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Old February 20th, 2004, 07:52 PM

Hawkmoon Hawkmoon is offline
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Default New Ulm Pretender ?

I know everyone has their idea on things and I know the devs get a truckload of requests but I would love a bad *** knight commander as a pretender. I mean...how cool would it be to have an Uber Knight Lord who basically had mages and priests around to deal with the "cowardly" nations that use such ignoble means to achieve victory?
I love the Iron Faith theme and I have had some good success with it gaming in my circle of 6 buddies. We are all very very new to Dom-(which may explain my success)-but we all love it. But how out of character is it for my Iron Faith Ulmites to be ruled by A.) A Rainbow Mage Human or B.)Super Combatant Non-Human. I see Iron Faith Ulm as being led by an almost fanatical desire to eliminate magic and magical beings.
Anyone familiar with DragonLance out there? I'm sure probably everyone...lol...but the Knight Commander could be in the mold of either Lord Soth or Sturm BrightBlade-(Good vs Evil Ulm). I just wish my choices for a human pretender weren't limited to mages I guess. Especially with the ability to rename commanders...Dom is a great mix of rpg and fantasy wargame...now let me roleplay my nation the way it should be!!
Heh heh heh...can anyone give me an idea why I might be off base or maybe even a "Good idea Hawkmoon, we're on it!"...

PS Please don't mention modding to me as my crew and I are about worthless for anything except for gaming, emailing, web surfing or running business related programs. Not looking for wholesale change...just a hardcore Knight Lord for Ulm is all.
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Old February 20th, 2004, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

then again you need to explain WHY a simply but strong knight would try to become god. When you look at the current pretenders most have a goal lich queen finally mastered death itself now only has one goal left, or the lord of the hunt blabla is trying to the forests alive or blabla the prince of death whatever, they all have certain goals that make them look like pretenders, i dont see a knight would try to become god, except for the glory and honor and stuff.
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Old February 20th, 2004, 08:38 PM

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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

Knight would become god because of blah blah, like all others !
Frankly I don't think that the fact that you can't have a rationale for it should be a mjor issue..
I like Hawkmoon idea, I feel that there's a lack of non-giant fighting pretenders
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Old February 20th, 2004, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

If you fought anyone/-thing, and beat it, what is left to fight? Death himself ...

Choose the Arch Mage, deck him out, see him die nevertheless, have you priest call him back what doesn't do him much bad as you wouldn't have him started with magic paths anyway

mmh, sound more like an "eternal knight" than an "immortal knight", but he's striving for true immortality anyway, doesn't he?

[ February 21, 2004, 15:47: Message edited by: Arralen ]
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
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Old February 20th, 2004, 08:43 PM

Hawkmoon Hawkmoon is offline
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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

Hmmm...why would a Knight want to attain Godhood...a good question...with only one really good answer, how many do you need though..right?

1. Knight in question drew the sword from the stone so to speak and has been granted immortality along with a host of badness he can dish out now. Thus armed with eternal life, a weapon of legend and the skill and will to use it, he executes his dream of unifying the land under his rule. This doesn't have t be a sword mind you, could be a lance, armor, crown, helm, etc...but that would be the most logical explanation. Artifact induced immortality that allows him to lead the Great War.

2. Why must he fight for Godhood? Or even desire to attain Godhood? He has known warfare for as long as he has lived, tiring of the never ending battle and wishing for another Golden Age, he decides to rid the world of pretenders, thus unifying his land once and for all and inadvertantly becoming a God himself. Of course you could take the "evil" side of this also...

3. His heart filled with pride and yet poisoned at the same time with the realization that Ulm will never again regain the glory that once was, Commander Hawkmoon lashes out at the world, determined to expunge all others and reforge the Empire that once was.

I don't know...there are sharper people than me out there but those are some possible scenarios and far more interesting than the descriptions on a few of the pretenders IMHO...

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Old February 20th, 2004, 08:56 PM

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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?


I believe the present mod tools allow you to mod a new Ulm pretender of this nature if you should so desire.

And I like your explanations. Of course, my take on Iron Faith is that all magic practiced OUTSIDE the faith is evil and sacreligious. Of course, the pure magic of the pretender to whom the faith is devoted is sacred, holy, and righteous.
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Old February 20th, 2004, 09:08 PM

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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

Yeah...if I were so inclined..I could learn to use the modding tools but I am basically lazy and short on time. What little time I do have is to be spent playing...As for the take on Iron Faith...to each his own...we are all a bit hypocritical anyway...why not in gaming as well...heh heh heh..."Magick is bad !! Err....except for any and all artifacts/spells/rituals that allow me to crush, conquer and retain my position of authority that is...heh heh heh...I eman...I cuold make a sort of Knight character out of the mounted mage as was suggested but I want my Knigh to look like a Knight and have some background fluff...ah well.....we all have hopes and dreams....
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Old February 20th, 2004, 10:57 PM
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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

I made a mod for essentially this same concept, called Warrior King of Ulm, though I haven't finished the graphics or added the new 2.08 modding touches yet. Maybe I'll try to finish that up.

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Old February 20th, 2004, 11:02 PM

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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

Originally posted by Hawkmoon:
Yeah...if I were so inclined..I could learn to use the modding tools but I am basically lazy and short on time. What little time I do have is to be spent playing...As for the take on Iron Faith...to each his own...we are all a bit hypocritical anyway...why not in gaming as well...heh heh heh..."Magick is bad !! Err....except for any and all artifacts/spells/rituals that allow me to crush, conquer and retain my position of authority that is...heh heh heh...I eman...I cuold make a sort of Knight character out of the mounted mage as was suggested but I want my Knigh to look like a Knight and have some background fluff...ah well.....we all have hopes and dreams....
Well, it's quite simple to mod a Pretender.
If you want, post here the stats and abilities you want your KnightGod to have and I'd make it up - I'll use a Knight bitmap (choose the one you prefer from the ingame knights) and will have it replace the Alchimist (Ulm special Pretender). Basically that's what have been done in the HoburgSP mod, you can also have a look at it if you want to make it yourself ...
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Old February 20th, 2004, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

This would be a kickass idea as far as I'm conserned. An immortal combatant pretender that's not a vampire queen.

Personally I would just rip the stats for the Black Lord unit, perhaps add two to each attribute for good measure, slap the "immortal" power on him and leave him at that. Good solid 0 point pretender right there.

But I'm sure you guys will want to add one or two more powers on it just to spice things up a bit.
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