Originally Posted by Double_Deuce
Comrade Skirmisher, your next mission in the campaign is attached . . .
Comrade, although the loss of the Commissar was a blow to our country his replacement has arrived in time for the next mission. As your men were unable to finish the job the other night, the enemy was able to withdraw in good order and has been slowly moving back towards the safety of Tsentral'nyy. You must press the attack and run the White dogs down, clearing the road to Tsentral'nyy and the area around Alexseev's farm.**
The attack will take place sometime after noon in the hopes that you can catch them on the open road as they evacuate their supply and munitions wagons. The weather is expected to be clear. The destruction of the supply and munition wagons is critical. As you advance, Comrade Roman will be attempting to cut off their western army's escape route along the Tsentral'nyy - Chil'Chikan Causeway.**
Failure here is, well, unacceptable.**
Mission #02
Things started rather badly. The supply officer has informed me that my request for armored cars has been denied.
Then he tells me I have a few handfulls of points to repair my tattered forces.
A new maxum HMG is purchased,one Cossak platoon is brought up to full strength.
As soon as the battle starts I see enemy units on the road just ahead. The new HMG unit opens up on an enemy squad.
The combined return fire from 4 or 5 units kills most of the HMG unit and the rest flee. Easy come,easy go.
We push the enemy as ordered and at the end of the day mission accomplished. We lost a decent amount of men from various other units. None were destroyed but most,if not all where weakened.
At least we didn't fail,and the new Commissar is intact.
He spent the afternoon calling in mortar strikes.
Final turn files sent.