Originally Posted by DonCorazon
I have had the RPG itch of late. Was about to re-load NWN2 and see if I could get into it when I came across this German game - Drakensang. Wonder if its any good?
I too have recently had that most horrid of gamer-diseases, the RPG itch. Specifically the urge for a new Morrowind-esque atmospheric exploration RPG. I looked up Drakensang, it looked very promising at first until I discovered that it's really, really old-school in its style. As in, some reviewer said he fought only 6 different enemy types (mostly animals) for the first -fourty- hours. I don't really think I could stand that kind of repetitiveness.
I've started playing Arcanum through again, I didn't really get that far last time. It's more comparable to Baldur's Gate with the world map and isometric perspective than Morrowind's massive 3D countryside. The graphics aren't exactly top-notch either. However, the atmosphere is rather awesome if you like steam-punk-esque fantasy and they've put a fair amount of work into the world and its lore. If you haven't played it you might give it a try. Picture a world of magic VS technology, where half-ogres, dwarves, elves and half-orcs wear tophats, carry shotguns and ride in steam trains. You can create a mage of incomparable power, but because of the negative effect magic has on technology you have to ride in the very back of the train in a special compartment or alternatively you could create the gnomish equivilent of Nikola Tesla but none of your party's mage's healing spells are guaranteed to work on you. Or make a dashing rogue who robs banks with a pistol and metal armour ala Ned Kelly, a foppish half-elven dandy who can't do anything much on his own and relies on his way with words and cotrie of thugs or anything in between, it has quite a robust character creator (just not much difference in graphical representation).
Anyone played any comparable games to Morrowind they wouldn't hesitate to recommend?