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Old March 22nd, 2003, 04:41 AM

Owlman Owlman is offline
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Default OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

What kind of ending was that for Farscape! The best scifi series ever (Ready to hear the B5 fanboys *****, their wrong, but what can you do?) gets the worst ending ever! Even the horrible Voyager ending was better. It was a damn good episode, one of the best in the Series' history, but the Last minute screwed it royally.

But on a positve note, I believe that Lexx, yes I said Lexx, had the best finale. It was actually emotional, and was 5000 times better than the rest of the series.
Assault on a police officer, theft of police property, illegal possession of a firearm, 5 counts of attempted murder! That comes to $29.20, cash, check, or credit card!-Farscape
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 05:05 AM
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

WOOO Yeah, Lexx RULES!!!!
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 06:30 AM

Taz-in-Space Taz-in-Space is offline
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

What kind of ending was that for Farscape!
Who said that was an ENDING? After all it did say: TO BE CONTINUED
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 06:45 AM
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

Ready to hear the B5 fanboys *****, their wrong, but what can you do?
I have never seen any B5 fans here "*****" about Farscape. There have been rational discussions, sure. But no "*****ing".

Also, your term "B5 fanboys" implies that B5 is childish, and Farscape is adult/mature. Such a statement is wholey unfounded, and quite wrong. Whether you meant this or not, it is what you said.

Your opinion is not the end-all, beat-all. You need to respect other people's opinions too.

[ March 22, 2003, 04:51: Message edited by: Imperator Fyron ]
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 07:05 AM
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

The only thing about that ended that "sucked" was that there will be no season 5, at least not as far as we know. Does this ever leave our imaginations to wonder how this story would have been resolved. What was that alien? Had it been seen before in Farscape?

I actually liked this finale...it might have been lousy if they had just gotten aboard the ship and flown off. Now we know that the crew's adventures continue...if only in our minds!!
I'm about to turn it up a notch!!

Where's the ka-boom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering ka-boom!
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 08:45 AM
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

Hmm, too bad I didn't see this thread... posted a response in the other Farscape thread. (Yes, that's a link...)
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

I missed the ending of FS, well double damn it! I was simply too tired to stay up and see it. Oh well, I'll have to catch it on a re-run or on DVD.

I have noticed that a lot of fine Sci-Fi tv shows that have become staples over the years are all coming to an ended without having been replaced.

Lexx - [insert]Violent shudder[/insert]

Oh sure, they promis New Battlestar Galatica, but we all know that 'that' may or may not be a good thing if done wrong.

We have Enterprise, but lets face it, although it is centuries better, little pun, than Voyager, it still is Star Trek, and is getting old.

Farscape was a brand new kind of sci-fi adventure that often took its fans on a impressive joy ride to place and story lines that no other sci-fi story has ever gone before. That was one of its most appealing things.

Stargate is just a really well done and neat show to watch. Good character interaction and thus far really good stories. I love the P90. Too bad its for military and Law Enforcement only, or I would already have one.

Lexx, well what can I say, it was interesting at first, and had a really nice looking women in it. But the whole bug in space thing just did not stick well with me. Still an interesting show to say the least.

Too bad that most of us who enjoy writing, or think that we can write, can't sell some of our ideas for new sci-fi shows. I for one think it would be really nice to be creative consultant and head writer/exc producer of my own - well received and adored - sci-fi series. Hell I would even settle for a non-sci-fi series if I could have a good job in writing and directing producing.

Tis been far too long since I left that arena.
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 05:38 PM

phaet2112 phaet2112 is offline
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

Here's an idea for everyone who was incredibly let down by the "finale" of Farscape-

Write SciFi and ask them "Why did you end Farscape like that? What is continued? What happened...who was that freaky alien? I WANT TO KNOW!"

I am SO pissed at SciFi for the GALL to "end" the series that way. Like other people said, B5 got its ending, Lexx got its ending. Hell, even Voyager got its ending. Buffy will get its ending. I really, really hope several of the other SciFi fans, inc. B5, Stargate, and Buffy, will band together to get Farscape one more season. This is not about which show is better. This is about a network ripping off the fans and the writers. They broke a commitment to the producers and writers of the show, and now the memory and quality of the show is forever tainted with an asterisk. If SciFi never wanted a 5th season, then the writers would not have had that ending. But Farscape will forever be frelled because the high ups at SciFi/USA networks/Vivendi think that the following "shows" are better places to put their money.

a) Dream Team (failure- the Ratings are below 0.4 total failure)
b) Battlestar Galactica. (Im sorry...it was a Star Wars ripoff in the first place, with teh cheesy Egyptian stuff? Let it stay dead in the 70s and 80s when dirk and adama wereat their heyday)
c) Tremors?! TREMORS? like I want to watch Mr. Keaton grunt and shout as he shoots animatronic or CGI monsters. Ugh

Im sad

[ March 22, 2003, 15:39: Message edited by: phaet2112 ]
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

Let's clear up a misconception.

The writers knew that this was to be the Last season before they started writing it. So the ending was intentional. It was David Kempler's way of telling the SciFi network "Screw you! You can't kill this show."

One way or another Farscape will be back.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 12:52 AM

phaet2112 phaet2112 is offline
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Default Re: OT Wow, Now I\'ve seen the worst ending in Scifi

I thought they didn't get word till after the Last day of shooting the final episode.
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