of Jotunheim, overrun by the Undying legion it is a kingdom of ruins now, it's armies scattered over the land, the tall walls of once great cities under siege. This wretched land shall burn, and with it all those who oppose the power of the reborn Nehekhara. Soon the remaining isolated areas will be concurred and the once proud name of Jotunheim will only be known in the Jotunheim chronicles.

Suddenly a huge blazing pyre lights up the landscape. All sights are turned toward the Nehekhara Necropolis. The huge pyre that formed all of a sudden over Nehekhara could be seen even from the most remote part of the Empire, and beyond, nobody knows for sure what just happened.
Some say the pyre was powered by the anger of the High King, The Immortal one, once he saw the defeat of his army at the very gates of Jotunheim...
Now the Necropolis gates have opened again, horrors unseen before have emerged and disapered into the night under a new standard, The Standard of the Damned.

While the unexpected breach of the siege and defeat at the gates of Jotunheim resultet in the total annihilation of Kahoteps armies, the forces of Jotunheim were decimated also. Weakened as they were, they had no choice but to try and defend the Capital until the very last one of them was dead, and such was their fate. Within weeks they met their creator.

- High Kings chambers-

-“Guard! Find me Anok Fero, the eagle tamer, and bring him here.”
Within several minutes Anok Fero fly into the Necropolis riding a Ziz, a great undead eagle. Anok Fero is human, a descendant of one of the few Royal members that believed that the prophecy was a delusion, now he serves the Immortal One.
-“I do not trust any other with a task this important, you are to deliver this to the Lord of Ermor, the one responsible for our reawakening.”
Anok Fero swiftly fly over the sea that separated the two undead Empires and delivered the message. It was a war declaration, vengeance was the main reason.
How the Lord of Ermor took the message nobody knows, but Anok Feru was returned on the Ziz without his heart, there was surly some symbolic meaning in this.
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Old May 9th, 2009, 01:21 PM

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Default Re: Chronicles MA

24 hours added. Weekend is in moment very stressfull for me.
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