I usually play the world war scenario. At the second fortress there are 8g/3r archers which help during the first turns. My games tend to be very demanding during the first 40-50 turns and then get too easy once well of missery is up and the tartarian factory kicking in.
Originally posted by PDF: Ermor Soul Gate is my fave for the moment Quite different than any "living" nations, dark and spectral ... Very fun !
I like Soul Gate with a Lich Queen with dominion 10, scales -3/-3/-3/-3/-3/+3, an Ermorian Citadel, and 3F 3A 3W 4E 9D 3N magic
The only thing that is not really covered is blood (but nobody is going to be alive anyway) and astral. Fortunately, you are quite likely to get a Dusk Elder with an astral pick sooner or later or to find an independent astral mage, which allows you to do astral probing.
You can never get too many gems
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
Originally posted by Torvak: Arcoscephale with a D4 or 5 PoD. Wraith Lords, Arch Angels and Tartarians gallore.
Trying them in order...this failed miserably for me. I got hit by two enemies around turn 20, and my miserable province defense caused me to fold like origami. I never found a supply of death gems, so my pretender was more or less useless.
I've tried Arco several times and failed each time...I must be missing their strengths. They just seem too physically weak to do anything -- they get outmanned by more physical nations, and their magic can't keep up.