
October 2nd, 2004, 01:46 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
I already beat you to that joke.
I know who I'd vote for: http://www.drunkduck.com/Culture_Shock/
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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October 2nd, 2004, 02:17 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
I still want to see a five-way debate with Badnarik, Cobb, and Nader included. It is very unlikely to happen this year, but maybe in 2008.
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SE4 CODE: A-- Se+++* GdY $?/++ Fr! C++* Css Sf Ai Au- M+ MpN S Ss- RV Pw- Fq-- Nd Rp+ G- Mm++ Bb@ Tcp- L+

October 2nd, 2004, 02:19 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
Will said:
I still want to see a five-way debate with Badnarik, Cobb, and Nader included. It is very unlikely to happen this year, but maybe in 2008.
Damned 2 party, corporate-controlled system...

October 2nd, 2004, 04:05 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
I want to see Nader debate these too. Liberal Nader is a walking hypocrite with his endorsements from the conservative Reform party.
But Anyone who dares to think this is a draw or bush won needs to stop taking LSD or huffing clorine tablets for the pool. Bush did no better than Al Gore or Dan Quayle this time.
But on quotes, when bush asked kerry "Do you think the soldiers in iraq died for a mistake?" Kerry should have shot back, flat and level, "No, they are dying for your mistake." and not say another word after that on that topic.

October 2nd, 2004, 04:16 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
Never mind. 
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October 2nd, 2004, 04:50 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
Colonel said:
Gandalf Parker said:
Well at least he doesnt "flip flop" He stays resolute to his convictions no matter what anyone says, no matter what anyone proves, and no matter what he based his judgement on has fallen by the wayside since then. THATS what we need in a president. Fantacism.
Im not voting for Kerry as much as Im voting against Bush.
WOW I swear this is the reason the democrats need to hit back on the flip flop thing. BUSHEY FLIPED TOOOOOOO At first he was against Home LAnd sequrity but was swayed by Congressional Leadership. Thier were a few taxes that he supported but was stopped by his rich friends. IS that who you really want running the country. A person who can be pushed over by Republican Leadership or Big Bizness
Saecrh the web for a file named 4-28-03-bushvbush-hres.mov (if you google it you can find it on the first page that comes up) that settles the point on flipflopping for me, it's like if people change their minds it's a bad thing, imho people should be allowed to change their minds, wether for worse or better (and that also depends on your point of view) but if nobody changes their minds about anything we wouldnt even have to have any debates because everyones mind would already be set on whom they will vote (an it seems that is the case already for 80% of the americans, because they will not sway from their oh-so-beloved political party)
if you didnt notice i'm critisizing both sides here.

October 2nd, 2004, 11:32 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
boran_blok said:
Saecrh the web for a file named 4-28-03-bushvbush-hres.mov (if you google it you can find it on the first page that comes up) that settles the point on flipflopping for me, it's like if people change their minds it's a bad thing, imho people should be allowed to change their minds, wether for worse or better (and that also depends on your point of view) but if nobody changes their minds about anything we wouldnt even have to have any debates because everyones mind would already be set on whom they will vote (an it seems that is the case already for 80% of the americans, because they will not sway from their oh-so-beloved political party)
if you didnt notice i'm critisizing both sides here.
Yeah that was kindof the point I was making. Another word for "flip flop" would be flexible, another word for "determined" would be fanatical. Most of the flip-flops mentioned on Kerry sound pretty reasonable when you look at them. There were always changed situations, or changes to what was originally agreed on when he said he would go one way, or perfectly good details involved with changing his mind. Sounds like a good thing to me. Even if he WERE weak willed it would amount to listening to his advisors which would be a good balancing factor.
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October 2nd, 2004, 02:49 PM
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Re: OT: Debate
Atrocities said:
Debates are just forums for those participating to spread their views. They mean nothing past the soap box they stand on.
Considering that 62.5 Million people watched the Debate Thursday, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the effect Bush's performance had.
62.5 Million people got to watch Bush slouch over the podium, sneer, shuffle the same piece of paper over & over, stammer, studder, repeat "it's hard work" 11 times, and continuously link Saddam to 9/11 (despite Kerry pointing it out towards the end). On the other side those 62.5 million people got to see Kerry stand straight & proud all night, smile, respond sharply, and not repeat the same points over and over again.
Kerry acted like a President should, while Bush acted like a man who finally wasn't being sheltered in a small auditoriom with 5000 loalty-oath signing blind supporters. Being out in the real world can only hurt Bush more.
Bush's only hope now of not comming off as a complete stubborn incompetent boob is the Town Hall Debate, because that Last Debate on domestic issues is going to be a slaughterfest with Bush on the dinner table with an apple in his mouth.
Here piggy piggy piggy...

October 4th, 2004, 11:46 AM
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Re: OT: Debate
"Well, actually, he forgot Poland. And now there's 30 nations involved, standing side by side with our American troops".
Looks like Poland isn't in Iraq for the long haul:
Poland could withdraw Iraq troops

October 4th, 2004, 01:25 PM
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Re: OT: Debate
Roanon said:
That is what I meant - people do not think about facts any more to arrive at a decision. So it does not make sense to make debates.
Most people have their political beliefs, like a religion, and no debate will change it, and even if one of the candidates would start growing horns and hooves and smell of sulfur the majority of his supporters would not budge. Idiots are ruling this world...
I don't agree. I was a Bush supporter before the debate. Mostly because Kerry is such a slimey little toad that I can't stand him, but after seeing Bush debate the "issues" I am firmly back into the Undecided camp. I mean seriously, how can you vote for a President that comes across as a nitwit who has trouble tying his own shoes. I can't take anything Bush or Kerry says at face value since they both lie their teeth out to get the job.
Just once in this country I'd like to have a president that I could vote FOR instead of one that i'm just voting AGAINST in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable.
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