We now have six players ready to grind each other into dust in order to hold onto a large rock!

Three slots left.
If anyone is interested here is the map as it stands now. Players take note, if you look at the map in the editor (and you're welcome to) you'll see that all six of your worlds have great stats. Once you start a game, however, SEIV will redo the stats on your homeworld to a more normal starting world, I have no control over this.

The other five will be as shown in the editor though.
Make sure you have read the game's description thoroughly so you can make your empire accordingly. If you upload your empire and decide you want to change it before the game starts
DO NOT withdraw and reapply, just email me your new empire and I'll use it at game creation.
I will be using the game news to announce when someone enters the flag system and when they capture the Flag. If you enter the system cloaked there will be no announcement, whether I can see you or not. I will count a player as having captured the flag from the second turn I can see that players flag over the world and will begin counting for all players to hear. Needless to say, you'll be getting a lot of email from this game!
If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask here or to email me and I'll answer as quickly as I can.