Well, I guess I'll take some other's advice and start my own MP game. The idea is for newbs, but one or two somewhat more experienced players would be appreciated, since I could use someone to turn to if I don't know how to do something. I'm going to use Llamaserver, to try and keep it simple.
Settings will be:
Era: MA
Map: Cradle of Dominion,with pre-set start locations.
Mods: CBM 1.4,
Players: 8-10
I would appreciate it if those who have more experience could be flexible in their nation choice, to allow n00bs to hopefully have a better experience. Also, no water nations, as the map only has one water start location.
Me (Trumanator) has C'tis (almost gone)
Stattis- Machaka (almost gone)
Alpine Joe- Bandar Log (almost gone)
Incabulos- Arcosphelae
zzcat- Ashdod (owning, and scary)

pyg- Pangaea
Juffos- Eriu (owning)
Redeyes- Pythium
Klepto- Ermor
NKlan- Marignon
Burnsaber- Tien Chi (public enemy #1)

(In case you're wondering, Patrick Rothfuss is my new favorite fantasy author, thus the game name.)