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Old September 28th, 2003, 07:05 PM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

Another small simulation in a small universe, 40% EPC:
AIC ~ 4.beta 1 events.txt, modified (rebellion events removed)
4 Systems, 2 of them nebulaes, Eee and Fazrah. Due to warp closure event both empires develop without contact.
2611.6 (2116 turns) Both homeplanets and systems still alive, Eee have seen 73 low events, 2 medium events, no high but one early catastrophic event (not at homeplanet) :

2402.1 Planet Destroyed Planetary Minister: Planet Kumanon VIII which resided in the Kumanon system has been utterly destroyed, sire. We had a colony of 6M on the planet.
2402.1 Catastrophic Event An experiment gets out of control on , ripping the planet apart.
Immediately after the batch sim, I started a one player game with the same event setup, 2 systems. The homesystem has been destroyed within the first 10 years (star destroyed).
The obvious differences (to me, maybe there are more) : Turn based movement. I have not yet seen a high/cat event at homeplanets in the longterm batch sims (simultaneous movement). It does not mean, the events are excluded in simoultaneous, but I tend to think, there is something that makes these events happen extremely infrequent in simultaneous games.
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Old October 3rd, 2003, 06:14 PM

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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

Originally posted by JLS:

Originally posted by Imperator Fyron:
One test game is certainly not conclusive, as their is a lot of quirky randomness in the SE4 event generation. Ask PTF.

In addition, is some of this quirky behavior from the new wave of Event files themselves?
With some of the redundennt no matter how modified that event is, we are working into our mods. In essence, even though we may change the effect and or Severity etc this does not change the fact that it is a duplicate and may yield some interesting but extraordinary results.

I found in the early tests of the new and improved reorganized event file the infamous 4.01 beta that some events would expel back to back. And when I started reducing some duplicate events (FOR EXAMPLE �5 PC �10 PC and the dreaded �20 PC to just one -5 PC that this every now and then back to back hit was no longer.
This is fine for a good event like +PC or +PV or even +POP but not good for a duplicate of for example Planet Destroyed or even Close Warp.

I also am going back to basics with se4 event files for a few long and drawn out games, as a refresher on the events also to see, since the se4 Defaut lacks duplicates is there any definable routines.

Then to get back to finishing the current AIC Event file that is not even close to resemble the 4.01beta, to insure that if there is any definable routines; that with in reason this be exclusively for good Events

PTF, excerpt from the AIC thread.
And to remind all; that the 4.01 beta is way obsolete almost for more then a month now. The current AIC Event file that is not even close to resemble the 4.01beta, to insure that if there is any definable routines; that with in reason this be exclusively for good Events

[ October 03, 2003, 17:46: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old October 3rd, 2003, 06:30 PM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

I just have taken this event file because it was modified already with remarks: Low Event, Medium Event etc.

And I am eagerly waiting for your 4.x Version to start my next solo game !

Just kidding, take your time to release a well-done Version.
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Old October 3rd, 2003, 06:45 PM

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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

This tweaking of the Events file has given rise to many of another Idea, that may not have been founded.
Thank Oleg,
for the restuctured Severity event suggestion; it has opened many doors for many more options.

Trust me Before AIC 4.00 is released I would like you and others to examine the packaged primary Events File

[ October 03, 2003, 18:05: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old October 3rd, 2003, 08:23 PM

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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

Originally posted by PsychoTechFreak:
The obvious differences (to me, maybe there are more) : Turn based movement. I have not yet seen a high/cat event at homeplanets in the longterm batch sims (simultaneous movement). It does not mean, the events are excluded in simoultaneous, but I tend to think, there is something that makes these events happen extremely infrequent in simultaneous games.
Also to consider and for what this information may be worth as value since this is Theory at its lowest form.

Please consider that moving the Events up and down the list may alter the Event routines.

For example: with the Original Default se4 Event file shuffle the highlighted out of that order in the events and see if the frequency routines does not change for that or another event. But the event that you had frequent before the shuffle, you may be surprised it is no longer as frequant.

Now also to please consider, by removing or moving any events from a file may yield a very different result from the Last run.

Alss to note: MM does not conform to the severity ORDER...
Stock se4 Events File

Type := Planet - Population Change
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := -50
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Earthquake
Message 1 := An earthquake on planet [%PlanetName] has killed [%ActualAmount]M people.
Picture := FacilityDestroyed
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0

Type := Planet - Population Rebel
Severity := High

Effect Amount := 1
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Rebellion
Message 1 := The population of [%PlanetName] has rebelled against us and formed a new nation.
Picture := PopulationAngry
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0

Type := Planet - Facility Damage
Severity := Medium
Effect Amount := 2
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Meteor Strike
Message 1 := [%PlanetName] has been hit by a rogue meteor. [%ActualAmount] facilities have been destroyed.
Picture := FacilityDestroyed
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0

Or the:

Type := Star - Destroyed
Severity := Catastrophic
Effect Amount := 1
Message To := System
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 :=
Message 1 :=
Picture := StarDestroyed
Time Till Completion := 30
Num Start Messages := 1
Start Message Title 1 := Plasma Instability Detected
Start Message 1 := A plasma instability has been detected within the star [%StarName]. Our scientists predict it will destroy itself in approximately 3 years.

Type := Warp Point - Closed
Severity := High

Effect Amount := 1
Message To := System
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 :=
Message 1 :=
Picture := WPClosed
Time Till Completion := 5
Num Start Messages := 1
Start Message Title 1 := Warp Point Fluctuation Detected
Start Message 1 := [%WarpPointName] is fluctuating from gravitational shear forces. Our scientists conclude it will collapse within 0.5 years.

[ October 03, 2003, 19:30: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old October 3rd, 2003, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

None of the files are in any order save the order MM added stuff to the game.
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Old October 3rd, 2003, 11:53 PM

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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

I mention the Stock se4 events also because of the Severity bug that was expressed; �if a file is not in the correct order stating at low thru Catastrophic, that Players will be unable to shut down the SEVERITY OPTIONS� from the se4 games. I was wondering when somebody was going to MOD this for the se4 Players. However, if you feel that moving the Highlighted Events in belows post with out testing and will have no effect then, Fyron maybe you should add a new and corrected with Ordered Events file as to preserve the integrity of the Severity Options for stock se4 and release it, This would only take a few seconds to reorder and release

[ October 03, 2003, 23:11: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old October 4th, 2003, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

Are homeplanets affected by high/catastropic events?


So many ugly women, so little beer.
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Old October 4th, 2003, 12:16 AM

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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

What race is that
I thought my race came from Ireland
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

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Old October 4th, 2003, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: Are homeplanets affected by high/catastrophic events?

Originally posted by JLS:
What race is that
Mankind? I still hope this catastrophic event could be just the result of a simulation that somebody might reshuffle in a few billion years.

JLS, the regarding event file (4.1b) has got the correct order from low to catastrophic, the only modification that I have done to it is, I changed the title line of the upcoming Messages to observe the upcoming severities of the events. Oh, and I have removed the rebellions, just to keep the original race numbers.

EDIT: Oh, I see.

I found in the early tests of the new and improved reorganized event file the infamous 4.01 beta that some events would expel back to back. And when I started reducing some duplicate events (FOR EXAMPLE ?5 PC ?10 PC and the dreaded ?20 PC to just one -5 PC that this every now and then back to back hit was no longer.
This is fine for a good event like +PC or +PV or even +POP but not good for a duplicate of for example Planet Destroyed or even Close Warp.

[ October 04, 2003, 17:35: Message edited by: PsychoTechFreak ]
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