Re: new patch
Everyone attention please!
At the beginning of turn 14, holy T'ien Ch'i(at 67) has just received an amazingly terrifying report from the locals!
Two provinces of T'ien Ch'i (107 and 91) were attacked by large groups of over-fat ape demons and mercenaries from the barbarian-like nation Lanka(at 115) ! They have invaded us without saying any word, which is an much eviler invasion than what German did to Poland in 1939 - at least Nazi did declare war before they invade!
It was a massacre. Our peaceful peasants tried to escape but these wild demons(Anusara) which got a F9S9N9(!!!) bless slaughtered them all. The blood of humans was bleeding, the heavenly gods were crying, the motherly earth was trembling.
It can be easily concluded that this major invasion was long planned. These evil demons designed their False-god a F9S9N9 bless and bought lots of mercenaries for an early rush, which proved their black blood and black heart.
Now, peaceful T'ien Ch'i is at risk! The whole world is at risk!! Please think about it! What is a F9S9N9 bless for? WAR!!!
We must stop these demons from conquering and destroying!! Or there will be no chance for the goodness in the world.