Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
I didn't know you were that big (T'ien Ch'i auto-PD thingy is a black hole for spies), but just with basic geography it certainly looked really, really bad. I assumed that the southern continent was in Ulm hands and not yours, but considering Ulm's decision, it really would have made no difference at all.
It's really up to Bandar Log if they want to continue our slugfest for the sake of continuing it... As long as for lore sake that Shinuyama is allowed to exist and that there's no temples built for 500 miles around our lands, I don't mind considering my war with Bandar Log a draw and to give Oceania the victory and overall leadership. If Groundworms prefers to continue the war though, I'll indulge them and fight until one of us win or until T'ien Ch'i or Oceania gets bored and clean us off the map.