TerranC - Hehe, I think now I understand. You are playing as monster, right? It is not supposed to work that way. The monsters were designed to be an AI and make things a little more interesting. Try adding the monsters as a computer player. The monsters will use designs otherwise impossible for an AI (like using 3 or more weapons, special components and so on). I am fairly certain you'll find a few surprises then.
Andres - Yes, you are completely right. Humans would never see a habitat facility, so I didn't bother with descriptions.
mottlee - Hmm, good question. Gee, I am not sure. Let's see what I did:
* added a new racial trait (that will make old .emps obsolete)
* changed requirements for some intel ops and added new tech area (basic intel)
* changed a few components and added a lot new ones to the end of the file
* changed most races AI files in respect to resource production
* maybe some other stuff I can't recall from the top of my head
I would suggest that you rename your old DevnullMod folder and then install the new Version. Try loading the old savegames with the new Version and see what happens. Sorry, I can't be of more help here.
to all - looks like I screwed up a little with my calculations and made monster tech way too cheap

. I did most tests with only one planet, 2000 points and under minister control (which means no bonus).
Anyway, in my current actual game I used 3 planets, 3000 points and low AI bonus and the monsters had maxed out their tech by turn 20

I suggest raising the cost of monster tech to a large amount, say 150000.
You can do this yourselves.
1. Find the techarea.txt file in .../DevnullModGold/Data.
2. Change the Last entry to:
Name := Monster Tech
Group := Applied Science
Description := Only for the bad and ugly guys.
Maximum Level := 12
Level Cost := 150000
Start Level := 1
Raise Level := 2
Racial Area := 6
Unique Area := 0
Can Be Removed := False
Number of Tech Req := 0
I will test this tonight and make it part of a patch, if more bugs / suggestions come in.