Been playing a computer-generated campaign in WinSPWW2. I have ALL settings in Preferences maximized for Germans and minimized for USA. Even with these settings, US Infantry are deadly against German Infantry at 10 hexes away. US Infantry are killing TIGER TANKS with Bazookas from 4 hexes away. Tiger tanks are massed with 5 tanks firing at one US squad, and the US squad might as well be in an underground bunker. NO damage at all. Tiger tanks might as well be firing blanks.
When played this way in SPWW2 Gen Ed the US gets clobbered. Are the games so different that the Preferences in WinSPWW2 have zero effect on the actual game play? Are the OOBs slanted so much at an Allied advantage in WinSPWW2 that altering the Preferences makes no difference whatsoever? It sure seems that way. If altering the preferences has such little effect, why have Preferences at all?

I can't believe that the MG42 has such little effect on Allied Infantry, yet the Browning .30 cal air cooled hoses down troops like a scythe.
Do I have to physically go into the US OOB and hack them down to some lower level closer to reality, or has someone already done this, and where can I get the fix?