
May 7th, 2012, 01:58 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
oceania would not have been a cinch winner had he played straight, and he knows it. he owns LESS than half the southern continent. had he been confident in victory, my guess is he would have neither lied about his intentions, nor would he have tried to build a 3 nation alliance to take ulm down.
incidentally, earaxe, i'd really love to play another game with you. this was my first MP game. from what i hear, you've played many, but still troll solely in the newbie section. what, exactly, does that say about you?

May 7th, 2012, 03:58 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
just read my last post and i sound like a petulant little child. the smug, self congratulatory nature of Eaxe's message was a bit much to handle. suffice to say the other player in this game got under my skin a bit.
i want to apologize to the other three players for bailing. you guys didn't deserve it, and i did ruin the game for you, i suppose. that said, i'm glad to be rid of it.
just received my third message from a veteran player, two of which i have never talked to before, this one with several links.
they all told me my good friend earaxe is a known Dbag who plays only vs newbies even though he has played for a long time. the thing that got me, though, is that they said he is a known "bailer" meaning as soon as he thinks he can't win, he leaves the game or stales. and i realized that i did the same thing. not because i couldn't win, but because i didn't want to deal with earaxe.
so i guess i will have to work on that. i won't bail again.

May 7th, 2012, 04:01 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
parone, it seems to me its not the first time u contradict urself or perceivable/consensual reality. first u say "i think in a war with me, you'd have won if you had gone at if fairly" then now "oceania would not have been a cinch winner had he played straight, and he knows it". (i know, literally its not a contradiction, but in practice it is)
u also hinted that either we are best buddies with legowarrior ("after asking around in the forum") or we are even the same person, and we always allied in our games. u dont seem to be bothered by the (easily checkable) fact that it was our first game together with lego. it says a lot about u that u always seem to discover this kind of conspiracy in ur games (in 4 out of 3 as u wrote in an other topic).
now u state: "(u) troll solely in the newbie section". Again, proof is missing, mainly because of contradiction with what is observable. this game was an exception in my average opponent level, as one can check. in this game it was allowed for veteran players to join, and they were asked to choose a weaker nation, which i did. I wasnt the only veteran either.

May 7th, 2012, 04:04 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
since u seem to be unable to let this feeling/experience go, and i am a psychologist and dont want to block my own impulses about that, let me share u some of my perceptions regarding ur behavior. Even before the game, i noticed ur tendency to mix asking for information with self-depreciation. then once, in-game u answered one of my offers twice, within short time: the first one was an indignation, an outcry mixed with threats (an infantile reaction), and the second one which arrived soon after was like the more controlled, polite version of the first, with apologies. This tempts me to think u are aware of people's usual reaction to you when u give in to ur impulses. After that, when TC attacked u, u sent me a message asking "are we at peace?" (all these quotations are paraphrazed). Obviously this isnt the question u wanted to ask (but perphaps "do we have a nap?"), since we didnt fight at the time, that was obvious. And u didnt ask anything other, not a single hard detail about our peace. I have the feeling that (i might very well be wrong here) out of lack of self-appreciation u didnt dare to ask what u were really curious, so u settled for less, and saw what u wanted to saw: "ok, he wont attack me for sure". These observations led to I, writing legowarrior before my attack on u, that i expect a "tirade on the forums" from u after u notice what happened.
Ur following behavior (quitting the game, then threatening to ruin it by not quitting, fabrications about me and legowarrior) is usually called (somewhat inaccurately) an acting-out. I admit i am bordering fantasy here, but ur assumed "i see what i want to see" strategy might have made u coping with ur negative feelings about being attacked by me a lot harder: the disappointment raises insecurity by threatening to invalidate the "others (the world) operate the way i want them to"-mentality.
(to sum up in a nutshell: low self-appreciation --> inhibited behavior --> tension from repressing urges, chasm between observed and wanted reality --> delving into fantasy --> eventual confrontation with consensual reality --> insecurity, lower self appreciation)

May 7th, 2012, 04:17 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
WOW. are you really trained in psychology?

May 7th, 2012, 04:17 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
that would actually make sense, now that i think about it...

May 7th, 2012, 04:20 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
by the way, friend. do you find it at all odd that other players would reach out to me to say "earaxe is a Dbag, don't play games with him, he is a bully and a pain" (not paraphrased). i noticed you didn't respond to that, Dr.
you have really made quite a reputation for yourself in the forums. i wonder if it makes you feel better about yourself to crap on others? what would your psychobabbling self say about that? or is self evaluation not one of your 'talents?'

May 7th, 2012, 04:21 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
the fun thing about verbal sparring is, earaxe can't organize a coalition(well, maybe he can, we'll have to see). also, when it comes to making D bags look like D bags, i am not a newbie. you see, i get to deal with D bags almost Everyday!!!

May 7th, 2012, 04:43 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
so it is said by someone that i:
1) am a "dbag"
2) quit games before defeated
3) quit games when cant win
in order:
1) i cant argue about that because its more of an attitude of him (however it was) towards me then a statement about my behavior.
2) this opinion formed (in the corresponding person, i wouldnt say "forums") one and a half year ago, when i - as a beginner - enthusiasticly dived into many games, and found myself overwhelmed by the time and energy requirements of (multiple) endgames, and jumped out of many within a short period, then took a half year off. all of the games that tried to, found replacement.
3) it was calahan's theory about my reasons for quitting (some kind of projection, i guess). my in-game position wasnt among the aspects i considered when was about to quit. its hard to check now, but in most of the games i quit then, i was in about second-leading, good position. interesting fact, that calahan (who is in my opinion is at the root of it) wasnt participating in any of my games, yet he got touched by it emotionally most.
yes, i have a degree in psychology.

May 7th, 2012, 05:24 PM
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Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
I feel honoured that I'm worthy enough for the great Dr to mention me by name. Never felt so humbled. And since you called...
...yes I am one of those who PM-ed parone, award yourself a cookie, but as he points out I am just one of those who did. And I did so as I thought he might be interested, as others may, in knowing about some of your own glorious playing history.
And it's odd you should say...
Originally Posted by earcaraxe
...interesting fact, that calahan (who is in my opinion is at the root of it) wasnt participating in any of my games, yet he got touched by it emotionally most.
As I was playing in the Preponderance 2 game when you bailed, as such I was directly participating.
I was the organiser and admin of the newbie game GreenShoots that you tried to join while having 3 wins under your belt, and so clearly not a newbie, even though you made pathetic claims you still were. So while not participating, I was certainly heavily involved in that game.
I was the player who eventually had to take over your Mictlan position in the Pyrite game which you bailed on, shortly after Blackguard kindly subbed for you. And neither of us would have needed to sub if you hadn't walked out on the game. As such I became an unwilling participant in another game you tried to de-rail.
So to say I wasn't participating, and thereby infering, I wasn't involved in any of the many games you bailed on is just another of your many lies.
And for the record I do not believe any of the reasons you are claiming for bailing on those games, as none of them match what you were saying at the time, and in each game I know details about you walked out either instantly after a heavy battle loss (Prep 2) or once you realised you couldn't win (Pyrite). And I have no reason to think your real reasons for walking out on the other games were any different to those, because that is the type of player you are, as your playing history demonstrates. You also have no creditable record for telling the truth, as all your history is littered with lies. So as far as I'm concerned that is the default starting point for anything you say. You have a huge collection of black marks next to your name, so why you think anyone should believe your side of things is baffling.
But I'm sure you don't care what I think just like I don't care what you think. Plus you are likely too busy to care since you need to pad out your HoF win total by playing in more newb games, or by organising small private games and only inviting players you have beaten in the past.
As it's interesting that there seems to have been several mid-level games arranged over the past 18 months on these forums, and yet you didn't sign up for any of them, preferring each and every time to stick to newb games and hand-picked invitationals against players you've beaten several times before. Surely an up-coming player like you should be chomping at the bit to play against the better players in the community. Or maybe your plan is to get to the top of the HoF without actually ever playing against a single decent player? Certainly seems that way, but then I've heard beating up newbs is mega cool and lots of fun, so I have no doubt you'll just continue to do that. If you're not too busy psycho-analysing people that is. (check the mirror for your next patient, and try and get him to stop lying)
Last edited by Calahan; May 7th, 2012 at 05:48 PM..
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