Ludus : Latin for games!
Status Page:

Everyone has been added to the e-mail notification list. I'll send out a diplomatic e-mail list so that people can use it for diplomacy in game.
Game Type: TCP/IP (static server)
Speed: 24 hour hosting for as long as possible, until the majority of the players vote in 48 hour hosting. This game is designed to have quick pace for hosting.
Quickhost: Enabled
Era: Early
Players: 10
Start: Nations will be assigned when we are filled. The game will start 48 hours after nations are posted. That will give you two days to create pretender Gods for the nation you have been randomly assigned.
Nation Selection: Random with exceptions (see below). Only 2 water nations allowed.
Map: 15 provinces per player pre-generated map. Below is a link to a picture of the map itself including a connection between the two large bodies of water.
Victory Conditions: 90 out of 150 (~60%) provinces controlled, or the surrendering of all other players.
Graphs: Off
Renaming: On
Everything Else: Defaults
Masterpass: There will be one
Length: This game is designed for quick turns. Staling without notice will get you set to AI or dropped from the game very quickly.
Nation Selection: Once the game is full I will randomly assign nations out. When signing up players may request up to THREE nations they DON�T want. These are nations you DO NOT want to play. Sign up in this thread. There will be only 2 water nations, and 8 land nations at most. There is a possibility of no water nations, or only one as well.
After nations are assigned I�ll need you to email your pretender password to jazzepi(at) This is because I�ve had issues with the Master Password working in the past AND so we can give your nation to another human player if you disappear. This is not optional. If you PM me your password make sure and include your email address if you would like to be included in the diplomacy email distribution list or want email notifications when turns host.
Once I have your password I�ll send you the ip/port of the server where you can upload your pretender. Once everyone is uploaded I�ll send out an email listing everyone�s email contact for diplomacy purposes and add you to the game turn email notification list (unless you specify otherwise). Then the game starts.
If you don't want to download from the server, feel free to download the map files from the attachment. They're zipped up, and both need to be placed in your zip folder.
Quickhost will be enabled. We will remain on 24 hours hosting until enough players vote to switch over. We'll need at least 50% of the currently active players to vote for 48 hours, or longer, before we change.
Players who wish to surrender (resign) should simply let me know so we can find a replacement or turn the nation to computer controlled. If you will be unavailable for longer than a few days please let me know. Failing to do you turn twice a in a row without letting us know will get you put on AI. If I think you are missing too many turns (e.g. 3 out of the last 6) I will put you on AI. Once (*ahem* - If) I am eliminated I�ll rely on the remaining players to tell me when something needs done with the game.
Finally, I'd like to send out a huge thank you to Velusion for hosting the game server, which includes the one this game will be run on. The e-mail notification he has is the only reason I can play in so many games at once. I also stole... er, borrowed, his game setup routine.