Re: OT: My fun evening...
If your girl friend has Safeco, or State Farm insurance she is F*****. I was rear ended in at the post office by a drunk drive, and my insurance paid for his damages and medical. You see, he simply ran an add in the paper asking for witness, will pay, and guess what, he got them. My insurance company, Safeco, gave him the idea, despite his arrest for DUI, his third by the way, he altimately wins.
Now State Farm is just a fricking rip off, if they can find a way to weazle out, they will.
When the revolution comes, and it will, I can only hope that I am of able mind and body to seek retribution upon those who run insurance companies. If any one should be consider Axis of Evil, I sware to God that they should be Insurance Companies, The IRS, and Banks.
Sorry to hear about her problem, she'll prevail. Have her check into having him charged with hit and run, and see if her insurance company will agree that it was an uninsured accident, therefore her uninsured insurance should pick up the tab.
And if she was up with you at the time on the accident, why did she not hear it? (Lawyers will ask)
[ December 15, 2002, 14:42: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.