Really, your
acceleration should be based on Thrust/Mass, but speed is the next closest thing in SE4

So... start with a collection of moddable settings, and facts about SE4:
- Ships with enough engine components to total more than 255 'standard' movement points crash the game. (bonus movement may or may not count towards the total).
- Shipsize.txt has a setting "engines per move"
- The engine ability is: provides x standard/bonus movement points.
Now, we want speed to be divided by the mass of the ship... so we shall make the engine force required for each notch of speed proportional to the mass of the ship.
To keep total movement points below 255, I chose to make the "engines per move" equal to Mass / 50.
Thus, we have:
ES: 150kt, 3 engines per move.
FG: 200kt, 4 EPM
DS: 300kt, 6 EPM
DN: 1000kt, 20 EPM
BS: 1500kt, 30 EPM.
Now, I decided to make the DS my pivot, so a DS design would have the same speed in original SE4 and my mod.
Since a DS requires 6 EPM, the typical engine must provide 6 movement points.
I also decided that the "typical engine" as above should be in the middle of the tech tree, so Ion Engine I's would provide less than 6 Movement, while Quantum engine IIIs would provide more.
Now, I said to myself, why not do more messing with the engines? As of now, I think I will have propulsion tech levels that contain:
Chemical Rockets: decent thrust (5), poor fuel efficiency(30-50), large amounts of supply bays will be needed to run these.
Nuclear Rockets: better thrust (6), decent fuel efficiency (15-20), high on radioactives cost.
Ion engines: poor thrust (3), awesome efficiency (3-4)
Singularity Drives: good thrust (7), great fuel efficiency (2-3), uses directed Hawking radiation from a tiny black hole to propel the ship with 100% conVersion of mass to propulsive energy. The only losses are from operating the tractor/repulsor beams required to hold the black hole away from the ship's hull.
WarpPointDrive??: no thrust, poor fuel efficiency, bonus movement, might not be used.
Anyways, back on topic... uh,yeah. Standard engines need to produce about 6 movement, so we go to components.txt and boost the "standard movement" of the engines to numbers near six

So, an escort with 60kT (6) of the "standard" engine, would have:
6x6=36 "movement" points,
Divide by number of engines per move, and:
36/3 = 12 movement points.
If I were to fill up the escort with 13 engines and a MC III

, then we get 13x6/3=26 movement points on a ship than cannot do anything but scout.
Putting on a shield and an antiproton beam brings us back to 6 engines, and 12 movement points.
Now, try the same setup on a DS. Six standard movement only gets you 6*6/6=6 movement. The DS is twice as heavy, so it moves twice as slow! With the extra space on the ship, we could fill it with engines and an MC III again, and we get 28 * 6 /6 = 28 movement (vs 26 for the escort).
It is still a useless ship, but with more engines pushing just themselves and an MC, we get a little more speed.
With a shield and antiproton and MC, taking up 90 space, we have 21 engines left, giving us 21 movement rather than 12.
Now take it up a few notches to our Cruiser. At 500kT, it takes 10 EPM. If we want just the shield, antiproton and MC, we get 41 engines. 41*6/10 = 24.6 = 24 movement. Damn fast, but a cruiser with only a shield and antiproton beam is pretty crappy for fighting.
Now, 41*6=246, which is cutting close to the 255 ceiling. If I want 7 MP engines, I will have to limit the engines per ship to 36. That will make LCs the fastest possible ship.
For a Baseship, we have 30EPM, so we need 5 engines (5*6=30)just to get one movement outta the sucker. 36 engines would provide 7 movement with a single backup engine, but you would have to sacrifice 1/3rd of your baseship to propulsion space, leaving just over 1000kT free. That would be like having an engine-only LC rammed up the rear end of a battlestation

Anyways, looking back at that, I think I will have to limit the engines after all... well, maybe not... DS/LC will have the top speeds in the game, but the ES can get better fuel efficiency (by using fewer engines).
That baseship, with 35 engines, would burn (35*10*7 = 2450 supplies to move 7 squares in one turn).
The escort, however could get a speed of 8 with 4 engines, using up only (4*10*7= 280)
11% of the fuel that the baseship used!
In SE4 as original, the two ships would use the exact same amount of supplies to move the same distance, despite one being 10x the mass

Now I'm way off topic, so if you have any questions, now would be a good time